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Everything posted by 4144

  1. Clean all temp directories Use shell access or web interface for this
  2. This mean you have created 25002 files. For web hostings this is most time some temp files like php sessions.
  3. This error mean, what some one used item. And in item_db this item have broken script. In some bonus was used unknown constant and it not working as designed. Unknown constant mean 0.
  4. Sample plugin here https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/src/plugins/sample.c In same dir exists some other plugins
  5. This mean your compiler version too old. But probably devs will add workaround for outdated compilers.
  6. I think because constant for current item added at end, and script parsed before constant added. This is simple to fix. But can be other issues, For example item using in script still not parsed other item. I think both issues can be fixed, but it will create a bit overhead.
  7. Why it not object oriented? It is. But it not using C++. Object oriented programming possible not only in C++ but in many other languages.
  8. if you prefer centos, try centos 7 or newer versions. Now you using centos 6. It was release in 2011 year.
  9. Configure look like fine. Not sure, but this can be because your libpcre very old. You already using legacy operating system. Probably try install new libpcre version from some repository. Or simply upgrade os to some thing more supported.
  10. Again, show error from configure. Dont run make until configure will not show any errors.
  11. This error mean your system partially broken, look like it can find /bin/sh. Try open configure with text editor and replace in first line /bin/sh into /bin/bash, then save. and try run configure again.
  12. 4144

    disable accinfo

    you editing groups.conf. This is configuration file and not source code. This mean dont need run make or configure. Need only restart server or run @reloadatcommand
  13. 4144

    disable accinfo

    need add it to commands but you look like adding it to permissions.
  14. configure show error? it show you should fix this error.
  15. look like server cant find pcre. You run configure? or only make? Try start from ./configure And if it show error, need fix it first, and only after run make.
  16. Here bug. In one file this field exists for one version, in second for another. I not sure how to fix it, because not used gravity clients. Try packet version 20141022, here it will compile.
  17. After this changes you must select in menu "build clean" or "rebuild" or both of it
  18. crash soon will be fixed in this pull request https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/1166
  19. if you do typo in id, it will works if you do typo in name, it will show error.
  20. For this skill errors, you should fix your scripts, or explain how you get it. Sadly in windows no debug information to see source of this errors.
  21. [Error]: make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #5, error 98: Address already in use)! [Error]: make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #4, error 98: Address already in use)! This errors mean you already have some thing listen on configured ports. Probably you already run one instance of server First kill all running instances, then try again. If you using athena-start script, it very unstable. Run servers separatly.
  22. if no codepage, this mean no editor or service what can show all lines in correct format. Probably better store in utf8, because if store in cp949, for example russian or other locales not supported at all. But client look like not support utf8... Probably only solution convert pot file from any valid for it codepage to utf8 and store it in repository in utf8. services can translate it and create po files in utf8 too. After convert tranlsations (po files) from utf8 to codepages what supported by client. for example russian from utf8 to cp1251. And store po files in repository in this codepages.
  23. @@Haru, yes in utf8 cant be any chars with set high bit. Probably before upload pot file need convert it from CP949 to utf8? And for using with server convert it back?
  24. here error too. gettext say error in "" i think need escape "" in text it must be ""
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