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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. I don't think so and neither recommend it
  2. not implemented since we still don't have original formula
  3. download latest version from here and compile with visual studio, and if you don't understand, try posting at portuguese subforum in order to receive support in your native tongue
  4. found that somewhere in my HDD http://upaste.me/07c8156078217feff
  5. I vote for the complete removal and let the user chose from community the ones he should/want to have
  6. pls don't teach them to use "menu" =P ref: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/374
  7. if you want to delete something, just run those queries in your phpmyadmin: DELETE FROM `auction`,`cart_inventory`,`guild_storage`,`inventory`,`mail`,`storage` WHERE nameid = 4430;DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE nameid = 4430; UPDATE `inventory` SET card0=0 WHERE card0 = 4430;UPDATE `inventory` SET card1=0 WHERE card1 = 4430;UPDATE `inventory` SET card2=0 WHERE card2 = 4430;UPDATE `inventory` SET card3=0 WHERE card3 = 4430; just change 4430 to the desired id PS: do it with the server offline.
  8. you never ceases to amaze me btw my question is the same as GmOcean, is that your skin or they changed it officially?
  9. I like your idea as well, btw add a poll to the topic
  10. I don't think so, have you added custom things to your skill_tree file? can you post it here?
  11. use NEMO http://herc.ws/board/topic/2905-nemo-client-patcher/
  12. atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(PC_NAME);
  13. the easy way is to not allow vending in the "lobby" map xD
  14. lol, why not just use the old item_trade.txt feature that got moved to item_db.conf ?
  15. look this video: http://herc.ws/board/topic/7231-lucky-roulette-mini-game/?p=43860
  16. http://herc.ws/board/topic/653-maprecall/?hl=recall#entry4656
  17. what about using <ITEMLINK>?
  18. unbid it... look for the npc at npc/custom/itembind.txt
  19. u r cute <3

    1. Angelmelody


      but i feel that this photo is stupid XD

  20. http://herc.ws/board/topic/302-introducing-hercules-map-zone-database/
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