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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. I'd like to see the patcher feature (I use it to patch from bRO) as a plugin to ROCred so I guess I can choose the official RO that I'll patch from, otherwise it would be nice if you merge them both but let us choose which official RO or whatever we will patch from, btw anything you choose will be nice
  2. some of it may help you I guess: http://herc.ws/board/files/file/138-grf-editor/ http://herc.ws/board/files/file/170-act-editor/
  3. seems like there will be no xmas gift for hercules this year :/

    1. Angelmelody


      Santa Claus lost his way this year :)





    2. Angelmelody


      Chinese brainwashing song

    3. evilpuncker
  4. evilpuncker

    3 RD em PT

    o nome das classes está "hardcoded" no hexed, logo cito esse meu post: http://herc.ws/board/topic/8005-problema-skill-tree-e-nome-do-job/?p=47801
  5. adicione os arquivos https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO/tree/master/Support/Luafiles514/Lua%20Files/Admin em dataluafiles514lua filesadmin
  6. mudar o nome só editando o hexed com algum editor hexadecimal ou seguindo oq está nesse tópico: http://herc.ws/board/topic/7326-problem-class-name-doesnt-displays-properly/
  7. atcommand.conf blvl: ["lvup", "blevel", "baselvl", "baselvup", "baselevel", "baselvlup"] use "blvl" in groups.conf and no the ones between [ ]
  8. Well I already made a palette editor utility, which has undergone many changes over time. The last supported one has been implemented inside Act Editor and can be accessed via Edit > Palette editor... That being said, this tool may not do what you're looking (it's targeted to edit the palette of sprite files). So... what exactly are the features you're looking for? Automatic palette generation? Just a basic palette editor? Do you want the tool to be embedded within GRF Editor (with a preview tab for instance? or simply via the Tools menu?) or as a standalone application? If you have something specific in mind, that would be greatly helpful. standalone or tools menu is fine, (maybe tool menu is faster and easier for you tho xD) features I'd like - generate random palette - edit palette - save palette with different patterns for names, I mean, the original RO client uses bunches of files for palette names, but actually we can use the NEMO format with SharedBodyPalettes and SharedHeadPalettes diffs so we have only 1 .pal file for all classes - preview of character with selectable job and possibility to rotate or animate him can't think of anything more
  9. Herculestrunkconfbattlemonster.conf // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 0
  10. Heya, You can use Ctrl-C after selecting an item in the search results. The same goes for the tree view and the other folder list view. In the next release, you'll be able to copy multiple items at once though, which will be more handy than one by one. this tool is so awesome =D do you have any plan on doing some tool to create/edit palette (.pal) files? that would be awesome since we don't have any tool for it anymore =/ (I'm talking about hair and dye colors)
  11. Could you make it to support KeepAfterUse ? Thanks yeah =D hope to see my suggestion as well
  12. are you using hercules or another emulator? If you are using hercules, are you using a recent version of it?
  13. It did not work, I'll post the full script Points are consumed is not only made the update on the table http://pastebin.com/yx19q9yx any error on console?
  14. mes "Okay!";.@account_id = getcharid(3);.@usedPoints = 3;.nivelVip = 1;.diasVip = 1;$verificaVip = 1;query_sql("UPDATE `cp_v4p_voters` SET points=(points-"+.@usedPoints+") WHERE account_id='"+.@account_id+"'");if (getgroupid() == 0){query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+.nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(`dt_vip`,INTERVAL "+.diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `group_id` = "+.nivelVip+" AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3);dispbottom "Relogue para ter seu VIP ativado.";} else {query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+.nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(`dt_vip`,INTERVAL "+.diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `group_id` = "+.nivelVip+" AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3);}close2;message strcharinfo(0),"Points added";end;
  15. yeah, look ind's reply: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/362
  16. so much little mistakes take a look and see if its working now, and tell me if you want to know everything that I've changed: http://upaste.me/r/730315957e7bb414e
  17. you have two options, make one npc with poring sprite and random walk then duplicate it on the map or... try to mess with the advanced mob controller system that was released somewhere in internetz
  18. he means this line: mes "^FF0000 *Note - It costs "+ (((BaseLevel + JobLevel) / 2) * 5) +" zeny to get healed.* ^000000";
  19. can_trade : Ability to trade or otherwise distribute items (drop, storage, vending etc...).can_party : Ability to join parties.all_skill : Ability to use all skills.all_equipment : Ability to equip anything (can cause client errors).skill_unconditional : Ability to use skills without meeting the required conditions (SP, items, etc...).join_chat : Ability to join a password protected chatrooms.kick_chat : Protection from being kicked from a chat.hide_session : Hides player session from being displayed by @commands.who_display_aid : Ability to see GMs and Account/Char IDs in the @who command.hack_info : Ability to receive all informations about any player that try to hack, spoof a name, etc.any_warp : Ability to bypass nowarp, nowarpto, noteleport and nomemo mapflags. This option is mainly used in commands which modify a character's map/coordinates (like @memo, @mapmove, @go, @jump, etc...).view_hpmeter : Ability to see HP bar of every player.view_equipment : Ability to view players equipment regardless of their setting.use_check : Ability to use client command /check (display character status).use_changemaptype : Ability to use client command /changemaptype.all_commands : Ability to use all atcommands and charcommands.receive_requests : Ability to receive @requests.show_bossmobs : Ability to see boss mobs with @showmobs.disable_pvm : Ability to disable Player vs. Monster.disable_pvp : Ability to disable Player vs. Player.disable_commands_when_dead : Ability to disable @command usage when dead.can_trade_bound: Ability to trade or otherwise distribute bound items (drop, storage, vending etc...).hchsys_admin : Hercules Chat System Admin (Ability to modify channel settings regardless of ownership and join password-protected channels without requiring a password.)disable_pickup: Ability to disable the player from picking up any item from ground, they can still receive items picked up by others means like party share píck.disable_exp: Ability to disable the player from gaining any experience point.disable_store: Ability to disable the player from using/openning npc and player stores.disable_skill_usage: Ability to disable the player from using any skill.
  20. update is to remove the card from the equipment
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