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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. You need both, install plugin, then load the script
  2. file: 'SERVER\db\pre-re\mob_db.conf', line: 147, exception: 'Input string was not in a correct format.' -------------- Message -------------- Input string was not in a correct format. -------------- Exception -------------- System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at System.Int32.Parse(String s) at SDE.Tools.DatabaseEditor.Generic.DbLoaders.DbLoaderMethods.DbMobsFunction[TKey](DbDebugItem`1 debug, AttributeList list, String[] elements, Table`2 table) at SDE.Tools.DatabaseEditor.Generic.DbLoaders.DbLoaderMethods.DbCommaLoader[T](DbDebugItem`1 debug, AttributeList list, DbCommaFunctionDelegate`1 function, TextFileHelperGetterDelegate getter, Boolean addAutomatically) i use pure mob_db.conf and i cant load mob db, go that message compile plugin db2sql and run map-server by map-server --load-plugin db2sql --db2sql ^ It will update your mob_db/item_db.sql can i conver mob_db and mob_skill_db use plugin db2sql ? now i can conver item_db use server database editor, but for mob i got that error message that db2sql will convert item_db and mob_db to sql
  3. file: 'SERVER\db\pre-re\mob_db.conf', line: 147, exception: 'Input string was not in a correct format.' -------------- Message -------------- Input string was not in a correct format. -------------- Exception -------------- System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at System.Int32.Parse(String s) at SDE.Tools.DatabaseEditor.Generic.DbLoaders.DbLoaderMethods.DbMobsFunction[TKey](DbDebugItem`1 debug, AttributeList list, String[] elements, Table`2 table) at SDE.Tools.DatabaseEditor.Generic.DbLoaders.DbLoaderMethods.DbCommaLoader[T](DbDebugItem`1 debug, AttributeList list, DbCommaFunctionDelegate`1 function, TextFileHelperGetterDelegate getter, Boolean addAutomatically) i use pure mob_db.conf and i cant load mob db, go that message compile plugin db2sql and run map-server by map-server --load-plugin db2sql --db2sql ^ It will update your mob_db/item_db.sql
  4. what's the value of MAPID_DORAM?
  5. I had this problem too ..in last hercules Please fixed as soon as possible, thanks!! Fixed: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/commit/4649e7d4c58463bb8891481afd05d7b1bcbd39b7 Thanks my god Dastgir !!!! But restock.c still had problem too....see below.... 1>------ Build started: Project: restock, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1> restock.c 1>..\src\plugins\restock.c(46): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' 1>..\src\plugins\restock.c(48): error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier 1>..\src\plugins\restock.c(49): error C2065: 'index' : undeclared identifier ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 7 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== Fixed
  6. I had this problem too ..in last hercules Please fixed as soon as possible, thanks!! Fixed: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/commit/4649e7d4c58463bb8891481afd05d7b1bcbd39b7
  7. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - script Free Rewards FAKE_NPC,{ OnHour11: OnHour13: OnHour17: OnHour19: OnEnable: .time = gettimetick(2)+(5*60); // 5 Minutes .available = true; .rewards$ = "Exp Boost"; announce "[ FREE "+.rewards$+" ] Re-login now! You have only 5 minutes for FREE "+.rewards$+".", bc_all; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: announce "[ FREE "+.rewards$+" ] You have 4 minutes left to relogin.", bc_all; end; OnTimer120000: announce "[ FREE "+.rewards$+" ] You have 3 minutes left to relogin.", bc_all; end; OnTimer180000: announce "[ FREE "+.rewards$+" ] You have 2 minutes left to relogin.", bc_all; end; OnTimer240000: announce "[ FREE "+.rewards$+" ] You have 1 minute left to relogin.", bc_all; end; OnTimer300000: announce "[ FREE "+.rewards$+" ] Time's Up...!", bc_all; stopnpctimer; .available = false; end; OnInit: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .available = false; .n$ = "^FF0000[Free EXP BOOST]^000000"; bindatcmd "expboost","Free Rewards::OnDoEvent",80,100; // Admin reset command //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end; OnDoEvent: // No Need of Reset, starting new event will reset the expboost. if (compare(.@atcmd_parameters$, "on")) { mes .n$; mes "FREE EXP BOOST is now enabled."; close2; callsub OnEnable; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (.available == true && .time > 0) { if (#expboost < .time) { #expboost = .time; sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,900000,150; sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM,900000,150; } } end; }
  8. Little Optimization: http://upaste.me/87eb7a (Used Loops and added proper intents) Hope you don't mind my edits @@Aeromesi
  9. @@Haru @@hemagx @@4144, why isn't constant read here?
  10. 2015-05-13a. u mean i will Find Doram in this Client??? Nope. :3Expect something soon...
  11. You need to know history of emulators... Hercules(founded ~ 2013) is fork of rA rAthena(founded ~ 2009-2010) is fork of eAthena(founded ~ 2004) eAthena is fork of jAthena(founded ~ 2002) So base of emulator is given by jAthena(Japan Athena), at early 2002, maybe c++ wasn't famous enough at that time...
  12. The format was never like that..Format are: Item = [[< image = "929">Immortal Heart<\end> (5)]], Hunt1 = [[ < link = "LITTLE_FATUM">Little Fatum<\end> x 6 ]], In Item, It is ItemID in image="ItemID" While in Hunt, link="SPRITE_NAME"
  13. You don't need to diff with anything else.
  14. TXT files are now updated too.
  15. https://github.com/3ceam/3ceam/ Its Managed by @@Rytech . Rytech have pretty small community for 3CeAM, and he have helped us alot, and he needed some dedicated place for 3CeAM Users, and hercules was glad to offer the place for 3CeAM Users.
  16. Highly unrecommended to remove those warnings. As in future, those case-sentitive checks may not be optional, and completely break your script. src/map/script.h #define ENABLE_CASE_CHECK you can comment it.
  17. conf/battle/misc.conf at_timeout: 0 ^ change 0 to 360 (Value is in minutes)
  18. Update: We recently introduced assert report for this, so one can know which function(in src) is causing it https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/8846818298750048288a39dc8072e15c7e67456d
  19. Download http://herc.ws/board/topic/12001-izlude-negra/?p=70158
  20. Dastgir

    Compiling Problem

    Corrupted project? Clean the project first? @@Haru
  21. If someone(People with SQL access) set ID as 4000(and current high is 3000), it would start counting from 4000 then... (Also, use order by query to know if account ID are in sequence) SELECT * FROM login ORDER BY account_id ASC; OR, The accounts are deleted?
  22. Autoloot doesn't affect the script, you use getitem, which goes directly to inventory, if you use makeitem (with proper Co ordinates , it would always drop item on floor)
  23. - script MvP Drop FAKE_NPC,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (getmonsterinfo(killedrid, 22)) { for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.items); .@i += 3) { if ( rand( 10000 ) < .items[.@i + 2] ) { getitem .items[.@i], .items[.@i + 1]; announce "Wow! " +strcharinfo( 0 )+ " has obtained " +getitemname(.items[.@i])+ " [" +.items[.@i + 1]+ "] from " +getmonsterinfo(killedrid, 0)+ ".",bc_all; } } } end; OnInit: // <item id>,<amount>,<chance> // Chance: 1 = 0.1% setarray .items[0],14232, 2, 5, 7615, 1, 3, 7227, 1, 2, 7179, 1, 1; end; }
  24. Items cannot be 3d, items are sprite based, whereas monsters/npc could be 3d..
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