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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. 1) po must be saved in ASCII (if I remember well) 2) Client should use correct codepage (use OpenSetup and ROExt, and change the codepage to other language)
  2. @@Frost does any official server use this? if so , it might be good to add this kind of bonus to repo..
  3. https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/raw/master/data/msgstringtable.txt ^ This doesn't work?
  4. Simple Query can make it do so: SELECT id,time,picklog.char_id,type,nameid,amount,refine,card0,card1,card2,card3,unique_id,map,char.name FROM picklog LEFT JOIN `char` ON char.char_id = picklog.char_id; I feel its extra overhead to have char_name to be saved, so this query would save you
  5. It was just duplicate ID and not duplicated items.
  6. dos2unix configure ./configure This should solve configure error. then recompile the server
  7. Backkk..

    1. BuLaLaKaW


      hi sir! hope you can send me reply soon once your done with your current assignment(s) .. i need a stable client and how much will it be

  8. There's nothing like SubSkill in Hercules. Better give some description?
  9. You might have disabled packet encryption from client..
  10. If you want to increase HP/SP, increase the multiplier, however Server will auto generate missing levels(will not put in file, but it will direct put in memory the HP/Sp of next levels)
  11. This is clientside feature, and once new client is released, it will be usable without any server modification
  12. I can't give 100% time to RO, I have many many in real life works to do, which keeps me busy (and recently, was without any workstation to work with, for almost 2 weeks, hence you might have not seen me around support topics too...) C'mon, everyone has their own life too. This kind of thing always takes time...
  13. Everytime I am near to something good, something bad happens -_-

    1. vBrenth


      and then something good is going to happen again..

  14. Emulator is written in c. Scripts are written in custom language(pretty easy to understand) Always try to be use latest revision of git(and I suggest you to migrate to git from.svn), eA used to have concept of trunk and stable, but for us, latest version is always stable.
  15. http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/rsu/help/settings.htm But need to use old version (2.4)
  16. You misspelt the name of file...I do have it, I will upload when back to RO stuff.
  17. Dastgir

    New Instances

  18. 2 years :x, its probably many many changes. Like renewal phase(changing to pointers) , emerging of Plugins, and many format change of db files(though there are tools to convert those). You should update Hercules, but in the same time, it would take some time to fix conflicts if there are massive edits... Also labeling is not important @@Aeromesi The conflict have 2 part, the local and remote changes, so you can easily make off the difference and fix it accordingly
  19. Rid means player. In your script, the OnInit was calling labels which needed player attached (mes/input/select needs player to be attached) While OnInit dont have any players attached.. So for menu selection, you need to put that at start of npc and not on OnInit
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