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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. nice script, btw there is no need anymore to edit mmo.h to edit max zeny xD
  2. done try but the webpage go to this site. http://ro.gnjoy.com then maybe you need to edit the client with some hexadecimal editor to change this url =/
  3. More I want to block only two map. I thought of a script you can still use map_zone_db for 2 maps only just create a new zone
  4. clientinfo.xml <registrationweb>www.yoururlhere.com</registrationweb>
  5. create a new zone and use: http://herc.ws/board/topic/302-introducing-hercules-map-zone-database/
  6. it doesn't exist yet, community is not helping :/ http://www.yomrawr.com/
  7. What do not understand, I need to add script? thana_boss mapflag monster_noteleport
  8. Work!! But you have suggestion for Job Exp Boost? I guess it works for both already
  9. // use this when you add the vip ModDrop = 200; ModExp = 200; // and this when it ends ModDrop = 100; ModExp = 100;
  10. did u try with mapflag nocommand ? but it will block every command and he wants to block only @storage
  11. I dont know how to create that. thats why im asking here. I have the Script on my Sv who the players write, then this is send to a SQL table.. but i need.. each time a player Write something in the Npc, a email send to me... because i can read it in the Cellphone.... I have: THE SCRIPT who send the message to a SQL table. i Need: The Script who send the message to a SQL table, then send a email to me. anybody ? http://herc.ws/board/topic/295-feeftys-fluxcp-addons-release/ Support Tickets - Version 1.2.1
  12. to load custom things inside db folder you should use the mob_db2/item_db2.conf file, only quests can't be added to a secondary file so you might want to change the thread to "add quest_db2.txt file" instead
  13. tenho 99% de certeza de que seu problema é por causa de scripts mal feitos rodando continuamente e causando o alto consumo de recursos do VPS
  14. I vote for no, there is no "stable" emulator and there will always be things to be fixed in both pre and re modes, if you are really annoyed by that, just fork hercules and work with an own copy of it with the things you want and push the updates as you like btw if you look here you will see that changes are applied to the entire emulator most of the time, not only to renewal, so there is no point to keep two separated emulators... as Dastgir said: double work.
  15. are you going to do any workaround for this: seems like gravity is doing patches with longer file names so we can't view its size
  16. here: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2525-monster-transform-update/
  17. sorry for bothering u here, but how is going to palette editor thing? :P happy new year anyway

  18. two places: npc.c // custom merchant shop exp bonus if( battle_config.shop_exp > 0 && z > 0 && (skill_t = pc->checkskill2(sd,idx)) > 0 ) { if( sd->status.skill[idx].flag >= SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0 ) skill_t = sd->status.skill[idx].flag - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0; if( skill_t > 0 ) { z = z * (double)skill_t * (double)battle_config.shop_exp/10000.; if( z < 1 ) z = 1; pc->gainexp(sd,NULL,0,(int)z, false); } } pc.c int pc_modifybuyvalue(struct map_session_data *sd,int orig_value) { int skill_lv,val = orig_value,rate1 = 0,rate2 = 0; if((skill_lv=pc->checkskill(sd,MC_DISCOUNT))>0) // merchant discount rate1 = 5+skill_lv*2-((skill_lv==10)? 1:0); if((skill_lv=pc->checkskill(sd,RG_COMPULSION))>0) // rogue discount rate2 = 5+skill_lv*4; if(rate1 < rate2) rate1 = rate2; if(rate1) val = (int)((double)orig_value*(double)(100-rate1)/100.); if(val < 0) val = 0; if(orig_value > 0 && val < 1) val = 1; return val;}
  19. if you mean the .txt files, no it isn't.
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