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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. http://browedit.excalibur-nw.com/BrowInstaller_stable.exe
  2. *monster "<map name>",<x>,<y>,"<name to show>",<mob id>,<amount>{,"<event label>"{,<size>{,<ai>}}};
  3. You can use rsu.test for that. seems like there is nothing that you can't do xD btw do you have any plan into making all of those tool together? that would be awesome something like GRF Suite
  4. any chance to make it displays which file was not "successfully" read? =D I always wanted to know which file is corrupted in official GRF
  5. maybe some of the @effect number does it, since it does almost every animation of skills
  6. o erro diz claramente que o arquivo "login-server.exe" não existe '-'
  7. something like ragnarok auction system?
  8. hey! mind posting it here so devs can take a look for us? =D thanks
  9. hey guys, any news? I'll follow this topic with the hope to see something soon
  10. you mean get name from item_db.conf and put it in iteminfo.lua? get name and description from id* files and put in iteminfo.lua bump to this suggestion /
  11. try loading it at http://herc.ws/board/topic/2905-nemo-client-patcher/ and see if you are luck and it displays client date
  12. seems indeed a bug, report it at bugtracker
  13. I still don't get it xD mind giving a video or screenies and showing an example of its usage? sorry for being noob xD
  14. remove this line: clif->msgtable_num(sd->fd, 0x746, e_tick + 1); // [%d] seconds left until you can use from pc.c and recompile
  15. Mesmo sem usar a suposta primeira classe dessa tal classe que iria pular como por exemplo de aprendiz para lord knight ? sim pois a source cuida disso automaticamente, é a mesma coisa q vc entrar no jogo e usar @job pra varias classes diferentes vai ser como o script vai funcionar
  16. what does it really do? xD does it allow us to create npcs that vends items with cards and etc? if yes, how can we do it? xD because the sample script doesn't have a list of items or whatsoever xD sorry for being a noob =)
  17. sim, o comando de alteraçao de classe funciona com a arvore de skills normalmente
  18. posso estar enganado mas acho que não tem como traduzir 100% do client de uma forma fácil, eu me contentaria com o que já está disponivel ou pagaria para algum "expert" pelas mudanças
  19. hexed you can download undiffed here: http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ full kRO client: http://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro (I recommend the torrent)
  20. You should patch your client with the path of your custom file relative to your RO folder (Typically you place the file in the System folder and patch the client with System/<filename>.lub) Similarly the path of your base file (the one you specify in the dofile function) will also be relative to your RO folder (Like the other one this one is also placed typically in the System folder). could you edit the code so I can have the following: 1 - mycustomitems.lua (custom items and official overrides) 2 - ItemInfo.lua ("official" bRO file with portuguese info) 3 - ItemInfo2.lua (translated official file with all items) the problem is: I can have 1 and 2 normally, but since bRO lacks a lot of items because it is still some episodes bellow official I need to code to add to the main tbl only the ItemID that doesn't exists in file 1 and 2, I hope that my explanation is good enough, if no, just ask
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