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Everything posted by ossi0110

  1. Yes they are implemented , but as far i know it will give a update for them on December (Maybe) from Malu
  2. As far i Know the Storage Size doesen´t matter on hercules , since the storage packet update . it will be splittet into chunks of 500 "how to test?" just drop your storage full of Weapons and Armos , if he displays them over 800+ items you should be fine https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/d080ed83f6c02ccf774cae906c4da698e793a310
  3. Fixed compiling Errors on latest Rev, since the HPM Command Changes the plugins have to be fixed all. this is why i fixed all of mine
  4. uhm it worked before too ^^ sir ossi got error posted it above you sample.c plugins makes problems , be sure to run on latest Rev and recompile it befor you make the plugins
  5. File Name: @autoattack File Submitter: ossi0110 File Submitted: 26 Nov 2013 File Category: Plugins this is a @autoattack plugin , when using it your Char will run arround and attacks mobs for more info on using HPM Click Me have fun , ossi0110 Click here to download this file
  6. ossi0110


    Version 1.8


    this is a @autoattack plugin , when using it your Char will run arround and attacks mobs for more info on using HPM Click Me have fun , ossi0110
  7. the one in the Item_db2.conf is not active , you can see it its between the */ /* now check your db/re/item_buyingstore.txt and check line 948
  8. remove the /* and */ */// Old Tuxedo and Wedding Dress, will display the outfit when worn.// ==================================================================/*{ Id: 2338 AegisName: "Wedding_Dress" Name: "Wedding Dress" Type: 5 Buy: 43000 Weight: 500 Job: 0xFFFFFFFE Loc: 16 OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_WEDDING,-1,0; "> OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_WEDDING; ">},*//*{ Id: 7170 AegisName: "Tuxedo" Name: "Tuxedo" Type: 5 Buy: 43000 Weight: 10 Job: 0xFFFFFFFE Gender: 1 Loc: 16 OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_WEDDING,-1,0; "> OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_WEDDING; ">},*/// Custom Items such as wings, etc// =========================================={ Id: 25009 AegisName: "Blue_Animated_Angel_Wings" Name: "Blue Animated Angel Wings" //Black_Deviling_Wings Type: 5 Slots: 4 Job: 0xFFFFFFFF Upper: 63 Gender: 2 Loc: 1 EquipLv: 10 View: 1082},{ Id: 25010 AegisName: "Black_Deviling_Wings" Name: "Black Deviling Wings" Type: 5 Slots: 4 Job: 0xFFFFFFFF Upper: 63 Gender: 2 Loc: 1 EquipLv: 10 View: 1083},)
  9. just use the diff patcher in my package and click on Load Last Patches
  10. when it was extract unicode >> what language> if ANSI >> what lang? Unicode = Korea = 유저인터페이스 Ansi = À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º i allways use Ansi encoding
  11. you can mostly set in the Options of the GRF Tools , what codepage he should use, like Extract Unicode or Extract ANSI
  12. there is no bug with /showname all works fine
  13. This Button DONT WORK, you cant get it to work atm , because gravity use it normaly to register on the Homepage , but then its got removed from gravity . just dont click this button or hex it out of the client . or wait till the diff is finished what restores the function of this button.
  14. get an updated msgstringtable , it seems your missing a line https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/Data/MsgString/%5b2013-08-07Ragexe%5dmsgstringtable.txt
  15. you can change the name by doubelclick the Korean name and rename it
  16. Did you added all of the translation Stuff into a GRF? or are u using it from the Data Folder ? be sure to set the Diff Correct if u are using GRF = Remove Data Folder First . if u are using Data Folder = Diff Read Data Folder First. and be sure to place all in the Correct folder names YourRoFolderName/data
  17. Not sure what you did , but i just checked the Msgstringtable from me , there is no tab Missing, all tabs are there
  18. what client date are you using ? if you use a client higher then 2012-04-18 + you have to edit the Iteminfo.lub file what is located in the System folder of your ro client.
  19. if you are using windows you can use this guide from the wiki http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC if you are using Linux you can follow this guide http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc be sure to place the .c file in the SRC/Plugin folder and add the plugin to the conf/plugins.conf file ../conf/plugins.confplugins_list: [ /* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */ //"HPMHooking", //"db2sql", //"sample", //"other", "CUSTOMPLUGINNAME",]
  20. just use /monsterhp ingame and the bar is gone
  21. you sure the cash comes from the Vending Plugin ? because the core dump says its your autoloottype plugin
  22. you can update the VIP System with set ModExp,150; it changes the value in sql to 150 what you means you got 50% more exp ( 100% is basic + 50% = 150) so you dont need a query_sql for it can you make a sample script for that? thanks! you can try this one , its binded over a Function to a item . I use Vip Tickets for it just add this into your item what should give the VIP Status after using the Item you can check your remaining time with @vip { Id: YOUR ITEM ID HERE AegisName: "VIP Ticket 3D" Name: "VIP Ticket 3D" Type: 0 Weight: 10 Job: 0x7FFFFFFF Script: <" if(#vip_status >0) { dispbottom "You allready got a Premium Service Running , Use another one after the Time Runs out.!"; getitem YOUR ITEM ID HERE,1; end; } callfunc "getVIP", 3 * 24 * 3600; //VIP Status for 3 Day , change the 3 into 7 for 7 Days. ">}, Code will be readded , changing some stuff
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