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  1. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in where are the variables stored in SQL?   
    Character variables
    Number: char_reg_num_db
    Strings : char_reg_str_db
    Account variables
    Number: acc_reg_num_db
    Strings : acc_reg_str_db
    Note: variables are not stored to sql as soon as it is set, theres some time interval before it is saved to SQL.
  2. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from SkyTech6 in Custom Pet Help   
    Unknown item means you dont have its content on iteminfo.lua/.lub(assuming you are using new clients).
    About mob sprite, be sure the SpriteID on npcidentity.lua and the monsterID matches.(and check if your files is been read by the client) or maybe there's already other mob exist with same id on lua file.
    P.S : Clients read lua if you have diffed with 'Read lua before lub', else client will try to find .lub files from the other grf's mentioned in data.ini
  3. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from eKoh in how do i activate the target function?   
    If poring_gnd is not on navigation map lua files(sry, I forgot lua name and currently on mobile), then the navigation would not be shown on that map. (I remember someone asking same problem but with new-1_1 map, and problem was, it was not indexed in navigation lua file).
  4. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from kisuka in how do i activate the target function?   
    If poring_gnd is not on navigation map lua files(sry, I forgot lua name and currently on mobile), then the navigation would not be shown on that map. (I remember someone asking same problem but with new-1_1 map, and problem was, it was not indexed in navigation lua file).
  5. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from kisuka in Very messy console after updating   
    Maybe commenting
    From src/map/script.h and recompiling can help.
    but I highly insist to change the script to case sensitive in near future..
  6. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from sever in Ability to change color of dispbottom   
    Place This above "BUILDIN_FUNC(dispbottom)"
    /*========================================== * Coloured DispBottom [By Dastgir] *------------------------------------------*/BUILDIN_FUNC(dispbottom2){ TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); const char *message; unsigned long color; message=script_getstr(st,3); color=strtoul(script_getstr(st,2),NULL,0); if(sd) clif_colormes_e(sd,color,message); return 0;}  
    In the Same file
    Place This below "BUILDIN_DEF(showevent, "ii"),":
    BUILDIN_DEF( dispbottom2, "ss"), //[By Dastgir]  In Clif.C:
    Place this at end of file:
    // Modification of clif_messagecolor to send colored messages to players to chat log only (doesn't display overhead)// 02c1 <packet len>.W <id>.L <color>.L <message>.?B// [By Dastgir]int clif_colormes_e(struct map_session_data * sd,unsigned long color1, const char* msg) { unsigned short msg_len = strlen(msg) + 1; WFIFOHEAD(sd->fd,msg_len + 12); WFIFOW(sd->fd,0) = 0x2C1; WFIFOW(sd->fd,2) = msg_len + 12; WFIFOL(sd->fd,4) = 0; WFIFOL(sd->fd,8) = (color1&0x0000FF) << 16 | (color1&0x00FF00) | (color1&0xFF0000) >> 16; // RGB -> BGR safestrncpy((char*)WFIFOP(sd->fd,12), msg, msg_len); clif_send(WFIFOP(sd->fd,0), WFIFOW(sd->fd,2), &sd->bl, SELF); return 0;}   
    In Clif.H
    Place this at the end:
    int clif_colormes_e(struct map_session_data * sd,unsigned long color1, const char* msg); //[By Dastgir]   
    So the Format you will use
    dispbottom2 "0x00FF00","MESSAGE";
    REPLACE 0x00FF00 to any colour code.
  7. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from JulioCF in roBrowser - Ragnarok Online for Web Browsers   
    New clients have a extra checkbox saying take screenshot.so when the deal is confirmed , it takes screenshot.
    can you implement that?
  8. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Ink in eAmod Battleground merging in hercules   
    Its Possible, but I am not in supporting this diff, since its made by Zeph and his own work.
  9. Upvote
    Dastgir reacted to jaBote in checkemblem()   
    For the records: this (still unaccepted) suggestion has also been requested on Spanish section: http://herc.ws/board/topic/6782-emblema-transparente-guild/
    We've got Annie's implementation, so it shouldn't be quite hard to implement it if we eventually decide to include this script command. I'll refrain from voting since I see its usefulness but I don't see plenty of use cases for it.
  10. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from eKoh in Very messy console after updating   
    Maybe commenting
    From src/map/script.h and recompiling can help.
    but I highly insist to change the script to case sensitive in near future..
  11. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from SyncMaster in Encrypt 2014 client   
    Use the SecureGRF Tool, it works well :?
    have you followed its guide right?
    have you copied the dll file?
  12. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Ehwaz in Can i build Plugin with Unix ?   
    Of course, you can.
    here's a Guide to build plugin in unix: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
  13. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in Choosing decent Server for hosting Hercules   
    Some scripts too can cause lagg,
    Example a script which goes on a very big loop, with the player attached.
  14. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in Choosing decent Server for hosting Hercules   
    its only 23ms difference, but yet the lag I experience to my server is way toooo worse when I'm playing to others' server.  Lagg doesn't only depend on latency(ofcourse, its important, you should choose one with ~200ms).
    But lag also depends on player's connection(if the latency is drastically increasing/decreasing, it means something wrong on connection of players, or of the servers).
    Player should have stable connection, fluctuating connection can increase latency.
    and most players, keep downloads running and play, then complain about lag(how can they experience no-lag, if all connection speed is going to download, and game is not able to send data to the server)
    It also depends upon player's PC specs, what if a player is playing from low-end pc(rare occasion)
  15. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in [ HELP ] Making the OLD payon map as default   
    Also don't forget to do mapcache, to cache the new gat files to the server(to make cells walkable and unwalkable in accordance to mapfile)
  16. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in [ Question ] I need suggestion on how can I "disable" other maps   
    Question 1. Is there easier way to handle this?  Delete lines from map_index.txt and maps.conf, (and delete the map_cache.dat, and run the mapcache.exe to make new map_cache.dat)
    Question 2. What if I don't change map_index.txt & map_cache.dat, Then create a new map_cache.dat using Wee Map Cache maker, put all those 300 .gat map files, and just use that map_cache.dat, will that automatically disable the other 700 maps I won't be needing?  it would disable but would leave 700 warnings that , mapname was found in maps.conf but is not in map_cache
    Question 3. Is there a tool, when I create a new map_cache.dat from scratch using wee map cache maker, would automatically generate map_index.txt & maps.conf based on the maps cached? No Idea about it.(doesn't WeeMapCache do it?)
  17. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Legend in Permanant Group Changer   
    File Name: Permanant Group Changer
    File Submitter: Dastgir
    File Submitted: 22 Jul 2014
    File Category: Utility
    This is a command "@adjgroup2" From which you can give a character new GroupID, no matter he is online or offline.
    The New Group is changed permanently.
    @adjgroup2 <GroupID> <PlayerName>
    If PlayerName contains Spaces, Just put it with spaces, without Quotes.
    Click here to download this file
  18. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from eKoh in I have a dought with @var .@var   
    There's button before Quote, to put a codebox
    end; //<- Also I don't know if I have to put end; instruction, because I already have a close; above. Do I?  Nope, you are not required to put end; after close; since close will stop the script execution.
    About Back, Something Like THis:
    L_SomeLabel:mes "What you want to do";switch ( select ("Thing 1:Thing 2")){ case 1: mes "You selected thing 1"; next; mes "What you want to do?"; switch ( select ("Thing 3:Back")){ case 1: mes "You selected thing 3"; close; case 2: next; goto L_SomeLabel; end; } case 2: mes "You selectend thing 2"; close;}
  19. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from eKoh in I have a dought with @var .@var   
    prontera,150,150,5 script TempSet 999,{@var = 1;.@var = 1;mes "Value has been Set";close;}prontera,148,148,5 script TempGet 999,{mes ".@var:"+.@var;mes "@var:"+@var;close;} Above is example.
    @var will be set till the character logs off(as said temporary)
    .@var is set until the script execution,(i.e for that instance), that is if the script execution is stopped, .@var will be set to 0 again.
    If you click on TempSet First(NPC Above), it will set both vars to 1.
    then Click on TempGet, it will show @var as 1 and not .@var, since its new script been executed.
  20. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from mintRO in 2013-08-07 Item Names not Translated.   
    Please don't bump too fast, Its not even 12 hours since your topic,
    You need translated iteminfo for items to be translated
  21. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from iZeal in 2013-08-07 Item Names not Translated.   
    Please don't bump too fast, Its not even 12 hours since your topic,
    You need translated iteminfo for items to be translated
  22. Like
    Dastgir got a reaction from Tsuuu in Extended Vending System v1.8.1   
    File Name: Extended Vending System v1.8.1
    File Submitter: dastgirpojee
    File Submitted: 16 May 2013
    File Category: Source Modifications

    Original topic and code here: http://ea-support.ru/index.php?/topic/525-vending-za-ljuboi-lut/page__p__5382"]link[/url]
    Idea: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=274111"]link[/url]
    rAthena: http://rathena.org/board/topic/60817-extended-vending-system-18/"]link[/url]
    You can enable or disable the cash / item in file db/item_vending.txt

    Vending title can be looks like: "[ITEM_ID] name"

    Modify your client data files:


    08 April 2013:
    03 May 2013:
    15 May 2013:

    Created by Lilith,
    Modified by Dastgir

    Click here to download this file
  23. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from OverLord in Trans Server   
    //#define DISABLE_RENEWAL uncomment it and recompile.
  24. Upvote
    Dastgir reacted to jTynne in Deathmas in July by Eiphes (jTynne)   
    File Name: Deathmas in July by Eiphes (jTynne)
    File Submitter: Eiphes
    File Submitted: 13 Jul 2014
    File Category: Maps & Textures

    Hi. So, sometimes I make stuff for my server, and release it here for free. This is one of those times.
    Basically, my boyfriend bought me a bottle of Jaeger Spice, and this is what happened while I drank it.
    Inside the package you'll find a few maps-- a "Deathmas" version of Prontera (only the center of the map is decorated- I had a use for it, maybe you will as well), Lutie, Lutie field, four identical "arena" maps, and the first floor of the toy factory dungeon. You'll also find a bunch of monster sprites with recolors. Ain't nobody saying you "have" to use them, but they're there in case you're either too lazy to make your own or simply don't know how.
    I'm not providing support for how to implement custom maps or sprites. A few of the maps experience the disgusting black texture clipping thing. If you know how to fix it, and feel like fixing it/sending the files to me to update this package with, feel free to do so, because I can't be bothered.
    As an addendum, I suggest you make the following edits for each of the maps to your fogparamtable.txt file for a nice red fog effect:
    And, I've also taken the liberty of gathering two "christmas in minor mode" songs for you to use for the maps as well, http://www.casualro.com/gm/eiphes/xmnBGM.zip -- You'll have to edit your mp3 table file. Don't know how to do it? Google.
    If you decide to use this, don't be a fucking mooch, especially if your server has donations/makes a profit. Send me $5.00 via Paypal ([email protected]). Don't redistribute or tweak my files and try to re-release it.
    Click here to download this file
  25. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from OverLord in RO Client Open Source   
    Currently no other project are around except roBrowser.
    (You can also customize roBrowser for new skins and buttons)
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