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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/ Visual studio community edition is free
  2. Change these 2 lines for the meantime: int max_blv_exp_gain = 5; // when player reach this BaseLevel, they stop gain BaseExp int max_jlv_exp_gain = 5; // when player reach this JobLevel, they stop gain JobExp I just learned that addBattleConf needs some changes so that it can read from battle folder.
  3. Which servers to close first? I tried closign map-server first and waiting 10 minutes, but some players are still losing items.Use @kickallKicking all would mean force saving the characters, I usually give broadcast in server from 1 hour before. So that's clear indication for not doing anything important. (Also don't believe what the others say), kickall should save all things almost instantly, so closing all of them after few seconds of kicking would mean the same as closing map server and waiting...
  4. There's no such line in that plugin
  5. Invalid default value: problem is similar to https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/276 You just need to change default attribute from sql file of fluxcp
  6. You don't need physical map file but I suspect there might be physical map file that's why this error is coming
  7. That Error usually happens when you manually rename the map file, you need to rename it via browedit
  8. ACMD(autoattack) { if (sd->bl.m != map->mapname2mapid("gold_room_map_name")) { clif->message(fd, "AutoAttack cannot be used on this map."); return false; } if (sd->sc.option & OPTION_AUTOATTACK) { sd->sc.option &= ~OPTION_AUTOATTACK; unit->stop_attack(&sd->bl); clif->message(fd, "Auto Attack OFF"); } else { sd->sc.option |= OPTION_AUTOATTACK; timer->add(timer->gettick()+200, autoattack_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); clif->message(fd, "Auto Attack ON"); } clif->changeoption(&sd->bl); return true; }
  9. db/item_vending.txt You have that file? Please mention the client date if you have installed all the files and not yet working
  10. Hercules bug (introduced on recent training ground changes): Fixed @ https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/c40d4995c93a9e932356ed952328f97e97c3aa0f (Please open bug report at github, so it could be referred on commit message, and also not all dev see forum for bug report)
  11. WeeMapCache would change the MapID completely, It have some weird issues with water tiles Better to use hercules mapcache with --rebuild argument "mapcache.exe --rebuild" would rebuild the mapcache completely.
  12. Honestly, Dev's are more interested in raw data, rather than testing from server(which is too much time consuming), but testing too are required, but only some times, and not everytime
  13. Maybe because this GRF is LZMA compressed, and he might be using normal cps?
  14. You should probably provide more information with screenshots and crashdump
  15. For Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC
  16. https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/autoattack.c My Plugin Collection have all updated plugins (and is usually updated)
  17. Probably not, since Shield for RO requires modification on server side, and on aegis, we don't have source code of it(but only compiled zone and db/script files)
  18. Dastgir


    New Clients Aren't supported
  19. db/(pre-)re/map_zone_db.conf Find the zone with name: "All" Add These Mapflags: mapflags: ( "weapon_damage_rate 200", "magic_damage_rate 200", "misc_damage_rate 200", "long_damage_rate 200", "short_damage_rate 200", ) These will double the attacks (200% Damage)
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