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Everything posted by ossi0110

  1. Ive tried it already, im having errors in compiling its not updated to the latest revisions..need help to convert it.. for the BG diff , try to look a the BG QUEUE System from Hercules , its nearly the same. I have not tried it since it is on debug mode..Is this feature working now sir as intended? im using it for my Custom Arena like 2vs2 4vs4 and Guild/Party Arena works pretty good , cant find a error atm
  2. I changed loki launcher.ini to match the exe name and run. The error was http://puu.sh/5mmb3.png can you open yout SaveData/OptionInfo.lub and post it here? it is located in your RO folder.. I have changed to use Themon's 2013-08-07 EXE because it gives me no error when I run the EXE. However I found some problems. - Thief male head sprite is misplaced when sit - Izlude map issues. NPC and warps misplaced - Unreadable item name and description. (was fine before I updated KRO to the latest version which fixes item compare but introduces this issue) Problems screenshot: http://puu.sh/5mMIm.jpg seems the data.grf or hairstyles are broken from this client. i would say, you server is running in Pre-RE mode ? then you have to replace the Izlude map with the old Izlude map , and generate a new mapcache.dat for the walkable cells in Izlude - Unreadable item name and description. (was fine before I updated KRO to the latest version which fixes item compare but introduces this issue) this problem is because you updated your KRO to the lastest version , this owerwrites the Translated Iteminfo.lub , just grab a new one from here. https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/System/
  3. you can update the VIP System with set ModExp,150; it changes the value in sql to 150 what you means you got 50% more exp ( 100% is basic + 50% = 150) so you dont need a query_sql for it
  4. for the BG diff , try to look a the BG QUEUE System from Hercules , its nearly the same.
  5. did you tried to make , make clean first ?
  6. yes its allready got added into hercules https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/e095650d437c81e6ae90a99a3cd1bb0c8c6eba38
  7. 2012-04-10 still use the old itemfile , like id2numitemtable.tx etc , and it got many Hardcoded msg what have to be diffed or Hexed out . 2012-04-18 use the new Iteminfo.lub format what is easyer to handle and dont got the hardcoded msgs like the 2012-04-10
  8. its a known bug , just ignore it for the moment till it got fixed.
  9. hmm seems you client file are messed up . if you want you can download my 2012-04-10 RagexeRE fullclient , it comes with all needed files and tools http://www.paid.endlessro.de/
  10. remove the 61 Disable Packet Encryption (Recommended) diff
  11. yes try to remove the DNS support and remove the SSO login diff . if this not works , just upload me you patchlist what you have patched and i will look into it
  12. Try to remove the DNS Support diff , and it would be good if you can upload your Patchlist from Neom Folder after diffed your exe.
  13. you can use the online converter from Haruna , its works like a charm http://haru.ws/hercules/itemdbconverter/
  14. Wrong Categorie maybe? this is the Maps Release Board.
  15. i would not use it , this Server Monitor got lots of bugs , crashes many times random and the log system dont work correct
  16. how did you renamed it ? just clicked it an changed the name ? if yes this is wrong. you have to open the map with browedit and click on Save As and then enter the new name
  17. is this a Selfmade custom map , or did you just renamed a existing map to 1@farm
  18. did you added the map into the clientside mapnametable.txt too ?
  19. You have to setup a Patcher on your Host server and then add the patcher exe to the client folder and link it with your gameexe , then preparing a patch and upload it to your patcher folder on your host . here is a guide how to use the patcher and set it up http://herc.ws/wiki/Thor_Patcher or http://forum.ragezone.com/f577/setting-thor-patcher-748916/ he talks about a Client Patcher hehehe
  20. did you added it into the trunk folder? on the desktop from asura ? if yes when you compile the server he is automatic in GDB mode. then you just have to rightclick in the trunk folder and use Open Terminal from here, and write gdb map-server core and then bt full
  21. if you running on Linux you should run the server in debug mode(GDB mode) and post the crashlog you can read more about the GDB here http://herc.ws/wiki/GDB
  22. use the Hercules-11.sln file to compile it , it seems you dont got VS 2012 installed
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