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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Dastgir


    What's problem with OnHour or OnClock? This is in suggestion section... So I disagree for it to be added to emulator, while this may be good as source/plugin release...
  2. Seems like hourly reminder.. Use NEMO and diff with remove hourly reminder
  3. You are using Gravity's ArtWork(maps/mobs/items) and a client made by Gravity.. While for small scale, i doubt if gravity would take action, but if you are planning this for very large player base.. You should be prepared...
  4. If you are looking for whole new MMO, using RO client would be risky.. Gravity holds the copyrights...
  5. Might be cloudflare, it might have detected some.kind of attacks from range of ip, and that included yours?You could contact some rA staff to get it solved...
  6. Remove if ((gettime(4) == 3 && gettime(3) == 21) || (gettime (4) == 6 && gettime(3) == 21)){ //Sub Routine S_HealerWoE si Mercredi ou Samedi 21h callsub S_HealerWoE; if ((gettime(4) == 3 && gettime(3) == 23) || (gettime (4) == 6 && gettime(3) == 23)){ //Sub Routine S_Healer si Mercredi ou Samedi 23h callsub S_Healer; } } else { //Sub Routine jour normaux callsub S_Healer; } And insert the same code after - script Healer#uni -1,{ (And an 'end;' after those statement)
  7. Guide: http://herc.ws/board/topic/152-obtaining-hercules/
  8. src/map/pc.c Find sd->subele[i] += val;Replace with sd->subele[i] += min(sd->subele[i]+val, 120); Find sd->subele[type2] += val; Replace with sd->subele[type2] = min(sd->subele[type2]+val, 120);
  9. battle.c Find all lines containing *something here*long_attack_def_rate Replace with min(*something here*long_attack_def_rate, 85); e.g: damage -= damage * tsd->bonus.long_attack_def_rate / 100;Todamage -= damage * min(tsd->bonus.long_attack_def_rate,85) / 100;85 = max value(cap rate)Change according to your needs
  10. 1) https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation Add new grf in data.ini before data.grf. 2) same as above 3) you really want to use launcher? RO client with restore login window patch from NEMO works great
  11. With nemos "Enable Mailbox for all langtypes" patch it even works with 2014-10-22bRagexe. however, 2015 clients won't support it anymore I guess 2015 have rodex, which is mail system
  12. ItemInfo.lub should be in System Folder outside the grf, in the RO folder...
  13. Don't use Paypal,for Donations
  14. prontera,150,150,5 script Teleporter 1_M_YOUNGKNIGHT,{ .n$ = "[ Teleporter ]"; mes .n$; mes "Please enter the Floor Number."; mes "==============================="; mes "List of Active Maps"; if (query_sql("SELECT id, name, level, status FROM npc ", .@id, .@name$, .@level, .@status)) { for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@status); .@i++) { if (.@status[.@i] == 1) { mes .@name$[.@i]; } } } next; input(.@mapList); for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@status); .@i++) { if ( .@mapList == .@level && .@status == 1 ) { switch(select(.@mapList)){ case 1: warp "prontera", 150, 155; break; case 2: warp "prontera", 150, 155; break; case 3: warp "prontera", 150, 155; break; case 4: warp "prontera", 150, 155; break; case 5: warp "prontera", 150, 155; break; default: mes "No Warp Location Specified"; close; } } } mes .n$; mes "Unable to find the Floor number. Please enter the Active Floors."; close; }
  15. They don't support Extended ASCII characters, so move the file to any folder which does not contain Extended ASCII char, and then it would work fine
  16. Dastgir


    You need MySQL, isn't it?
  17. I receiver basic configuration to $150 O.o Basic is 150$Additional modules cost more....
  18. Pretty much, it would be finding it in grf and not on data folder...
  19. Been working on it since past 2-3 days, and Rankings are implemented completely(need to test off, but code is done)
  20. Use "screen" command, you can search on Hercules Forum, on how to install and use screen
  21. Replied. (Please allow atleast 1 day for me to check the PM's , i can't check it as soon as you send it xD)
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