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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. algumas coisas são no emulador/conf/messages.conf e outras só editando o hexed com algum hex editor eu acho
  2. thanks I'll add it to my server once Ind accept that pr
  3. change main post download link into: https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO/archive/master.zip maybe? xD
  4. nice =D what about making a setting to "time out and disappear" and also make two parameters to the command: "@market <pub title>, <message>" where the 'message' will display a small text with dispbottom to the user who clicks =)
  5. What about percentheal -100,0? Not that I use reviving in scripting, I prefer to throw players out and see them start all over again if they die /gg But still, nice idea or what about unitkill ? I mean something that would kill the whole party, guild, area, etc, just like this command parameter
  6. seems like everything now is server sided, no need to apply any additional diff for it but I may be wrong =P
  7. +1 kinda nice but what about a command to "kill" people in the same way as this script? currently we are stick to atcommands in order to kill a character :/
  8. 2. read this entire topic: http://herc.ws/board/topic/7028-chat-space-limitationscammer-avoid-will-pay-for-help/
  9. +1 to this, btw the first link on your post is undefined
  10. [30000] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Acesso3 Privilegiado 15 dias", unidentifiedResourceName = "»¡°£Æ÷¼Ç", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Concede ^0000ffao usuário^000000 15 dias de acesso privilegiado.", "Peso : ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Acesso3 Privilegiado 15 dias", identifiedResourceName = "»¡°£Æ÷¼Ç", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Concede ^0000ffao usuário^000000 15 dias de acesso privilegiado.", "Peso: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, O que eu fiz foi copiar dá Poção Vermelha e trocar o id '-' será se não é esse id alto ai? pelo q parece tá td certo, e não é por causa do id não pois o client suporta =P tenta outro sprite name no identifiedResourceName tentei uns 10 haushuashuhsauhuashusah vou copiar o sprite do oficial e colar na pasta data pra ver Quando é só item usáveis eu tenho que adicionar nos arquivos do datainfo também? acho q não, alias, seu hexed tá diffado pra mostrar as mensagens de erro tipo "faltando sprite d238h293..." ou ta diffado pra dar gravity e fechar? vc pode testar diffando ele com a opção de mostrar os erros ai a gente pode ver realmente oq tá acontecendo antes do client fechar
  11. [30000] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Acesso3 Privilegiado 15 dias", unidentifiedResourceName = "»¡°£Æ÷¼Ç", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Concede ^0000ffao usuário^000000 15 dias de acesso privilegiado.", "Peso : ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Acesso3 Privilegiado 15 dias", identifiedResourceName = "»¡°£Æ÷¼Ç", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Concede ^0000ffao usuário^000000 15 dias de acesso privilegiado.", "Peso: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, O que eu fiz foi copiar dá Poção Vermelha e trocar o id '-' será se não é esse id alto ai? pelo q parece tá td certo, e não é por causa do id não pois o client suporta =P tenta outro sprite name no identifiedResourceName
  12. posta aqui as linhas q vc adicionou
  13. evilpuncker

    Stock NPC

    for itemid and price xD
  14. evilpuncker

    Stock NPC

    use npc variables instead of global ones =P
  15. you mean get name from item_db.conf and put it in iteminfo.lua? get name and description from id* files and put in iteminfo.lua bump? xD also I've posted a new issue: https://github.com/dastgir/Scripts/issues/3
  16. use onpcdie to set @char,0; and use onpckillevent to increase @char count
  17. enjoy http://herc.ws/board/topic/6716-gerando-seu-pr%C3%B3prio-iteminfolua-em-portugu%C3%AAs/
  18. a pergunta correta seria, data do kRO atualizada? pois os nossos hexeds são feitos usando como base todos os arquivos do kRO e não do bRO
  19. evilpuncker


    /// leave this line uncommented to enable callfunc checks when processing scripts./// while allowed, the script engine will attempt to match user-defined functions/// in scripts allowing direct function callback (without the use of callfunc.)/// this CAN affect performance, so if you find scripts running slower or find/// your map-server using more resources while this is active, comment the line#define SCRIPT_CALLFUNC_CHECK by hercules xD não precisa mais se essa opção estiver habilitada (ela vem habilitada por padrão)
  20. I had a similar idea and I'll suggest them to you, some game I used to play, for example there were some kinds of skeleton, lets say: skeleton1, skeleton2, skeleton3 and skeleton4, they were all aggressive, but when you killed a certain quantity of them, there were a bar called "friend of skeletons" (or something like that xD) and when it reaches 100% they would not be aggressive anymore, so all in all my suggestion is: - add an option so we can add another value besides 1 (ex: so we can set it to 1000 and after variable was set to >= 1000 it would activate the script) - add an option to set an array of monsters from the same kind (like kobolds etc) and a single variable would affect all ids in that variable thanks for the source release and feel free to add or not my suggestions xD
  21. actually the weird part that I refer to is the "green shadows" over it that are not present in the others
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