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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. I'm just using this file, is there any other? I thought the program automatically generated the .diff Yes that's nemo, once you load the Client, click on Select Recommended button, and then click on Apply Selected.
  2. Use proper client, diff client with disable ragexe file name check,Did you use nemo to diff the file?
  3. http://herc.ws/board/files/file/182-old-prontera/ Download this, and merge with your grf
  4. https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/data/luafiles514/lua%20files
  5. DemiHuman is a race. Player = Race(only real players are given this race) NonDemiHuman = All Race except DemiHuman NonPlayer = All Race except Player(basically, all monsters) DemiPlayer = DemiHuman+Player NonDemiPlayer = Every race except DemiHuman and Player
  6. I see (unavailable) tag, maybe you opened some wrong file? Or vcproj-14 folder doesn't exist in your Hercules?
  7. It was already fixed a week or two ago, I just didn't leave any note here What's that item Id? Happens with all items?
  8. i warp to prontera typing @go 0 then loads 3% gets me error. ==Get the old prontera from download section
  9. Never use WeeMapCache Server sided mapcache works well. WeeMapCache have other issues as well (cannot detect water cells properly, etc...)
  10. src/map/mob.h #define MAX_MOB_DROP 10 #define MAX_MVP_DROP 3 ^ You can increase it too (@@fxfreitas it's 10 drop, card is included in drop list, it's not necessary that 10th item is a card)
  11. Change nullpo_retv(ssd); To if (ssd == NULL) return;
  12. There's no npc like that in official, you need to manually check all your additions(or maybe someone added it in some other files to trouble you xD)
  13. http://www.robrowser.com/prototype/packet-keys/ That client have good keys, so you can use official key. About using custom key , be sure you don't put 0x in NEMO while entering the keys..
  14. Also keys are in hex, so valid characters are from 0-9 and A-F
  15. Provide screenshot of map,char,login serber after been rejected, so we can guess the solution by exact error message and it's preceding messages. Just make sure, that you make new account for admin(should not have account_Id 1), thats reserved for server.
  16. You should be specific of OS. To those who are wondering, Above guide is for CentOS
  17. What do you mean by that? Almost everyone cannot get the suggestion properly To those who cannot understand: This will do as Follows: If Player A wears item X and player B wears item Y, So itemX have the bonus as bonus2 bEquipItem,Y,10; So when player A attacks Player B, the server will check the opponent(Player equip if he wears Item Y, if yes, then damage will increase by 10%
  18. Yes, it's because of old GCC (4.7 in your case), which needs high amount of RAM, maybe try updating the gcc to at least 4.8 or 5.0, which will reduce the RAM consumption
  19. Locking the topic, both the topic and topic owner are alive and it would be good if you post on respective topic if topic owner is active and replying (he might be busy at something to fix it immediately, maybe wait till he can fix that problem)
  20. We can't focus on specific episodes too, we get information at random of random feature, which in most cases, are not sequential, and may be from old/new episodes.
  21. Yes, it works, thats why I said show how it works on TopicStarter script , mostly there is some typo error
  22. You should really post on how you generated and used the variable in cutin command
  23. No, item_combo checks source and apply additional bonus, but @@True Zeal wants like, if opponent wears specific item, them do +x% attack (x can be negative too)
  24. http://superuser.com/questions/381160/how-to-install-gcc-4-7-x-4-8-x-on-centos This is good guide for installing GCC 4.8 (a bit old, but works)
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