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Kuya Jeo

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Everything posted by Kuya Jeo

  1. Is there someone has a source code like Loki Launcher that you can login thru Launcher. Thank you
  2. Show us the crash logs so that we can check it for you but initially error comes with missing textures and sprites or even model
  3. Enable the HPMHooking plugin NOTE : HPMHooking.c is already in src/plugin folder, just enable it in makefile edit makefile.ini and makefile in trunk/src/plugin enable it too in conf/plugin.conf recompile your server
  4. did you put your plugin file in the src/plugins folder? to make it easier to compile just command make clean && make all
  5. Client version? Please indicate too the exact error, thank you, also check if you are using packet_obfuscation or using new/old clients that isn't support by hercules
  6. trunk/src/common/mmo.h #define MAX_LEVEL 175 change into #define MAX_LEVEL 255 Next is trunk/conf/map/battle/player.conf this will make 255 stats // Max limit of char stats. (AGI, STR, etc.) max_parameter: 99 change into // Max limit of char stats. (AGI, STR, etc.) max_parameter: 255 Next is trunk/conf/map/battle/client.conf max_lv: 99 change it to (same with the aura_lv if you want 255 player have a blue aura) max_lv: 255 next step is trunk/db/pre-re/job_db.conf you can use this one, not yet tested but give it a try Link : https://pastebin.com/QaB3Y3Tv Done forget to recompile your server after..
  7. Make an invisible/blank spr, actually its a little bit time consuming because you need to replace them all
  8. 1. Copy the monster.spr and monster.act you want. 2. Rename the monster.spr and monster.act that same with the job that you want to replace 3. replace the original spr and act file of the job you want to replace
  9. Actually i can help you but im quite busy right now developing a server, you can pm me here or in my FB Page if you need help.
  10. Zup guys.. still active.. lets make our community alive again...

  11. Did you try to update your grf files? https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE I used this one, i didnt encounter any problem using 2019 client
  12. Kuya Jeo

    Mass Seller

    Thank you, im glad that I help you alot
  13. Kuya Jeo

    Mass Seller

    Try to put another condition in this part if( !@inventorylist_equip[.@i] ){ something like this. if( !@inventorylist_equip[.@i] && getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[.@i], ITEMINFO_TYPE ) == IT_ETC){ i really dont test it. maybe just give it a try.
  14. Kuya Jeo

    Mass Seller

    Try this one, didnt test it yet. mapname,100,100,4 script TestNPC 4_M_MAYOR,{ getinventorylist; set .@overcharge_lv, getskilllv( "MC_OVERCHARGE" ); if( .@overcharge_lv ) set .@overcharge_rate, 105 + ( 2 * .@overcharge_lv ) - ( ( .@overcharge_lv >= 10 )? 1:0 ); while( .@i < @inventorylist_count ){ if( !@inventorylist_equip[.@i] ){ set .@item_sell_price, getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[.@i],1 ); if( .@overcharge_lv ) set .@item_sell_price, ( ( .@item_sell_price * .@overcharge_rate ) / 100 ); mes " > "+@inventorylist_amount[.@i]+ "x " +getitemname( @inventorylist_id[.@i] )+" : "+.@item_sell_price+"z"; .@cost += .@item_sell_price * @inventorylist_amount[.@i]; } .@i++; } if( .@cost ){ if( select( "Cost for all the Items - "+.@cost+" zeny?","Cancel" ) == 1 ){ .@i = 0; while( .@i < @inventorylist_count ){ if( !@inventorylist_equip[.@i] ) delitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],@inventorylist_amount[.@i]; .@i++; } Zeny += .@cost; mes "You received a total cost of "+.@cost+" zeny."; } } else{ mes "You don't have any items to sell."; } close; }
  15. Yes you can if you have the sprites
  16. Community is not active like before... Hmmm

  17. If you know all the things you changed in your src, i can help you..
  18. the problem using monster "<mapname>",<X>,<Y>,"<MobName>",<Mob Sprite>,<Mob Amount>,"<NPCNAME>::<OnLabel>"; is when you used convex mirror, you cant find it or convex is not responding on the mob without boss_monster label
  19. Its possible for script by killing all the mobs in the map something like killallmonsterall "prontera"; but you need to put it all in the MVP Maps. Sample : this will kill all mobs after restart and reloadscript - script MVPKILLRESTART FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: killmonsterall "prt_maze03"; // Kill Baphomet and all monster in the map cleanmap "prt_maze03"; // Clean all drops in the map end; }
  20. Please provide an error it there is.. but I just tested the script from the hunting mission located in custom folder and its working fine.. did you modified the script?
  21. Actually herc and rA doesn't support 4th job yet.. they need to pull all the stuff in iRO and kRO before implementing it, I know someone who making an emulator for 4th job but they will not release it for public as she said..
  22. For me your npc list is great, i always used your site for npc names because of herc compatibility
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