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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. If my character is set on 'disable_pickup' and have a party with party share items. Will it be possible for me to have a loot via party members picking up the loot? yes, the disable_pick up is strictly made to prevent only ground picking for use in events or whatsoever
  2. post your mmo.h please
  3. mind telling if those were fixed so we can close this topic and mark bugtracker as fixed?
  4. going to make a pull request for it if enough people still wants it to be added!
  5. I've made a pull request with it =) hope it gets added soon, if you guys have a git account and want to support or comment anything to be improved, just post there: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/329
  6. It looks like this paste doesn't exist!
  7. I want to suggest the addition of this mapflag since AnnieRuru didn't pushed any change to git as she said x/ so lets hope that devs still read this subforum, here it goes: http://herc.ws/board/topic/4830-noitem-mapflag/
  8. post your changed script please
  9. npcs não podem ter nomes repetidos
  10. it should look like this: //Uncomment the following line if your client is ragexeRE instead of ragexe (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).//#define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE#ifdef ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE #define PACKETVER_RE #undef ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE#endif // DISABLE_PACKETVER_RE
  11. evilpuncker

    IND please!

    LOL! Still waiting for his update this. xD
  12. I remember you =) welcome and feel free to make pull requests for us and/or apply as developer since seems like we are in need =D
  13. Mask everything? even there are checks like that, bots can still login? O_O yes, that is why we can't really block them 100% since they came out
  14. bots can mask everything, that is why they are unstoppable
  15. post your mmo.h in pastebin or some paste site and post here please
  16. coloca o sleep 1000; antes da linha atcommand "@killmonster2";
  17. coloca um sleep 1000; antes do killmonsterall "guild_vs3"; pra dar tempo do jogador estar no mapa
  18. Currently it is at feature freeze. New feature would be possible starting next major release, which is bit overdue now. Hopefully I have some time next 2 months. I hope everything is going fine to you =) this is still the best patcher ever xD
  19. troca o script do item para o seguinte: 20027,pergaminho_ajudante_escravo,pergaminho ajudante escravo,2,10000,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp)) { dispbottom "Você não pode usar esse item em mapas pvp."; end; } else { atcommand "@summon 2238 3"; atcommand "@summon 2238 3"; atcommand "@summon 2238 3"; dispbottom "Voce acaba de invocar 3 Ninjas para te ajudar."; }},{},{} e logo depois das linhas q contenham o comando de "warp" para os jogadores vc adiciona: killmonsterall "nome_do_mapa"; e acho q tá pronto
  20. evilpuncker

    script error

    just read and do what the error message says... change SET to set....
  21. é um item custom dele pelo jeito, logo este arquivo não irá ajudar xD @topic cara vc pode postar aqui o script do item? assim é só colocar uma checagem de mapa no início e td fica normal =)
  22. remove them from skilltreeview.lub client side and skill_tree.conf server side
  23. formulas? yeah new skills added? nope 2014-02-05b? Where can I get it? http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ Is michieru (if spelled correctly) the client files you're using? actually I made my own files because I use bRO and not kRO you just need to made new ones and diff it with them
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