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Louis T Steinhil

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Everything posted by Louis T Steinhil

  1. Hi does anyone know how can I make this a skill? ACMD(clone){ int x=0,y=0,flag=0,master=0,i=0; struct map_session_data *pl_sd=NULL; if (!message || !*message) { clif->message(sd->fd,msg_txt(1323)); // You must enter a player name or ID. return true; } if((pl_sd=iMap->nick2sd((char *)message)) == NULL && (pl_sd=iMap->charid2sd(atoi(message))) == NULL) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(3)); // Character not found. return true; } if(pc->get_group_level(pl_sd) > pc->get_group_level(sd)) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(126)); // Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself. return true; } if (strcmpi(command+1, "clone") == 0) flag = 1; else if (strcmpi(command+1, "slaveclone") == 0) { flag = 2; if(pc_isdead(sd)){ clif->message(fd, msg_txt(129+flag*2)); return true; } master = sd->bl.id; if (battle_config.atc_slave_clone_limit && mob_countslave(&sd->bl) >= battle_config.atc_slave_clone_limit) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(127)); // You've reached your slave clones limit. return true; } } do { x = sd->bl.x + (rnd() % 10 - 5); y = sd->bl.y + (rnd() % 10 - 5); } while (iMap->getcell(sd->bl.m,x,y,CELL_CHKNOPASS) && i++ < 10); if (i >= 10) { x = sd->bl.x; y = sd->bl.y; } if((x = mob_clone_spawn(pl_sd, sd->bl.m, x, y, "", master, 0, flag?1:0, 0)) > 0) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(128+flag*2)); // Evil Clone spawned. Clone spawned. Slave clone spawned. return true; } clif->message(fd, msg_txt(129+flag*2)); // Unable to spawn evil clone. Unable to spawn clone. Unable to spawn slave clone. return true;}
  2. Louis T Steinhil


    How to set a skill that has targets to be casted directly on ground? I mean you'll remove the target but when you click the skill, it will automatically cast the said skill on the ground you're stepping at.
  3. NeoMind: Nop this svn: 2012-04-18 Lub+src Files [Translated] has weapon_f.lub but still getting that prompt. Did you tried it in game sir?
  4. using lub files from shakto then from repo then the third try is I combined both. Still crashes.
  5. I tried shakto's lub files, but still got a crash when ranger equips bow
  6. Ok i think that's the root cause, but still i'm gonna test again. Lub files from the latest repo has that error, i'm gonna try shakto's lub files. I'll be waiting for the restore old login window. LOL by the way; so far 2013 client is stable enough right? Reported crashes are mainly from wrong lua files and wrong patch or diffs? Not with the client itself right?
  7. Hello NeoMind, just thinking what shakto post and what the svn repo have. On svn repo they have weapontable.lub while shakto doesn't have any. Maybe that's the reason why we're having that reqweapon error. haven't tested it because i'm busy at work but pro'lly that's the cause. Oh and for the record kindly look at the remove GM palette. I know it has some issue regarding the dislocated head of characters. LOL
  8. case KO_ZANZOU:if(sd){struct mob_data *md;md = mob_once_spawn_sub(src, src->m, src->x, src->y, iStatus->get_name(src), 2308, "", SZ_SMALL, AI_NONE);if( md ){md->master_id = src->id;md->special_state.ai = AI_ZANZOU;if( md->deletetimer != INVALID_TIMER )iTimer->delete_timer(md->deletetimer, mob_timer_delete);md->deletetimer = iTimer->add_timer (iTimer->gettick() + skill->get_time(skill_id, skill_lv), mob_timer_delete, md->bl.id, 0);mob_spawn( md );pc->setinvincibletimer(sd,500);// unlock target lockclif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1);skill->blown(src,bl,skill->get_blewcount(skill_id,skill_lv),unit_getdir(bl),0);}}break; What part should I edit so I can summon a clone of my character? just like @clone behavior
  9. what filename should you add this code? clif_skill_damage(src,bl,tick, status_get_amotion(src), 0, -30000, 1, 2040, skill_lv, 6);
  10. Ah that make sense now Rytech , I have a noob question.. So if I redeclare those set of new skills out of 5000 then maybe I can use the new set of skills in 2012 04 10? (just a dummy client..)?
  11. NeoMind: on 2013 07 03, they said if you patch enable 64k, the female character will never be able to log in due to character selection crash. But I've never tested to untick the 64k because when that happened I switched back to 2013-03-20. And by the way I have some trouble with the weaponreq Error. I have the latest lub files from http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lubs/ my client is not crashing anymore but the thing is, it still prompts weaponreqclassnum. That happens when I try to equip a bow on archer class. What do you think I'm missing?
  12. Well you need the bmp file of item compare.
  13. Hello Neomind. I have this error with the patch in it. http://herc.ws/board/topic/1151-2013-ragexe-support-main-topic/page-4
  14. I like the simplicity of the new flux cp. Great job for this one. Does this also support the item and monsters with images?
  15. I got a crash on ranger on when i log out then log in again on any 2013 clients <?xml version="1.0"?><DiffProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <Name>Last Patches</Name> <Entries> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>2</PatchID> <PatchName>Allow Chat Flood (? lines)</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>allowChatFlood</name> <value>3</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>88</PatchID> <PatchName>Allow space in guild name</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>7</PatchID> <PatchName>Change Gravity Error Handler</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>8</PatchID> <PatchName>Custom Window Title</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>customWindowTitle</name> <value>Beta Phase</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>13</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Ragexe Filename Check</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>14</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>15</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable HShield</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>61</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Packet Encryption</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>68</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable 64k Hairstyle</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>90</PatchID> <PatchName>EnableDNSSupport</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>49</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Multiple GRFs</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>19</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Title Bar Menu</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>64</PatchID> <PatchName>@ Bug Fix (Recommended)</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>71</PatchID> <PatchName>Ignore Missing File Error</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>28</PatchID> <PatchName>Increase Headgear ViewID to 5000</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>65</PatchID> <PatchName>Load ItemInfo.lua before lub</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>33</PatchID> <PatchName>KOREA ServiceType XML Fix</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>36</PatchID> <PatchName>Read msgstringtable.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>37</PatchID> <PatchName>Read questid2display.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>38</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Gravity Ads</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>39</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Gravity Logo</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>73</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Hourly Annonce</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>84</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Serial Display</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>41</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Nagle Algorithm</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>50</PatchID> <PatchName>Skip License Screen</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>95</PatchID> <PatchName>Use SSO Login Packet</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>44</PatchID> <PatchName>Translate Client In English</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>51</PatchID> <PatchName>Ascii & Arial on All Langtypes</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>46</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Normal Guild Brackets</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>48</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Plain Text Descriptions</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>47</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Ragnarok Icon</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>62</PatchID> <PatchName>eXtract txt file strings</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>54</PatchID> <PatchName>eXtract MsgStringTable.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> </Entries></DiffProfile>
  16. Is it possible to set some skills that has cooldown? When a player died after he re-spawn, the said skill will skip the "cooldown thing" and can be used again? For example; Hallucination Walk is used then suddenly the player died. Hallucination Walk has a cooldown of 5 minutes. When he re-spawn, that 5 minutes will be disregarded and hallucination walk can be used again.
  17. According to the skill description, it produces a clone of the caster. Anyone here knows how to config that? Because we all know that the ones we have is the mob ninja. I just want to customize mine. thanks in advance http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-6388-kagerou-zanzou-or-illusion-skill-not-working-properly/
  18. oh thanks goddameit that's on npc.h right? Thank you thank you
  19. well this will work of course but you have to recode some of it. I already implemented change race system.
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