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Everything posted by 4144

  1. In hercules no skill_cast_db. Try search in skill_db.conf
  2. Many people not using git at all. And because this cant see revision number.
  3. 4144

    NPC Giving Skills

    Skill also should be present in skill tree for current class/job
  4. 4144

    Achievement System

    All should works if use pull request with achievment. But it not yet merged. You can use pull request for test it only.
  5. 4144

    Achievement System

    it alomost ready but not merged yet
  6. This errors look like related to some skill. What exact skill need to use to get this errors?
  7. Meaning client dated 2016-12-28a not supported by hercules yet? I even tried the 2016-02-03a & 2015-10-29a, both also having the same issue as the above. Error message: "Your game exe is not the latest version(5)" Can anyone else help me on this issue? Thanks in advance 2016-02-03 supported, but 2015-10-29 is not See in src/map/packets.h Search date what you need and see is comment "shuffle packets" present and after some pakets. If it present, then this version supported.
  8. OpenVz hosters often overselling. Most time memory. In other words you see in your box 4GB, but really it can be 1GB or even less. In kvm this tricks impossible.
  9. 2016-12-28 is not. because issue with client after unpacking. But support many other 2016 clients. For 2017 clients pull request still not merged, but working
  10. This warning mean what you send wrong packet. May be wrong size. Remember what packet_len not works in plugins as is. In plugin need use direct access to packet by interface and get it size.
  11. If i not wrong ChaseRange mean range for chase. but if mob not saw you before it will not chase you. ChaseRange works for example you hit mob, and run long long ago. if ChaseRange still enought mob, will run to you. For mob mob to you from long distance need use ViewRange. And may be also ChaseRange if you need chase on similar distances.
  12. What changes you did in BUILDIN(purchaseok)? because it cant call script_cleararray_pc
  13. now no. need rewrite this code in hercules for support more
  14. Current hercules imlementation allow only 64 permissions. Look like you reached this value
  15. Hm, yes this branch look like alive
  16. Idathena stopped developed some years ago no? Because git what i have was last updated in april 2015. This mean it already dead for two years.
  17. 4144

    failed assertion

    This assert mean used wrong bonus with id 0. Most time this mean somewhere for bonus type was used contant, but this constant not exists and because this it used as 0. Also error show what this is usescript. It can be in item_db or item_db2. Is this assert happened if you use any item?
  18. sorry i mean you using very old hercules. function where it crashed was rewrote into new way. this mean issue may not happened in latest hercules.
  19. Without revision number no one can help you. Look like you not using very old hercules.
  20. [Warning]: Unable to restore stack! Double continuation This mean some thing already runned. player can execute only one script at same time. Look like your Test npc script was run with attached player and you run another one script. This will not works
  21. @kairu input interaction can works only with npc. You cant enter text for not attached npc. For fix this issue, you can use in your item use script doevent "servicenpc::OnUseMenu" And inside this npc and this label even you can add your code what will ask something from player. Also attachrid from usescript is useless, script should be already attached to player.
  22. Temporary workaround is disable HOTKEY_SAVING in src/common/mmo.h. Remove or comment line with: #define HOTKEY_SAVING to //#define HOTKEY_SAVING
  23. Yes overloading block other plugins if they overloaded this function before
  24. 2. depend how plugin hook type and is it block other functions with same name. It can hook pre function, and if it not call hookStop() other plugins and server can execute oroginal function. If it call hookStop(), all other plugins and original function will be blocked. It can hook post function. Then it will be called after pre, and normal function. 3. yes 4. yes 5. try see other plugins. 6. irc
  25. You can avoid this if not attach OnXXX events to player.
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