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Found 19 results

  1. Elurair Patching Launcher (RO Patcher Lite+ROCred Merge) About Universal auto-patcher for all your updating needs combined with a launcher, which is fully skinnable, highly customizable and easy on resources. It is free of any cost and works on every 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft* Windows* platform. How this came to be: Future of ROCred and RO Patcher Lite Known Issues None. FAQ Q: Does the patcher support encrypted GRFs? A: Yes, common GRF encryption schemes are supported. Q: Can I use the Patcher part without the Launcher part? A: Yes, the Launcher mechanics and UI can be disabled in configuration. Q: Can I use the Launcher part without the Patcher part? A: Yes, remove all Patcher sections from the configuration. Download & Website http://ai4rei.net/p/skal (discord available for real-time support) License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License.
  2. RO Patcher Lite About Replacement for Gravity's RO patcher. Works faster and doesn't consume your entire memory for just seeing it crashing, aside from this, it works almost exactly as the official patcher does, so that it shouldn't break, unless Gravity changes something vital to their patcher. It works on every 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft* Windows* platform and is free of any cost. Known Issues None. Download & Website http://ai4rei.net/p/rsu License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
  3. Version


    ** This program has been orignally uploaded on rAthena; it's been uploaded on Hercules due to multiple requests. If you have suggestions or feedback and you want a quick response, please contact me via rAthena. I will respond on Hercules' forum as well, but it'll take a bit longer . Hey everyone, This is a GRF tool I started to develop for my own personnal use, but I thought I'd share it since I've upgraded the UI. Its primary goal is to be easy to use while offering a wide variety of options and customizations. The software is quite stable and can handle large operations easily. How to install Download the zip archive provided from the download link at the bottom of this description or directly from there : http://www.mediafire.com/?aflylbhblrzpz0h Install the application with GRF Editor Installer.exe; if you are missing a .NET Framework you will be prompted to download it. Once you are done, you can start the program from the link on your desktop. Key features Overall speed is faster (or at least equal) than any GRF tool. Common operations : add, delete, merge, extract, preview, save. Undo and redo for any operation. It can open any GRF file. Clean and very interactive interface. Saving formats supported : 0x200, 0x103 and 0x102 (through the Settings page). Instant filter and search options (example : "map .gat"). File association and context menus integration for .grf, .gpf and .rgz (through the Settings page). Can rebuild separated images into one file easily. Lub decompilation (in beta, but it can decompile almost any lub file so far). Drag and drop (with the ALT key, can be modified in the Settings page). This is a big part of the software; most of the items can be moved around within the application itself or from/to Windows Explorer. Tools Sprite editor : a simple sprite editor with powerful features. Semi-transparent images can be added, you can easily change the order or replace images, etc. This tool can convert images in the wrong type by showing you multiple solutions (merging a new palette, dithering the image by using current palette, using the closest color, and a few more). Grf validation : allows you to validate a GRF with multiple settings. It can detect corrupted GRF entries, invalid sprites, empty files, non-GRF files, duplicate files and a lot more. Flat maps maker : generates flat maps from .gat and .rsw files. Useful to generate WoE maps or to fasten up the loading time. Patch maker : generates a GRF patch based on two different GRFs. Hash viewer : shows the hash code (both CRC32 and MD5) for files. Image converter : converts an image to any format requested (BMP, PNG, JPG, TGA). GrfCL : used to create batch files (.bat) which can automate tasks on GRF files. See the content in GrfCL.rar in the download for more information. This tool can be customized from the sources as well. Palette recolorer : creates new sprites by changing their colors (this tool is now deprecated). Client database editor : allows modifications of the database client files (txt and lua) with easy and simple tools. Work in progress. Grf encryption The encryption feature has been enabled again. It's similar to what it used to be and it has been tested on client versions ranging from 2012-08-01 to 2014-02-05. Some error messages will be displayed if necessary. If you have an issue, copy the error message (with the code, if there's one) and send me the client executable with the cps.dll file generated by GRF Editor. There shouldn't be compatibility issues anymore though! Technical stuff Requires .Net Framework 3.5 (SP1) Client Profile to run (3.5 or more will work as well). Automatically converts file name encoding to their proper values (you can change the encoding). Data virtualization is used as much as possible to preview files, meaning the files aren't completely loaded. Right-clicking an item will bring up the available options with that file. Preview file formats : txt, log, xml, lua, lub, bmp, png, tga, jpp, db, ebm, pal, gnd, rsw, gat, rsm, str, spr, act, imf, fna and wav. Services are "crash ready", meaning that you will be warned about a failed operation and no work will be lost (the application won't close and crash). It tries to continue operating even if it meets unsual conditions. Operations can be cancelled by clicking on the button near the progress bar. The warning level can be changed to avoid messages like "Please select a folder first." When prompted with an error, use Ctrl-C to copy the current dialog's content. Some screenshots! 1) Previewing an act file, while showing the search feature 2) Preview of a model file (rsm) 3) Preview of GrfCL with the MakeGrf command 4) Preview of the Client Database Editor 5) Preview of Grf validation 6) Search feature (press Ctrl-F or Ctrl-H to bring up within a text editor) Sources : http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?7z6hkdag4ayj8rs Got a feedback? I'd gladly hear you out and fix issues you have with the program. If you want new features to be added, don't hesitate to ask!
  4. Bom dia, pessoal! Eu sou novo nesse "lance" de criar servidores de Ragnarok, e estou com algumas duvidas. 1 - Por que existem lua/lub files dentro da pasta data, e também dentro da pasta System? 2 - Qual a diferença da pasta luafiles e luafiles 514? 3 - Mesmo tendo arquivos lua/lub dentro da System e data, também existem dentro da grf. Tem necessidade disso mesmo? 4 - Por que existem diversos arquivos praticamente com o mesmo nome; exemplo_true.lua, exemplo_Sak.lua, exemplo_Sakray.lua, exemplo_Custom e etc? 5- Todos esses arquivos lua/lub poderiam estar todos centralizados apenas dentro de uma unica pasta? Estou fazendo essas perguntas porque eu quero fazer o meu próprio client-side, porém estou com muitas duvidas referente a esses tipos de arquivos espalhados e "poluindo" toda a estrutura. Baixei diversos servidores, e varias grf e as extrai para encontrar um padrão, mas não obtive exito no mesmo. Existe algum tutorial atualizado de como se criar do zero seu client-side? Quero fazer isso para criar uma base mais limpa e sem tantos arquivos desnecessários, e futuramente quando adquirido esse conhecimento fazer um tutorial detalhado para toda a comunidade. Desde já, muito obrigado!
  5. CarlosHenrq


    Hi guys, I'm here to share with you my new project php-grf, with this guy you can use PHP to read and write grf files. This only supports grf files with version 0x200; This supports read and writing in grf files; This code is based on https://github.com/MagicalTux/grf The code ahead will show you how to extract all files inside grf. <?php require_once 'php-grf/lib/autoload.php'; // Instance a reader/writer for your grf file $grf = new GrfFile('php-grf/tests/test200.grf'); foreach ($grf->getEntries() as $entry) { $dir = dirname($entry->getFilename()); if (is_dir($dir) === false) mkdir ($dir, 0777, true); $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $entry->getFilename()); $buffer = $entry->getUnCompressedBuffer(); $fp = fopen($file, 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $buffer); fflush($fp); fclose($fp); } // Dispose all resources used $grf = null; Enjoy it, has any issue or problem with the lib? Please report it and help to keep it good for you all use. Repo URL: https://github.com/carloshenrq/php-grf Other useful repositories: https://github.com/arminherling/GRF/ (Read-only C#) https://github.com/MagicalTux/grf (Read-Write C)
  6. Hi guys! I'm going back to the world RO and I see that a lot has improved! Especially the Hercules community <3 My question is : 8 Years ago to create a private server RO we make a diff de hexed and downloaded a DATA folder as a template to do the customizations. Looking at the topics here on the forum, I see that things have changed. Right? If I'm not wrong, to create a private server (client-side), I need to download a RagexeRE or Ragexe_zero and create a clientinfo. xml and throw in my official RO folder. Am I correct? Is it no longer necessary to download a template DATA folder and create a GRF? In case I'm wrong, please refer me to tutors/guides so I can update myself. How about English data? Thank you very much! Waiting for answers
  7. File Name: GRF Editor File Submitter: Tokeiburu File Submitted: 20 Jun 2014 File Category: Client Resources ** This program has been orignally uploaded on rAthena; it's been uploaded on Hercules due to multiple requests. If you have suggestions or feedback and you want a quick response, please contact me via rAthena. I will respond on Hercules' forum as well, but it'll take a bit longer . Hey everyone, This is a GRF tool I started to develop for my own personnal use, but I thought I'd share it since I've upgraded the UI. Its primary goal is to be easy to use while offering a wide variety of options and customizations. The software is quite stable and can handle large operations easily. How to install Download the zip archive provided from the download link at the bottom of this description or directly from there : http://www.mediafire.com/?aflylbhblrzpz0h Install the application with GRF Editor Installer.exe; if you are missing a .NET Framework you will be prompted to download it. Once you are done, you can start the program from the link on your desktop. Key features Overall speed is faster (or at least equal) than any GRF tool. Common operations : add, delete, merge, extract, preview, save. Undo and redo for any operation. It can open any GRF file. Clean and very interactive interface. Saving formats supported : 0x200, 0x103 and 0x102 (through the Settings page). Instant filter and search options (example : "map .gat"). File association and context menus integration for .grf, .gpf and .rgz (through the Settings page). Can rebuild separated images into one file easily. Lub decompilation (in beta, but it can decompile almost any lub file so far). Drag and drop (with the ALT key, can be modified in the Settings page). This is a big part of the software; most of the items can be moved around within the application itself or from/to Windows Explorer. Tools Sprite editor : a simple sprite editor with powerful features. Semi-transparent images can be added, you can easily change the order or replace images, etc. This tool can convert images in the wrong type by showing you multiple solutions (merging a new palette, dithering the image by using current palette, using the closest color, and a few more). Grf validation : allows you to validate a GRF with multiple settings. It can detect corrupted GRF entries, invalid sprites, empty files, non-GRF files, duplicate files and a lot more. Flat maps maker : generates flat maps from .gat and .rsw files. Useful to generate WoE maps or to fasten up the loading time. Patch maker : generates a GRF patch based on two different GRFs. Hash viewer : shows the hash code (both CRC32 and MD5) for files. Image converter : converts an image to any format requested (BMP, PNG, JPG, TGA). GrfCL : used to create batch files (.bat) which can automate tasks on GRF files. See the content in GrfCL.rar in the download for more information. This tool can be customized from the sources as well. Palette recolorer : creates new sprites by changing their colors (this tool is now deprecated). Client database editor : allows modifications of the database client files (txt and lua) with easy and simple tools. Work in progress. Grf encryption The encryption feature has been enabled again. It's similar to what it used to be and it has been tested on client versions ranging from 2012-08-01 to 2014-02-05. Some error messages will be displayed if necessary. If you have an issue, copy the error message (with the code, if there's one) and send me the client executable with the cps.dll file generated by GRF Editor. There shouldn't be compatibility issues anymore though! Technical stuff Requires .Net Framework 3.5 (SP1) Client Profile to run (3.5 or more will work as well). Automatically converts file name encoding to their proper values (you can change the encoding). Data virtualization is used as much as possible to preview files, meaning the files aren't completely loaded. Right-clicking an item will bring up the available options with that file. Preview file formats : txt, log, xml, lua, lub, bmp, png, tga, jpp, db, ebm, pal, gnd, rsw, gat, rsm, str, spr, act, imf, fna and wav. Services are "crash ready", meaning that you will be warned about a failed operation and no work will be lost (the application won't close and crash). It tries to continue operating even if it meets unsual conditions. Operations can be cancelled by clicking on the button near the progress bar. The warning level can be changed to avoid messages like "Please select a folder first." When prompted with an error, use Ctrl-C to copy the current dialog's content. Some screenshots! 1) Previewing an act file, while showing the search feature 2) Preview of a model file (rsm) 3) Preview of GrfCL with the MakeGrf command 4) Preview of the Client Database Editor 5) Preview of Grf validation 6) Search feature (press Ctrl-F or Ctrl-H to bring up within a text editor) Sources : http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?7z6hkdag4ayj8rs Got a feedback? I'd gladly hear you out and fix issues you have with the program. If you want new features to be added, don't hesitate to ask! Click here to download this file
  8. ROChargenPHP Features Core [*]Support for .spr, .act, .pal, .grf, ... [*].act file completed support (transparency, scale, color, rotate, ...) [*]Characters fully implemented ( body, head, hats, weapon, shield, robe, mount) with palettes support. [*]Can modify action, animation and direction. [*]Class to generate : Full Character / Character Head only / Monster-NPC-Homunculus / Avatar / Signature. [*]Cache system available (and can be set off) with configurable time to cache. [*]Emblem Loader available. Client [*]Data.ini file support (to list your GRFs) [*]Support GRF (0x200 version only without DES encryption - repack before uploading) - the data folder is always read first. [*]Auto-Extract files from GRF if needed (optimize performance) [*]Updater script available to convert some lua files to PHP. How to use Really url-friendly: myserver.com/chargen/<controller>/<data> // with url-rewritingmyserver.com/chargen/index.php/<controller>/<data> // without url-rewriting Example for my character called "KeyWorld":myserver.com/chargen/avatar/KeyWorld // avatarmyserver.com/chargen/signature/KeyWorld // signaturemyserver.com/chargen/character/KeyWorld // full Charactermyserver.com/chargen/characterhead/KeyWorld // Character's head You can change the default link by modify the array $routes in the index.php file:// $routes['url'] = controller$routes['/avatar/(.*)'] = 'Avatar';$routes['/character/(.*)'] = 'Character';$routes['/characterhead/(.*)'] = 'CharacterHead';$routes['/monster/(d+)'] = 'Monster';$routes['/signature/(.*)'] = 'Signature'; Custom display At least, the tool is really easy to use, here an example on how to display a static character: $chargen = new CharacterRender(); $chargen->action = CharacterRender::ACTION_READYFIGHT; $chargen->direction = CharacterRender::DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST; $chargen->body_animation = 0; $chargen->doridori = 0; // Custom data: $chargen->sex = "M"; $chargen->class = 4002; $chargen->clothes_color = 0; $chargen->hair = 5; $chargen->hair_color = 12; // ... head_top, head_mid, head_bottom, robe, weapon, shield, ... // Generate Image $img = $chargen->render(); imagepng($img); Examples / Demos Sources Get the source (Thanks to report all bugs) License Instead of selling it, I give a try to "Open Source project with Donation". So if you think, you would have buy it if i was selling it, think to give a donation ? Notes [*]A directory "client" is in the project, it will be a good idea to move it to a directory not accessible by the user (for example /home/client/). [*]If you use generate images from GRFs you have to know it's a little slower, i recommend you in this case to allow the "AutoExtract" option to gain performance. [*]GRFs have to be save as 0x200 version without any encryption (even the official DES), good idea is to remove unused folders ( textures, wav, models).. [*]If you use the options Cache and AutoExtract, don't forget the script need to have a write access to the client and cache folder. [*]Thanks to Khazou for the acces to his server to fully testing the tool
  9. Version v3 @r74


    Basically this package allow you to start build up your 1st client. Many of us call this "data" folder. Data folder is what you looking for before making your server grf. File is packed using 7zip (Ultra) for just 40.3MB. (normal size = 328MB) Folder "Tools" in this package is not part of "data" folder. Source Client Side Translation Project Texture Translation Project
  10. Is this official behavior? I remember these skills use to have animations. Now, Shadow Jump will always result in the character facing east (with no finish animation like Asura Strike has) and backsliding just throws your character back without movement animation.
  11. No Delay Grf Protection NDG Protection is a src modification to make sure NDG,speed hack, WPE Users still follow the rules. History: This is a simple code, which we have made since long to minimize the NDG User. The first way to solve NDG, we add a cooldown for skills that dosn't has a fixed cooldown (Sonic Blow, Cross Impact, etc). But the player doesn't allowed to do double cast. Finaly we made this code that minimize the NDG users, but still keep the original feature that is double cast for some skills (Sonic Blow, Cross Impact, etc). Implementation: Download 2 files above Use manual way to diff (first file) the core and recompile. Copy Paste the second file to "conf/import/" And you will see the effect Feature: -The user still able to use double SB / CI / etc. -You may switch on and off. -Very simple Any comments, suggestions, even critism in order to make this feature better is opened. Thank You. Note: I've been testing NoDelayGrf on augst 2013 and doesn't work, i've tested this using WPE i've got the numbers from comparing with and without *cheat DOWNLOAD src: Herc - NDG Protection.diff import/ battle_conf.txt
  12. File Name: GRF Sharper File Submitter: Mercurial File Submitted: 02 Dec 2015 File Category: Client Resources A very basic GRF editor written in pure C#/.NET Click here to download this file
  13. Version 0.2


    A very basic GRF editor written in pure C#/.NET
  14. Hello all, I have encrypt custom aura with secure grf, then I have patch it into my grf, but when I entered game, an error popup appear said cant findeffecttextureauraring.bmp However I try add manual without encrypt the file, no error found. Why ?
  15. GRF Diet Plan About This tool is a feature test of RO Patcher Lite's GRF library. It reduces GRF archive size by eliminating duplicated data, with non-shared palettes giving the best ratios. No client modifications are needed. See readme.txt for more details. Known Issues Using the "use best compression" option (off by default) might cause the client being unable to read certain files or degrade performance. Download & Website http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/rotools/ License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
  16. Hi all, I am a long time thinking about it and finally made ​​a decision. Source code of patcher except for the library to work with the GRF will be available in SVN or GitHub. I also continue to develop and support patcher. Link to github: Patcher
  17. GRF Viewer Hi there ! If you remember, in the past I released a buggy web grf viewer. It was slow, didn't work with big GRF because of memory issue, can't decode DES encryption, now time to present its new version. Basically this web tool allow you to select your own GRFs and display their contents directly in the browser. Nothing to download. As its name suggest, it can't write into the GRF, there are currently no API available (for security reason) to have write access to the user computer, so the only point of this tool is to display its content and search on it. There are no way to repack, add or modify files. Just view and extract files. This tool is built using only javascript, html5 and webgl, it is in my point of view a demonstration of what can be done in the web today with new technologies. It can view as thumbnail some sort of files : bmp, gif, jpeg, tga, spr, pal, and some tools are included to render models and maps or listening audio files. Two possibilities at the start up : Select a GRF (click on "select files", or drag drop your grfs in the box). Note: once the page quit or reloading you have to re-select the files, the browser do not remember them. Click on the data folder, in this case, it will show resources from my remote client. This tool is an application from roBrowser, it's using roBrowser's core. So if you ever find a bug, I'll be really happy to fix it ! Note: it's possible the viewer stop rendering a directory content because it encounter a corrupted file in the GRF (wrong gzip encryption, or invalid file offset) or the file is encrypted. You can test this tool online here: http://www.robrowser.com/prototype/GRF-Viewer/ Some preview: All feedback are welcome. Have fun~
  18. Hi, I was looking by a way to do this but i wasn't able to find anything about it. This is what i'm trying to do. For exemple: I have two servers one is sub-server from another, Server A and Server B. Server A is a server which is a renewal server and Server B is a old-times server. The problem is that the cities of Payon and Morocc were changed and I wanna make just um patch of the game. Is any possible way to make a server recognize a grf during the loading operation? If Server A load aServer.grf else load bServer.grf. Thanks for the attention e sorry about the bad english.
  19. File Name: RO Client Package for Private Server File Submitter: OnNplay File Submitted: 16 Jul 2013 File Category: Client Resources Basically this package allow you to start build up your 1st client. Many of us call this "data" folder. Data folder is what you looking for before making your server grf. File is packed using 7zip (Ultra) for just 40.3MB. (normal size = 328MB) Folder "Tools" in this package is not part of "data" folder. Source Client Side Translation Project Texture Translation Project Click here to download this file
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