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Louis T Steinhil

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Everything posted by Louis T Steinhil

  1. Hello guys anyone can help me with this script? I'm converting my endless tower from rAthena to Hercules. Since we don't have this what should I use instead? *instance_live_info(<info type>{,<instance id>}); Returns the specified <info type> of instance attached to the npc or, if an instance ID is specified, of that instance. Valid <info type>: ILI_NAME - Instance Name Return the name of the instance or "" if that fails. ILI_MODE - Instance Mode Return IM_NONE, IM_CHAR, IM_PARTY, IM_GUILD, IM_CLAN or -1 if that fails. ILI_OWNER - Owner ID Return an ID according to the instance mode of the instance attached/specified or -1 if that fails. When the instance mode is IM_NONE, ILI_OWNER will return the npc ID that created the instance, IM_CHAR - the owner char ID IM_PARTY - the party ID IM_GUILD - the guild ID IM_CLAN - the clan ID Examples: // Return the instance name of the instance attached to the npc. .@instance_name$ = instance_live_info(ILI_NAME); // Return the guild owner ID of the given instance ID. .@owner = instance_live_info(ILI_OWNER, instance_id(IM_GUILD)); This part links the value of what the player chose so it would supply the data if it's easy / hard etc. 1@tower,29,365,1 script #1F Controller 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: 'level_mode = $ENDLESSMODE[instance_live_info(ILI_OWNER)]; <---- callfunc "F_Tower_Monster",1,instance_mapname("1@tower"),instance_npcname("#1F Controller")+"::OnMyMobDead"; https://rathena.org/board/topic/133368-quests-games-endless-tower-instance-with-difficulty/
  2. Hello still available for paid services? Thanks!

  3. Hello i have code here from cydh that changes the players race, this is working on rAthena. Although it's not compatible with herc. Anyone can help me with it? Thanks! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/msiy4c6fu5uwok1e0fhtx/bonus_bRace.diff?rlkey=4c41esca9fewia9n8uartp0jd&e=1&dl=0 doc/item_bonus.txt | 1 + src/map/map.hpp | 1 + src/map/pc.cpp | 4 ++++ src/map/pc.hpp | 1 + src/map/script_constants.hpp | 1 + src/map/status.cpp | 5 +++++ 6 files changed, 13 insertions(+) diff --git a/doc/item_bonus.txt b/doc/item_bonus.txt index 7ffe172b5..08ef4a571 100644 --- a/doc/item_bonus.txt +++ b/doc/item_bonus.txt @@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ Atk/Def ------- bonus bAtkEle,e; Gives the player's attacks element e bonus bDefEle,e; Gives the player's defense element e +bonus bRace,r; Set the player's race to race r bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,e,x; Increases damage of e element magic by x% diff --git a/src/map/map.hpp b/src/map/map.hpp index 5200ff6b4..44073fbb2 100644 --- a/src/map/map.hpp +++ b/src/map/map.hpp @@ -429,6 +429,7 @@ enum _sp { // Mercenaries SP_MERCFLEE=165, SP_MERCKILLS=189, SP_MERCFAITH=190, + SP_RACE, // original 1000- SP_ATTACKRANGE=1000, SP_ATKELE,SP_DEFELE, // 1000-1002 diff --git a/src/map/pc.cpp b/src/map/pc.cpp index ab1040eca..be3d1cdee 100755 --- a/src/map/pc.cpp +++ b/src/map/pc.cpp @@ -3217,6 +3217,10 @@ void pc_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int val) if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_mado_fuel = 1; break; + case SP_RACE: + PC_BONUS_CHK_RACE(val, SP_RACE); + sd->bonus.change_race = (enum e_race)val; + break; default: if (running_npc_stat_calc_event) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus: unknown bonus type %d %d in OnPCStatCalcEvent!\n", type, val); diff --git a/src/map/pc.hpp b/src/map/pc.hpp index 05e861c64..dfebca1d9 100644 --- a/src/map/pc.hpp +++ b/src/map/pc.hpp @@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ struct map_session_data { int ematk; // matk bonus from equipment int eatk; // atk bonus from equipment uint8 absorb_dmg_maxhp; // [Cydh] + enum e_race change_race; short critical_rangeatk; short weapon_atk_rate, weapon_matk_rate; } bonus; diff --git a/src/map/script_constants.hpp b/src/map/script_constants.hpp index 5d5066a4e..2c8a2f0e9 100644 --- a/src/map/script_constants.hpp +++ b/src/map/script_constants.hpp @@ -731,6 +731,7 @@ export_constant2("bRegenPercentHP", SP_REGEN_PERCENT_HP); export_constant2("bRegenPercentSP", SP_REGEN_PERCENT_SP); export_constant2("bSkillDelay",SP_SKILL_DELAY); + export_constant2("bRace", SP_RACE); /* equip indices */ export_constant(EQI_COMPOUND_ON); diff --git a/src/map/status.cpp b/src/map/status.cpp index d08be8e81..67546d1c2 100644 --- a/src/map/status.cpp +++ b/src/map/status.cpp @@ -3495,6 +3495,7 @@ int status_calc_pc_sub(struct map_session_data* sd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) ); memset (&sd->bonus, 0, sizeof(sd->bonus)); + sd->bonus.change_race = RC_NONE_; // Autobonus pc_delautobonus(sd,sd->autobonus,ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus),true); @@ -4208,6 +4209,10 @@ int status_calc_pc_sub(struct map_session_data* sd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) if (sc->data[SC_LAUDARAMUS]) sd->bonus.crit_atk_rate += 5 * sc->data[SC_LAUDARAMUS]->val1; } + + if (sd->bonus.change_race != RC_NONE_) + base_status->race = sd->bonus.change_race; + status_cpy(&sd->battle_status, base_status); // ----- CLIENT-SIDE REFRESH -----
  4. Hello, is there an in-depth guide on how to add custom clans? Thanks! nvm, I already figured it out.
  5. Hello guys, I don't know if this is a client version or script but how to add that item icon in dialogue?
  6. nvm i already saw the patch https://board.herc.ws/topic/6717-bonus_script-by-cydh/
  7. Is there still support on this? How do i access them separately? let's say i decalred 3 OnPCStatCalcEvent here and i need 1 npc to just access 3 of those 6?
  8. Can't seem to find older versions of vs. Any compiler you know for windows?
  9. oh sorry i forgot to mention, I'm using latest 3ceam on Visual Studios 2017
  10. Does anyone know how to compile in the latest versions?
  11. Sir Nihad I just noticed the item_db.conf you shared, it ends with: { Id: 18872 AegisName: "Snake_H
  12. Hello my client (2014-10-22b) crashes when i change gender to female of any job. How to fix this? i already patched custom job.
  13. Since @mail is not yet working on 2015 , is there anyway to get the item from sendmail (https://rathena.org/...-scriptcommand/) source? Like @getmail custom command which you'll get the item / zennies immediately?
  14. still hoping for a surprise update of something.
  15. any way to fix when doing crit the animation of skill are gone? And can i exclude asura from magic critical strike?
  16. Anyone can help me with this? Or any of it is possible?
  17. Client crashes when you turn on autoattack then @warp to any map. I'm using 2015-11-04
  18. OH Cool I'll take a look at it htanks evil <3
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