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Found 63 results

  1. Version 1.2


    So basically its holidays so a lot of servers will be giving tons of freebies and stuff, and probably will have to make the same npc the next month and then again next month, so I made this npc to easily remake the same npc over and over. Features: Ability to reset the redeemed freebie variable/tracker for next time's freebies. You can easily edit the npc, change the items etc for next occasion. And keep the old array of items for next year(if you will give them again next yr). So yeah honestly its pretty simple, any scripter can easily do but sometimes you get lazy, I get lazy and I want to just download something that does what I want to do lol and spend more time doing something else. I tested the initial release, however please test it before implementing on your server. freebee_1.2.txt
  2. Version 2.1.1


    This is a configurable refiner that I made after reading the request from this topic. It contains the following options (all of them configurable): Normal refine Refine N times at once (It's possible to allow this for a different group) Set different zeny and item requirements based on item's WeaponLv field Display information about the refine like: the safe refine and the chance of the next level. Allow the usage of items that increase the success chance Allow the usage of items that avoids the item from being destroyed when the refine fails (2.0) Ask if want to use items to protect / increase refine chance (2.0) Define custom effects when refine fails: stay as is, decrease one level or go back to +0 Everything is configurable at the end of the script. I made some tests and it seems to be working correctly, if you run into any bug or wants to suggest a new feature, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.
  3. Version v1.0.0.600


    Easy to use & feature packed NPC Script Editor for RO emulator(s). Has a built in plug-in system, so anyone can write their own plugin to extend this editor's feature. Now optimized for performance and support NPC Script Parsing / Syntax / Error checking (F6) right in the editor to speed up your coding.
  4. bWolfie



    File Name: @botcheck File Submitter: True Zeal File Submitted: 30 Apr 2017 File Cateogry: Utility Description A useful command for your Game Masters to help monitor problem "bot" maps. Runs the @whomap2 command on a list of specified maps. This allows you to check classes as well as names, which could be useful for quickly ignoring a character. Requires configuration for maps you wish to have it run a check on. Example Configuration: //--- Sets the list of maps to run @whomap2 on setarray(.map$[0], "amatsu", // Note: Every entry excluding the last one must have a comma! "prontera", "odin_tem03" // Note: Last entry must never have a comma! ); Download You can "download" this file from its Pastebin location. Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/yYuFdLHm
  5. File Name: @botcheck File Submitter: True Zeal File Submitted: 30 Apr 2017 File Category: Utility File Name: @botcheck File Submitter: True Zeal File Submitted: 30 Apr 2017 File Cateogry: Utility Description A useful command for your Game Masters to help monitor problem "bot" maps. Runs the @whomap2 command on a list of specified maps. This allows you to check classes as well as names, which could be useful for quickly ignoring a character. Requires configuration for maps you wish to have it run a check on. Example Configuration: //--- Sets the list of maps to run @whomap2 on setarray(.map$[0], "amatsu", // Note: Every entry excluding the last one must have a comma! "prontera", "odin_tem03" // Note: Last entry must never have a comma! ); Download You can "download" this file from its Pastebin location. Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/yYuFdLHm Click here to download this file
  6. A simple script for those who are lazy to click the Emergency Call in Guild Skill :P If you want to use this as a main command for ecalling, make the Emergency Call Passive Find this : 10013,0,0,4,0,0x3,0,1,0,yes,0,0x10,0,none,0, GD_EMERGENCYCALL,Urgent Call Change to this : 10013,0,0,0,0,0x3,0,1,0,yes,0,0x10,0,none,0, GD_EMERGENCYCALL,Urgent Call but if you don't want to use this as main command, don't make the Emergency Call Passive but you can put this script as alternative for ecalling This script can only use during WoE Time, must be a Guild Master, Only for WoE Maps and Master Emergency Call Guild Skill Link : http://pastebin.com/ZbhMmgqn
  7. So what exactly is my custom command @.shutdown? Well it was based off @ request. I modified it a lot and turned it from a whisper into a command, if you input 0 it directly shuts down your map-server. You input the amount of minutes you want to start the shutdown. If you type @@shutdown after you set a shutdown, it will cancel out that current shutdown you have in progress! Enjoy guys, and here you go @ Just download attachment, install in npc folder and you're good to go. shutdown_cmd.txt
  8. Utility: Hercules Radio As per youtube's request: http://herc.ws/board/topic/1676-rhelp/ Description: A radio NPC that plays preset selection of client-side songs (these songs are to be placed in the 'BGM' folder). The command '@radio' was added as a convenience, to allow songs to be played wherever the invoking player may be. Songs are played on the map in which the NPC was invoked, meaning that if a player is in pay_gld and types '@radio', (s)he and everyone on the map will hear the selected song. Each time a song is played, a lock is set for the preset minutes; this lock prevents the NPC from being accessed. A countdown in minutes and seconds is be displayed to reflect the remaining time until the next song can be played. Download: https://github.com/datmumbles/Scripts/raw/master/util/radio.txt
  9. http://haru.ws/scriptchecker/ Hi all, This is not a release and it's not mine either. I just wanted to alert people to this awesome piece of work by Haru. You just paste your script and it'll error-check for you! Been here for 8 months and never heard of this till now. Mods feel free to move this. I just want all to know about this as I haven't seen it anywhere on these forums. Should be a pinned post by Haru himself!
  10. Hello, since it's my vacation time, trying to refresh myself with scripting. Here are some of my recent work, will add more probably in the next coming days. Level Up Event Race Event Floating Rates Bind @go command Healer/Buffer/Identifier/Repair NPC in one Have a good day!
  11. This script will disguise a character as another class similar to theirs, i.e. disguise a Lord Knight as a Rune Knight or vice versa. If they have a mount, it will display. I've kept this to myself for a while, but after seeing the terrible ways people were going about this, I decided to release this to the public. It's loosely based on the script I made for RebirthRO. Get it from GitHub Note: You cannot charge for access to this NPC or it's features. For more details see here.
  12. Utility: Instant Third-Class Jobs As per spectator's request: http://herc.ws/board/topic/882-rinstant-job-changer/ Description: Allows player to choose a third-class job upon initial login; if the player fails to choose a class for any reason, (s)he will be prompted again upon next login. Download: https://github.com/datmumbles/Scripts/raw/master/util/thirds.txt
  13. Hello all, I am in need of a refine which can be configured with a certain item and percentage. Like where you can set the required item id along with the percentage of refining chance it will increase. let say i set magic stone with 20% chance in increase of refining rate. something like that. Please help me out
  14. View File Freebee(freebie npc) So basically its holidays so a lot of servers will be giving tons of freebies and stuff, and probably will have to make the same npc the next month and then again next month, so I made this npc to easily remake the same npc over and over. Features: Ability to reset the redeemed freebie variable/tracker for next time's freebies. You can easily edit the npc, change the items etc for next occasion. And keep the old array of items for next year(if you will give them again next yr). So yeah honestly its pretty simple, any scripter can easily do but sometimes you get lazy, I get lazy and I want to just download something that does what I want to do lol and spend more time doing something else. I tested the initial release, however please test it before implementing on your server. freebee_1.2.txt Submitter Happy Submitted 12/24/14 Category Utility  
  15. File Name: Simple Cool Anti-Bot File Submitter: Ranz File Submitted: 24 Jan 2015 File Category: Utility This is a Simple Code Improved by me and Originally the method was from Brian. Features: Random bot check will trigger when killing a mob. 25% Chance to trigger when killing a Mob. If already passed the bot check. you will not be check again in the future. (Until you Recon) You have 3 Chance to prove that you are not Bot. If you fail. 10days of jail time. If you reconnect during the checkpoint. you will return in checkpoint after reconnecting. I have tested this in my server and works fine to me. If you found bug. Please report it PS: Sorry for my Grammar and Messy look Script Click here to download this file
  16. File Name: Modified Healer File Submitter: Zephy File Submitted: 06 Dec 2013 File Category: Scripts Versatile healer that can be configured easily. Additional features include price, buffs, repair, and delay per use. Modified from Euphy's healer. Click here to download this file
  17. Version 1.1


    This is a Simple Code Improved by me and Originally the method was from Brian. Features: Random bot check will trigger when killing a mob. 25% Chance to trigger when killing a Mob. If already passed the bot check. you will not be check again in the future. (Until you Recon) You have 3 Chance to prove that you are not Bot. If you fail. 10days of jail time. If you reconnect during the checkpoint. you will return in checkpoint after reconnecting. I have tested this in my server and works fine to me. If you found bug. Please report it PS: Sorry for my Grammar and Messy look Script
  18. This script enhances player capabilities by depositing, withdrawing and inquiring their balance anytime, anywhere! How to use : Just use @atm in-game. How to install : • Import the bank.sql on your database REMOVED ON VERSION 2.0 • Go to conf/script.conf • Find input_max_value: 10000000 and change it to 2147483647 • Go to src/common/mmo.h • Find #define MAX_ZENY 1000000000 and change it to 2000000000 • Recompile your server and re-start it • Put atm.txt on your npc folder • Reload the script by using @reloadscript or @loadscript and enjoy! Script features : • Register your account on the bank REMOVED ON VERSION 2.0 • Automatically register your account to the bank system ADDED ON VERSION 2.0 • Interest triggers every 00:00 each day ADDED ON VERSION 2.0 THANKS TO ANGELMELODY FOR THE SUGGESTION! • Limited times of reminder on your account number during login ADDED ON VERSION 2.0 • The bank can hold up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 zeny from it's original 2,147,483,647 zeny ADDED ON VERSION 2.0 • Deposit zeny to the bank • Withdraw zeny from the bank • Inquire your account balance Script restriction : • You should put your account number first before doing transactions. By default your account number is your account id ADDED ON VERSION 2.0 • Restrict 0 zeny deposit and withdraw • Restrict depositing amount which is larger than the current holding zeny • Restrict the user to withdraw amount which is larger than the balance of the account • Restrict the user to withdraw which will probably result of holding 2,000,000,000 zeny or more Changelog : atm.txt http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=2YW0wPPp
  19. Name: Party Board Registration NPC Location: Every town (New World towns commented out) Coded by: Me! (IeYasuru) What it does: A registration board with a sign above it showing "# Registrations) sits in each town. Players seeking a party can register themselves, which stores their name, job, and base/job levels. Party leaders can talk to the board and look through any registered members and chose who they want to invite to party. Script breaks away to invitee and asks if they want to join <Party Leader>'s party. If they chose yes, they get warped ~ 2 cells away from the party leader, and the party leader gets warped back to where he was when he activated the invitation. Features: - Uses attachrid/detachrid to run script execution between two different players - Checks party size of party leader to make sure party isn't already full (stored in $@Max_Party_Size under OnInit, set to max party size allowed on your server) - Main menu is dynamic, stored in .Menu_Ops[] set in OnInit. Just add .Menu_Ops[2] = "foobar"; to add new menu item, and you can add a new callsub label without having to worry about breaking any existing code. Make sure you add a new case #: callsub "<label>"; inside the switch() at line 59 - Waitingroom chatbox over NPC displays number of players registered looking for party. A one second timer constantly runs in the background refreshing the list, removing players that are already in a party, offline, or revoke their registration. - Duplicates set for all towns (except Novice Grounds and Prison for obvious reasons). There are duplicates set for mid_camp, manuk, and splendide, but they are commented out by default for servers that require the New World quest to access those maps so party leaders can't warp low level players to New World maps without the quest having been done. If you do not require this quest and wish to activate these duplicates, simply uncomment lines 253-255 The script uses a temporary global array named $@PB_PartyBoard$[]. It -could- be written to use SQL, but with as often as parse_party_list() runs, executing SQL queries to the database that frequently isn't the best idea, and since arrays now hold INT_MAX (roughly 2.1 billion) values, the likeliness of the array filling up are infinitesimally small. Special thanks goes to Aeromesi for the idea for this script. partyboard.txt
  20. File Name: Permanant Group Changer File Submitter: Dastgir File Submitted: 22 Jul 2014 File Category: Utility This is a command "@adjgroup2" From which you can give a character new GroupID, no matter he is online or offline. The New Group is changed permanently. Usage: @adjgroup2 <GroupID> <PlayerName> If PlayerName contains Spaces, Just put it with spaces, without Quotes. Click here to download this file
  21. File Name: IP Ban Script File Submitter: Yoh Asakura File Submitted: 31 Mar 2015 File Category: Utility IP Ban Script A simple and useful script that allows GM's to Ban someone's IP from the server. It's also possible to put a reason why you want to ban that IP. The IP and the reason (if any) will be at your database, in "ipbanlist" table. Original author: unknown Script edited by: Yoh Asakura. Click here to download this file
  22. @charinfo A @command (via script) that gives you and your GM Staff (GM level 2 NOT group level)information about Player account informations without having to login to phpmyadmin. I'm quite used to making very simple scripts but this is my first time to give back to the community and also my first time using sql query in scripts (in short i'm a newbie) Please leave comments about what you think . ( I use it on my own server so it includes checking if they have freebies received via account or via mac address) You can choose to input Character name or Username NOTE: I know the @accinfo almost do the same thing but i'm a big noob in source editing so i made this for my own use ( then i can include the stuff i want to display) - script charinfo -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "charinfo","charinfo::OnCharInfo", 0, 2; end;OnCharInfo: if(getgroupid() >= 2) { mes " [ Character Info ] "; mes " Hello GM ^00CC00"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!"; mes " What would you like to check? "; switch (select("Character Name:Username")) { case 1: input .@chrnm$; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" + .@chrnm$ + "'",.@acid; next; break; case 2: input .@acnme$; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '" + .@acnme$ + "'",.@acid; next; break; } query_sql "SELECT `userid`,`email`,`group_id`,`last_ip`,`birthdate`,`last_mac` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` ='" + .@acid + "'", .@usrd$,.@eml$,.@ggm,.@lstip$,.@brtdy$,.@macad$; if ( .@ggm > 0 ) { mes "[ Account Information ]"; mes "GM Account Information are not available"; close; } else if ( .@acid < 2000000 || .@acid > 3000000 ) { mes "[ Account Information ]"; mes "Character Not Found"; close; } query_sql "SELECT `name`, `base_level`, `job_level` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` =" + .@acid + " ORDER BY `base_level` DESC",.@chrlst$, .@blvl, .@jlvl; mes "[Character List]" ; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@chrlst$); set .@i, .@i + 1){ mes .@i+1+". ^00CC00"+.@chrlst$[.@i]+"^000000 "; mes "Level: "+.@blvl[.@i]+"/"+.@jlvl[.@i]+" "; } next; mes "[ Account Information ]"; mes "Account ID: "+.@acid; mes "Username: "+.@usrd$; mes "Email: "+.@eml$; mes "Last IP: ^00CC00"+.@lstip$+"^000000"; mes "Birthdate: "+.@brtdy$; mes "Mac Address: ^FF0000"+.@macad$+"^000000"; query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`last_mac` FROM `freebies` WHERE `account_id` =" + .@acid + " ",.@rcvfrbs, .@lstmc$; if (.@rcvfrbs > 0) { set .@rcvfrbs, 1; } else { set .@rcvfrbs, 0; } if (.@rcvfrbs > 0) { set .@rcvfrbs$, "^00CC00Yes^000000"; } if (.@rcvfrbs == 0) { set .@rcvfrbs$, "^FF0000No^000000"; } mes "Freebies from account: "+.@rcvfrbs$; for(set .@i1, 0; .@i1 < getarraysize(.@lstmc$); set .@i1, .@i1 + 1){ set .@lstmc, .@lstmc +1; } if (.@lstmc < 1) { set .@lstmc$, "^FF0000No^000000"; } if (.@lstmc > 0) { set .@lstmc$, "^00CC00Yes^000000"; } mes "Freebies from MAC: "+.@lstmc$; close; }} 2. @ipinfo This one displays all users (displays username) with login count and last login from IP address of a certain character (Input Character name) - script ipinfo -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "ipinfo","ipinfo::OnIPInfo", 2, 2; end;OnIPInfo: if(getgroupid() >= 2) { input .@chrnm$; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" + .@chrnm$ + "'",.@acid; query_sql "SELECT `last_ip`,`group_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` ='" + .@acid + "'", .@lstp$, .@grplvl; query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`logincount`,`lastlogin` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` ='" + .@lstp$+ "'", .@acidlip, .@acidlip$, .@lgncnt, .@lstlgn$; if (.@acid < 2000000 || .@acid > 3000000) { mes "Character Not Found"; close; } if (.@grplvl > 0) { mes "GM Accounts Not Available"; close; } mes "Name: ^00CC00"+.@chrnm$+"^000000 "; mes "IP Address: ^FF0000"+.@lstp$+"^000000 "; next; mes "Displaying Users with IP: ^00CC00"+.@lstp$; next; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@acidlip$); set .@i, .@i + 1){ mes .@i+1+". ^00CC00"+.@acidlip$[.@i]+"^000000 "; mes "Login Count: "+.@lgncnt[.@i]+" "; mes "Last Login: "+.@lstlgn$[.@i]+" "; } close; }} 3. @macinfo Same as @ipinfo except this one displays mac address information (if you have harmony or in my case have last_mac table) - script macinfo -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "macinfo","macinfo::OnMacInfo", 2, 2; end;OnMacInfo: if(getgroupid() >= 2) { input .@chrnm$; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" + .@chrnm$ + "'",.@acid; query_sql "SELECT `last_mac`,`group_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` ='" + .@acid + "'", .@lstp$, .@grplvl; query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`logincount`,`lastlogin` FROM `login` WHERE `last_mac` ='" + .@lstp$+ "'", .@acidlmac, .@acidlmac$, .@lgncnt, .@lstlgn$; if (.@acid < 2000000 || .@acid > 3000000) { mes "Character Not Found"; close; } if (.@grplvl > 0) { mes "GM Accounts Not Available"; close; } mes "Name: ^00CC00"+.@chrnm$+"^000000 "; mes "Mac Address: ^FF0000"+.@lstp$+"^000000 "; next; mes "Displaying Users with Mac: ^00CC00"+.@lstp$; next; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@acidlmac$); set .@i, .@i + 1){ mes .@i+1+". ^00CC00"+.@acidlmac$[.@i]+"^000000 "; mes "Login Count: "+.@lgncnt[.@i]+" "; mes "Last Login: "+.@lstlgn$[.@i]+" "; } close; }}
  23. File Name: Monster Search File Submitter: GmOcean File Submitted: 12 Oct 2014 File Category: Utility Official Supported Projects: Midgard-Community Project & Yourolist Project & RateMyServer Website ============================================================= Description ============================================================= This script will allow users to search information about a monster in-game, and then open up a page to that exact mob on any website admins choose to enable. Works for both re/non-re monsters. ============================================================= Features ============================================================= Choose between what website you want your server to use. Or simply leave that upto your players by enabling all sites. ============================================================= NOTE - Requires a client from 2011-10-10aRagexe.exe onwards. NOTE2 - RateMyServer Link does not support custom mobs. NOTE3 - As of yet, Midgard-Community & Yourolist also, do not support custom mobs to the extent of my knowledge. ============================================================= Click here to download this file
  24. Preview : http://bit.ly/Z0ECZx Introduction : You can hire this npc, it will follow you and give you buff. Download : dedicated_npc_3.txt More NPC : First add new npc like this: ,,,duplicate(DedicatedNPCMain)Add new name define into .npc_name$setarray .npc_name$[0],"Dedicated Poring AAA","Dedicated Poring BBB","Dedicated Poring CCC"; Time Set : 60 seconds set getvariableofnpc(.npc_time[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer"),gettimetick(2)+60; Update : 2014/02/27 : http://herc.ws/board/topic/4107-dedicated-npc-v2/?p=27298 http://rathena.org/board/topic/74607-dedicated-npc-v2/?p=244414 2014/01/24 : Rewrite timer and npc runner. Edit : No repairall? >> reply
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