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pr3p last won the day on November 12 2022

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About pr3p

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    Advanced Member

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  1. Awesome work, its nice to be back from graveyard
  2. Hi sir send us dm, thanks Regards, ROServices
  3. Hi if you need Ragnarok Services focuses on Weg Development you may contact us FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ROServices.Official DiscordL: https://discord.gg/
  4. We have this FluxCP Addons ( Referral System) with point system Regards, ROServices
  5. Hi Guys nice to be back #ROServices Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ROServices.Official Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/R4agyNmm Regards, ROServices
  6. Please refer on the post here, thanks http://herc.ws/board/topic/8519-help-cashpointsphp/ or download cashpoints.php here http://pastebin.com/86hw1b03 and replaced your current files ( vote_for_credits\lib ) folder
  7. Enable debug and set to = true on application.php
  8. make sure to recompile your server make plugins
  9. Kindly double checked the file you uploaded the file name of every subfolder. please upload new updated the one is working with you, please check screenshot i provided http://prnt.sc/b4cdku Yes probably text format, here is asni language pt-br, maybe because of the language... Maybe you can upload the korean base so that we can translate it with unblox thanks and looking for your fast reponse, i already converted the sprite and its working fine but for the weapons i dont know what folder and the correct asni lang for that. Weapon Folder name. data/sprite/ Àΰ£Á·/¿î¿µÀÚ Files name are same as folder, but with female and male sufix. Female: ¿î¿µÀÚ_¿© Male: ¿î¿µÀÚ_³² Alright thanks,weapon working fine now
  10. Kindly double checked the file you uploaded the file name of every subfolder. please upload new updated the one is working with you, please check screenshot i provided http://prnt.sc/b4cdku Yes probably text format, here is asni language pt-br, maybe because of the language... Maybe you can upload the korean base so that we can translate it with unblox thanks and looking for your fast reponse, i already converted the sprite and its working fine but for the weapons i dont know what folder and the correct asni lang for that.
  11. Kindly double checked the file you uploaded the file name of every subfolder. please upload new updated the one is working with you, please check screenshot i provided http://prnt.sc/b4cdku
  12. Nice work but i tried to replace the old one doesn't work sprite doesn't diplay it seems the one you uploaded file name was converted, please refer on the ss, w/x suppose to ¿© and ³² http://prntscr.com/b4cd7b http://prntscr.com/b4cdku I fixed already and rename those sprite Simply rename the .SPR and .ACT file of your new custom GM sprites to Female: ¿î¿µÀÚ_¿© Male: ¿î¿µÀÚ_³² The location of the GM sprites go to data/sprite/ Àΰ£Á·/¸öÅë/ ³² (MALE) data/sprite/ Àΰ£Á·/¸öÅë/ ¿© (FEMALE)
  13. any update on your services? and now your posting i tot you are busy? what the hell @Aeromesi
  14. i don't think so it was ripped by others, i downloaded that file with those images also with no notes or credits added a long time ago.
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