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Found 93 results

  1. Oi, Estou com um servidor rodando só que está com o cliente na versão 2014-10-22 de hexed. Estou querendo atualizar para utilizar o "Item Option System" e para isso é necessário uma versão superior que 2015-02-26, conforme no tópico: Teriam como disponibilizar um hexed e uma pasta data compatíveis e de preferência qual RO utilizar para tal! Ou um passo-a-passo de como fazer a parte do Client-side mais atualizado pois não encontro mais nada sobre o assunto. Agradeço a colaboração.
  2. Bom dia galera, Primeiro post aqui na comunidade e já venho logo com dúvidas kkkk Vamos lá. Consegui fazer toda a parte do server side seguindo a Wiki (e que BELEZA de wiki heim?! Completinha!). Agora estou com uma dúvida em questão de qual data e hexed devo utilizar pro meu servidor Pre-Re. Podem me indicar alguma que seja legal na opinião e experiência de vocês? Muito obrigado seus lindos.
  3. Hi, after i select my character my client will sudden force close (no error prompt and no error on server side). client used: 2018-05-30 hercules version: latest already changed my PACKETVER and then recompiled. Thanks
  4. Hello Is there a way for someone who isn't a total Ragnarok Online Nerd (Myself) To control the episode Server wise and Client wise - Npcs - Monsters - Items - Maps - Commands I suppose all of this should be done manually... Is there a guide or a check-list to aid me in that process? For example, according to this episode Timeline: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3554-ragnarok-episode-timeline/ I want to FREEZE it at : 2007.04.10: Episode 11.3 : Nameless Island Right now I'm using 2013 client and latest Hercules. Seems like a lot of work... Would appreciate all available information! Really....
  5. Hi guys, I got a server and now I am looking for a stable client that can be use on my server. Can you guys recommend me some client between 2017 and 2018 clients? Thanks a lot. PS: it's a Renewal server.
  6. Im using client 20180307, with translation of https://github.com/Asheraf/Translation I can login and i see almost everything ok except ... i cant see items, any item, i even try with normal knife weird thing i dont have problems with monstersbut when i launch my client i get 3 errors (attached) Can anyone guide me to fix this? Thanks When i doubleclick the eexe i get this 3 errors Then i can login normally but... (bunny is thee null.bmp) if i create a knife... i get with no description, or image, i get the null img
  7. Yesterday y finally get all to make my local server, (is only for me, i enjoy code and test on my free time) However i notice something weird, before (on 2014 LOL) when i try login i normally see on login screen (console) the attempt of login even if the password is worng. The weird thing here is i cant reach my local login i change the normal parameters (plz let me know if i miss something) define PACKETVER 20180523 -> src/common/mmo.h packet_obfuscation: 0 -> conf/map/battle/client.conf //Uncomment the following line if your client is zero ragexe instead of normal kro clients #define ENABLE_PACKETVER_ZERO -> src/common/mmo.h My server compile and run normally, but client cant reach it my clientinfo.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Online Client Information</desc> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <hideaccountlist></hideaccountlist> <extendedslot></extendedslot> <readfolder></readfolder> <connection> <display>Fofys Lap</display> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>56</version> <langtype>12</langtype> <registrationweb>www.ragnarok.com</registrationweb> <loading> </loading> <yellow> </yellow> </connection> </clientinfo> and im using 2018-05-23aRagexeRE_patched.exe (herc.ws/board/topic/15348-kro-unpacked-clients-releases/ )with nemo patch (recomended only + read data folder first) as before move anything i need reach my server My server is a clean one, (herc emu) and the data and translations are the ones founded here https://github.com/Asheraf/Translation Any idea what im doing wrong PD.- I also try use sclientinfo.xml but there it breeaks (see second img) and send attempt to call nil value x_x and closes after like 100 msgs Thanks
  8. Good day people! How are you all? I just want to ask for a Site, Download Link, etc. for me to have the Latest Full kRO Client? and please Feel free to recommend something better / alternative Client. Thanks and Best regards!
  9. Hello friends. Help me with the addition of maps. I already looked through these topics: http://herc.ws/board/topic/15817-adding-a-custom-map-cache-file/ http://herc.ws/board/topic/2800-how-to-add-custom-map/ I'm using this GRF: http://herc.ws/board/topic/6801-release-the-data-grf-project/ I have .gat .gnd .rsw .bmp map files inside (for expample "lasagna") I made a mapcache with a new plugin and added them to "hercules\maps\re" I added all of them to map_index.txt on server and mapnametable.txt on client. I tried to add a separate GRF. When I use "warp" command. (@warp lasagna) Client says "map not found. Warp failed". What I'm doing wrong? BR.
  10. Hello, guys! I'm getting back to doing my server after a long time. Little thing. Just for me and 3 more friends, hosted in my own home and I've some questions: What do I need to know to make my own folder data? (How does it works?) Which version of hexed does Hercules support? Where do I find a differ updated? (I tried NEMO, but it don't worked fine. Showed too many erros with hexeds 2016+) My questions are about the client-side. Server-side I know/remember how to configure it. I'm feeling really lost. PS.: Sorry for my English.
  11. Hey Guys , Can some one please tell me 1) How many custom jobs can we add to game at max. 2) How many custom Skills can we add to game(max). 3) is there a way to add custom skill effect ? 4) Can there be custom Mounts ? 5) What is latest Client ? And what features does it have ? 6) Any way to remove Doram from Latest Client ? 7) What Kind of client is this <3 Y'alll - Atomik
  12. Edit: Sorry, I had a typo in map_ip setting. :| I recently diffed a client using NEMO patcher (tried 2014-10-22 and 2015-05-13), however, I have encountered the issue of not being able to join the map server. I get as far as character select, then once choosing my character, the client hangs before eventually receving the error "Failed to connect to server". I'm not sure what the issue is. I used an old "Profile", which automatically had all the diff choices setup from my previous client which worked perfect. I have tried the following things: Using the client on a fresh version of Hercules (stable branch, with only the necessary changes made to be able to connect). Checked src/common/mmo.h has the right PACKETVER defined. (20141022) ./configure --enable-packetver=20141022 then compiling. Disabling packet obfuscation in both the client patch diff and client.conf setting. (tried combinations of both) Turning off my firewall. Using only the recommended patches. When logging in, this is the output I receive: (nothing further after the last one) [Status]: Request for connection of my_account (ip: my.ip.address). [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: my_account, id: 2000000, ip: my.ip.address) [Status]: Connection of the account 'my_account' accepted. [Info]: Closed connection from 'my.ip.address'. [Info]: request connect - account_id:2000000/login_id1:830490619/login_id2:1666885215 [Info]: Loading Char Data (2000000) [Info]: Guild loaded (1 - My Guild) [Info]: Char load request (150000) [Info]: Loaded char (150000 - Myriad): status memo inventory cart skills friends hotkeys mercenary accdata [Info]: Selected char: (Account 2000000: 0 - Myriad) [Info]: Subnet check [my.ip.address]: WAN Still no luck. Hope somebody can help! Thanks.
  13. This tool allow extract packets from old clients before 2013 version. For newer versions can be extracted not all packets. Another feature dump some packet related function addresses and create ida pro script file for name this functions. Usage information can found in readme. https://gitlab.com/4144/bpe/ For run bpe need linux or wsl in windows 10. Also need python2 installed.
  14. Hi, sorry bother you, I'm just starting again with ro stuffs after 5 years almost x_x now i'm a little lost, i made my server work with 2013 exe (i found it on my lap lol) but trying to set up a new client (20170517) cant make it work, i already setup mmo.h and the clientconfig.xml. I can login, create char but cant load the char to the map server, i got dc, also the files that with 2013 client shows in english (like items, msgs, desc) now i shows on korean X_x i cant find some resources to do it, maybe i'm looking on the wrong places, any guidee/link/help will be usefull ^^, thanks a lot
  15. Hi, sorry bother you, I'm just starting again with ro stuffs after 5 years almost x_x now i'm a little lost, i made my server work with 2013 exe (i found it on my lap lol) but trying to set up a new client (20170517) cant make it work, i already setup mmo.h and the clientconfig.xml. I can login, create char but cant load the char to the map server, i got dc, also the files that with 2013 client shows in english (like items, msgs, desc) now i shows on korean X_x i cant find some resources to do it, maybe i'm looking on the wrong places, any guidee/link/help will be usefull ^^, thanks a lot
  16. Hi, i'm looking for client 2016-12-07eRagexeRE already tried search to this forum, but not found it. Please share it to me if you have it. Thanks
  17. I have this problem for years Shins Diff patcher wont load WDGEnableAuraOverLvl99.dll same in Nemo patcher customauraLimits wont work properly btw I am using 2014-10-22bRagexe please help me! Max base level = 255 is there another way to diff it properly?
  18. Guys! ano po ba magandang client na madidiff ko ang aurapasslvl99 or mapapatch ko ng nemo kasi an gamit kong client now is ung 20141022 and ayaw sa nemo same sa shins diff patch any suggestions po? Btw max level 255 Salamat
  19. Hi, I am wondering if it is possible for a client to force open something? I am interested in having an atcommand which can open a command prompt and initiate some commands. Thanks
  20. Version v3 @r74


    Basically this package allow you to start build up your 1st client. Many of us call this "data" folder. Data folder is what you looking for before making your server grf. File is packed using 7zip (Ultra) for just 40.3MB. (normal size = 328MB) Folder "Tools" in this package is not part of "data" folder. Source Client Side Translation Project Texture Translation Project
  21. Hello community, i will change the icon of my exe, i used the Reshack program and i have seen two ways for change the icon in another posts from hercules/rathena, "after diff the client and... before diff", i tested the two ways and is not working... Appears that error when i open the exe. Only when i change the icon before or after. Sorry my system is spanish I use this icon pack : http://herc.ws/board/topic/5637-s1-lykos-icon-pack/?hl=%2Bicon+%2Bpack My question Is it possible to change the icon from the executable?
  22. bug on @disguise in 20150513? After I move (when disguised) once, and try to move again, the sprite stays on that location (other players can see my sprite moving though). Any thoughts?
  23. Hello community, I want to share BASIC guide for setting up Client date 2013+ (custom items, jobs, weapons, etc, go away) This is a compact list that you can follow to setup your client, let's start: [1]. Download latest kRO Installer from : [*]https://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro [*]http://herc.ws/board/topic/10666-release-2012-04-10-ragexere-full-client/ [*]Torrent : https://kickass.to/ragnarok-online-06-06-2014-kro-client-folder-t9211110.html I will update when I found the other links. [2]. Choose which client date you want use, list clients date (Ragexe) that available in Hercules: [*]2014 : 2014-01-15, 2014-02-05, 2014-03-05, 2014-04-02, 2014-04-16, 2014-10-16, 2014-10-22 [*]2013 : 2013-03-20, 2013-05-14, 2013-05-22, 2013-05-29, 2013-06-05, 2013-06-12, 2013-06-18, 2013-06-26, 2013-07-03, 2013-08-07, 2013-08-14, 2013-12-18, 2013-12-23, 2013-12-30 The recomended and stable clients are bolded [3]. Download UNPACKED Ragexe from : [*]2013 : http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ [*]2014 : https://github.com/ThemonChan/2014-Ragexe-Client [*]Fixed 2014 April client, Link by @Lilystar : https://mega.co.nz/#!alM3kRyC!9z7xDPmFU3J9UFg4hXjNcv9XnLZxG5AL87iNksjpSiM [4]. Use NEMO patcher to diff your client [*]http://herc.ws/board/topic/2905-nemo-client-patcher/ , Use the git link, not the zip file. [*]Extract your client then open NEMO.exe [*]Browse and select your client. [*]Click "Load Client" button [*]Click "Select Recomended" button (Its checked all basic diffs) [*]Checked "Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo.lub" Patch, and fill it with "System/iteminfo.lua" [*]Then click "APPLY SELECTED" button. (Default result will like this : yyyy-mm-ddbRagexe_patched.exe) [*]Move your patched.exe to your Ragnarok folder. [5]. Now you got the patched exe, next is to edit your Hercules so it accept your client date [*]go to srccommon and open "mmo.h" [*]scroll down to #define PACKETVER [*]then changed "#define PACKETVER yyyymmdd" to your client date (eg: #define PACKETVER 20140416) [*]Add "//" before "#define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE" , because we use Ragexe [*]Save then compile your hercules. (choose "release", not "debug") Compiling guide: http://herc.ws/wiki/Compiling Setting up server guide: http://herc.ws/board/topic/968-guide-how-to-setup-hercules/ [6]. Now everything is ready to play, but you don't want to play with korean/unknown letter right? [*]Ok, now go to http://herc.ws/board/topic/398-client-translation-project/ [*]Download it, after that, copy the "data" folder to other folder (case sensitive). [*]Add your clientinfo.xml inside it (in folder data), then make a GRF from this. (Use GRF editor http://herc.ws/board/files/file/138-grf-editor/) [*]Save and name it "english.grf". [*]Move it to your Ragnarok folder. [*]Open your DATA.ini, if you don't have it, open your patched.exe, that should create one. [*]Add this line "1=english.grf" below "[Data]", without quote. so it will be like this : [*][Data]1=english.grf2=data.grf [*]Copy all files inside "SystemFont" folder of client translation, then paste it to Ragnarok "SystemFont" [*]Lastly copy "itemInfo.lua" and "Towninfo.lub" from client translation project to your ragnarok "system" folder [*]That's it! run Hercules's "run-server.bat" and open your patched.exe and play. [7]. Updating your KRO To make sure your KRO fully up to date, download RO patcher by Ai4rei , http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/rsu/ Put rsu-kro-rag-lite.exe to your ragnarok folder, run it until the patch is complete , then close it. P.S : Experimental client like 2014-10-22bRagexe and 2015-05-13aRagexe are NOT RECOMENDED to be used as client for your server. many broken feature inside them (like missing packets or unimplemented feature) as Developer still working on it (with no exact date), use it at your own risk =============================================== =================== F . A . Q =================== =============================================== All credits goes to Community
  24. Okay, hi! I'm wondering which 2015 client is stable enough (and hercules supported) should I use? Can you give me a link to it? Thanks! I'm upgrading because if the infamous bug with gtx 750 and 970 video cards where you have to CTRL + ALT + DELETE and cancel so sprites wont look... pixelated (more pixelated that is). Thanks in advance!
  25. LINK: http://third-ordonez.net Note: For newer clients ONLY. The script can only generate WEAPONS, ARMORS and HEADGEARS. What it does? Generates a code for lub files for adding a custom item. How it works? [Adding an Item on List] Fill all required fields -> Click Insert button * After inserting an item, the ItemID and VeiwID automatically increment based on the previous ids. [Adding a description line] Enter a description line -> Click + button * undo button - removes the last description line * refresh button - resets the list of descriptions [Remove Last button] * removes the last item on list [Viewing the list] Click Show All button. What if I made a mistake on a custom item which I already added? I added a feature wherein you can update an info. How? Just put the Existing ItemID on the textbox and it will load the properties and you may now update the item. Click Update button when done. Please report to me via email or message me here if you found any bugs on my script. Thank You! Email: [email protected]<script data-cfhash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">/* */</script>
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