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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. usa o NEMO patcher, não precisa alterar o packets.h e apenas use a msgstringtable.txt no arquivo
  2. about @at problem, post here and help us saying to devs that you also have the same problem as me http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-8138-autotrade-teleports-char-to-the-savepoint/
  3. evilpuncker


    parece q vc não deixou a psata cache com permissão de escrita
  4. have you tried another langtype at clientinfo.xml rather than 0?
  5. please post your mmo.h here
  6. try this http://upaste.me/3fef11704c469a6b0
  7. diff your 2013-08-07 Ragexe with the latest NEMO
  8. you didn't posted what you've edited client side... so its hard to tell you what you did wrong
  9. which program you used to diff your client?
  10. make sure that your kRO is fully updated and use those files in your data: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation
  11. o erro é devido ao bRO não ter os arquivos que o kRO tem, e quanto ao /showname vc deve diffar seu client com a opção [use Normal Guild Brackets]
  12. vc tá usando data.grf do bRO ou do kRO?
  13. have you recompiled all your server after changing mmo.h to support different clients? btw can you post your mmo.h here?
  14. seems like he included the configembeder.exe that is considered as virus, you guys should use the new one! http://herc.ws/board/files/file/119-thor-patcher/
  15. item_db2.txt sample using old version model will make people got errors
  16. I can't reproduce this, I've just tried and it is working fine with my assassin
  17. if you gonna use OnMinute everytime you restart your server. the time will also change. unlike for OnClock the time is fix. even you restart the server. the event will start on the specific time that you set. as Samuel said, OnClock and OnMinute (as well as OnHour, On<weekday><hour><minute> and OnDay) they work using the server time so what you said makes no sense at all
  18. if you made any change and only compiled one executable (char or map or login) you need to recompile all three, maybe that is the issue
  19. evilpuncker


  20. use OnMinute00: so you don't need those much of OnClocks
  21. roda o client com o ROCred e desabilita a opção de restaurar a janela de login
  22. 2013-12-23cRagexe é bastante estável, diffa ele com o NEMO atualizado e use as lu[a/b]s desse project e deve funcionar perfeitamente PS: no mmo.h vc coloca 20131223 e coloca os // de volta no ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE
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