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Posts posted by Dastgir




    looks like you didn't updated your source files :/


    eh ? i have make the svn up. should i do manually ? 


    yes, if you do update by command and have custom src modifications there will be conflicts and it will not change some files and your src you become a mess :P


    but i dont have any custom mod sir ? 

    how should i update ?

    If using svn

    svn up

    If using Git

    Check http://herc.ws/board/topic/152-obtaining-hercules/ (Post #3 and Post #4)

    If downloaded a zip from github, i fear that you have to manual patch, or download new from git/svn and apply your edits,

  2.             if(baselevel >= 5 && novice_ground == 1) {				mes ""+.npc_name$+"";				mes "Good job Leveling up! Go on! Take one item from my stash! It's on me!";				next;				.@menu$ = "";				for (.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.items); .@i++){					.@menu$ = (.@menu$)+""+getitemname(.items[.@i])+":";				}				.@menu$ = (.@menu$)+"Cancel";				.@item_selected = select(.@menu$);				if (.@item_selected > getarraysize(.items)){close;}				next;				mes ""+.npc_name$+"";				mes "You've selected ^FF0000"+getitemname(.items[(.@item_selected)-1])+"^000000.";				mes "Are you sure?";				next;				switch(select("Yes:No")){					case 1:					mes ""+.npc_name$+"";					mes "Here you go!";					getitem .items[(.@item_selected)-1],1;					set novice_ground, 2;					close;										case 2:					mes ""+.npc_name$+"";					mes "Come back once you've decided!";					close;									}			}

    And at OnInit:

    OnInit:	setarray .items[0],13040,13415,1545,13041;	end;

  3. If announce is not at all showing, please make sure he map you are warping to have "loadevent" mapflag, since you are using onpcloadmapevent.

    If text is not resizing, then be sure that you havent diffed with resize font diff.


    It's here: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2577-event-manager/


    Please note that, the event manager *could* not work on Hercules. We can't test it to assure you it will.

    wa i thought it was free. as per Dast PVP only paid.

    :o , I told "Euphy's have all events except the PvP and is a paid script posted on rA."

    That means Euphy's Have All the Events Except the PvP

    AND Euphy's Event Script is PAID.


    Maybe wait for someone to script this and release for free.


    Get @Euphy event manager :P

    where? and does Euphy has a PVP Like i mentioned on my post? i saw some server have that NPC and i think its every every helpfull. thats why i add some PVP event

    Euphy's have all events except the PvP and is a paid script posted on rA.



    Sorry for the delay. My job has had me overworked for about a month or so now, I should be free'd up after tomorrow and can get back to the Academy scripts.


    They are almost finished, a small portion of untranslated text remains (the last part of each job quest), then I just have to convert to AS (Athena Script) and QA it.


    The updates I rolled out were pre-reqs for the academy :) as they have some interesting script commands. The quest log / bubbles will need to be overhauled 1 last time before I roll out the scripts, so expect that as well.


    After academy the goal is to knock out the to-do lists we have on our issues section on github.


    Any news  about  official new script?


    Major commits in the next week or so ;3

    +1, Hope to see those major commits soon..



    User and pass?

    you mean for http://roclientside.asia:12000/index.php?se=1&type=1&t=2&show=1 ?

    you can register new user or use

    user: demo

    pass: demo


    Or you can share your own itemInfo also, so we can accelarate the translation.


    No, for: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation

    What you are trying to do?

    you should be able to pull the repo without user and password requirements.

    (anyways, you can register your own username on github site : http://github.com/ )

  8. Would you guys be okay with me pulling this, cleaning it up a bit (script standards, typos, any missing official stuff), and pushing it to the repo?


    Also, who is technically the 1.0.0 author? You or dast? Kinda strange to have two people under 1.0.0

    If you see commits

    https://github.com/M45T3Ryu/KO-Proyect/commits/master , you can come to know

    M45T3R started the project and stopped updated 10 months ago,

    and I begin to implement New Tests/Dialogs/Formulas Based on iRO Testings that I did.


    Well its ok , if you clean it..



    Thanks, Dastgir. Really good job :D


    I'll see if it's working.

    Well, mod approved the file., the v1.1, I already tested and its working according to the description provided by you,

    hope I made the same (as you wanted).

    Ranking System is also altered, where now it checks MasterRebirth First, then NormalRebirth.

    So if MasterRebirth is same, it goes for NormalRebirth Checks, and gives rank accordingly.



    You've upload the script to work with new emulators.

    Could you put the M.Reset System on my script? (to work with old emulators). I'm trying to do it but I'm not an expert about scripts.


    (I'm trying to see your modifications, this way I'll learn how to make it work on new emulators and old). I actually never tried to see a Script Tutorial. I know pretty much, but about new emulators I know almost nothing.


    Script: http://pastebin.com/6d3keH9k


    Thank you. I really appreciate your work.




    I've changed all the @i, but now it's saying "Undeclared function '@rebirth_type', line 46.

    Maybe Try this: http://upaste.me/226e1186830e155f2

  10. This is my mod, and I included battleground.h, and "bg = GET_SYMBOL("bg");" on plugin_init.

    [Error]: HPM:get_symbol:bg_mod: 'bg' not found!


    I guess its called bg only, but yet, I am getting this error, Any Solution? (Or have i misspell something?)




    I don't have a chance to check Notepad (I'm not on windows, so I don't have that), but I guess with "ANSI" they mean "the appropriate local charset for whatever language this computer is set to", which would produce Big5 or some variant of it in your case, so that's what you should use. Again, this is just a guess.


    The broken lines from the .txt file you posted (if I load it as Big5) are:

    5574,Pencil_In_Mouth,叼在嘴?媢]筆,4,20,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1,,10,0,555,{ bonus bDex,2; bonus bHitRate,3; },{},{}7156,Broken_Shuriken,破舊之手?媦C,3,470,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    (I wrote #5571, but I meant #5574, sorry).


    The questionmark is there to say that it wasn't able to load some character, I'm not sure why it happens.





    I don't have a chance to check Notepad (I'm not on windows, so I don't have that), but I guess with "ANSI" they mean "the appropriate local charset for whatever language this computer is set to", which would produce Big5 or some variant of it in your case, so that's what you should use. Again, this is just a guess.


    The broken lines from the .txt file you posted (if I load it as Big5) are:

    5574,Pencil_In_Mouth,叼在嘴?媢]筆,4,20,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1,,10,0,555,{ bonus bDex,2; bonus bHitRate,3; },{},{}7156,Broken_Shuriken,破舊之手?媦C,3,470,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    (I wrote #5571, but I meant #5574, sorry).


    The questionmark is there to say that it wasn't able to load some character, I'm not sure why it happens.

    I finally find the reason of the errors. I use script-checker.bat to check the item_db.conf. I find that hercules's system can't read a bunch of Chinese words. Maybe it's because of the coding. In addition, the item_bonus have a big different to Rathena in lower cases and upper cases. Other than that, Rathena item_db allows duplicated AegisName but Hercules doesn't. Item #5574 and #7156 doesn't get any problems in my case.


    Therefore, if a Rathena user wanna convert there item_db to Hercules format, they need to edit all of the item_bonus first. Otherwise, it will show a lot of errors though they don't face any coding problems.


    rAthena is not using case-sensitive, while we are using CaseSensitve Words.

    Also AegisName should differ from other. because , hercules sets item AegisName as ID, so you can call it via script also, like

    if (countitem(Red_Potion) > 1){    //do anything}

    same applies to mob_db, they are also CaseSensitive and should not be duplicated.


    (I agree to the point that, we lack many item_bonus, that rA have like the Class_* one, which is also in Aegis)

  12. This may sound stupid but... You changed the "othermap" name to prtg_cas01?


    BTW if I were you I'd make a copy of the script only to work with the castle, this way... you wouldn't get accidentally kicked by having an account on WoE and another on BG?

    This won't happen..

    since script sets a variable with map_name of character in it.

    and attaches all rid, and checks if map_name matches.

    So it would only check the users on same map with same IP


    Also be sure, that you warped to that map after loading the script. (and if possible, show us what edits you actually did)

  13. Compile plugin-HPMHooking (which I guess is compiled everytime you build solution)

    Uncomment HPMHooking line from plugins.conf

    P.S: HPMHooking should be first to load.

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