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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. Is this an official conversion or scripted from packet gathering / reverse engineering? I'd assume packet gathering o.o how long after the release on iRO did you gather the dialog? As they tend to spend about a month after release changing aspects of quests (dialog, names, etc).

    first it was packet gathering , at initial stages, that started when iRO just released these npc, and only 1 test was scripted I guess by m4st3r, then, I joined 3 months later, with passive phase, and just began to check npc.

    so I guess it has gone on active phase from 4th month(and i revised all dialogs this time) after iRO released it. (At the end of project, yommy provided me official script from china official server, so I implemented rates of success of refine, and forging formula from there)

  2. No, i dont want the original.


    I want know if exist some opensource made of that battlegrounds.


    If not. i want know features. then some description to program to make it myself.

    I am creating bg scripts of eamod, one by one...

    As i mentioned here http://herc.ws/board/topic/5114-paid-for-battlegrounds-20-type-system/page-2

    However, if you want to create bg on your own, you could search for a eAmod based server and check the bg, by playing it(as i am doing until now).

  3. Thanks Dastgir, what about this line though?

              if (compare(strcharinfo(3),"arena")) {

    -    script    BG_Check_IP    -1,{OnInit:    setmapflag "arena", mf_loadevent;	setmapflag "othermap", mf_loadevent;    set .whitelist$, "| | | etc";    end;// Trigger when a player enters a map with "loadevent" mapflag.OnPCLoadMapEvent:    // Only run for map "arena".    if (strcharinfo(3) != "arena" || strcharinfo(3) != "othermap") end;	set .@map$,strcharinfo(3);        set .@my_ip$, getcharip();    if ( compare( .@my_ip$, .whitelist$ ) ) end;    // Get list of accounts with attached character's IP address.    set .@size, query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` = '"+ .@my_ip$ +"'",.@aid);    // Passed check if only the attached player is returned.    if (.@size < 2) end;    // Check all online characters using the IP address if they are on a Battlegrounds map.    set .@self, getcharid(3);    for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) {        if (.@aid[.@i] == .@self)            continue;        if (attachrid(.@aid[.@i])) {            if (compare(strcharinfo(3),.@map$)) {                set .@name$, strcharinfo(0);                attachrid(.@self);                message strcharinfo(0),"Character "+.@name$+" is already present in this map with your IP. Kicking....";                sleep2 2000;    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);                end;            }        }    }    // Passed check.    end;}

    It will restrict players with same IP on Same Map

  4. Thanks, Dastgir. Really good job :D


    I'll see if it's working.

    Well, mod approved the file., the v1.1, I already tested and its working according to the description provided by you,

    hope I made the same (as you wanted).

    Ranking System is also altered, where now it checks MasterRebirth First, then NormalRebirth.

    So if MasterRebirth is same, it goes for NormalRebirth Checks, and gives rank accordingly.


    Hello. I have a script that works perfect but it only works on one map. I was wondering if someone could help me make it work on several maps? Someone in rA tried to provide me a solution, but it did not work.


    it currently only runs on map "arena", but i want it to also run on prtg_cas01


    this is the script:


    Thank you so much Hercules!



    -	script	BG_Check_IP	-1,{OnInit:	setmapflag "arena", mf_loadevent;	set .whitelist$, "| | | etc";	end;// Trigger when a player enters a map with "loadevent" mapflag.OnPCLoadMapEvent:	// Only run for map "arena".	if (strcharinfo(3) != "arena") end;		set .@my_ip$, getcharip();	if ( compare( .@my_ip$, .whitelist$ ) ) end;	// Get list of accounts with attached character's IP address.	set .@size, query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` = '"+ .@my_ip$ +"'",.@aid);	// Passed check if only the attached player is returned.	if (.@size < 2) end;	// Check all online characters using the IP address if they are on a Battlegrounds map.	set .@self, getcharid(3);	for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) {		if (.@aid[.@i] == .@self)			continue;		if (attachrid(.@aid[.@i])) {			if (compare(strcharinfo(3),"arena")) {				set .@name$, strcharinfo(0);				attachrid(.@self);				message strcharinfo(0),"Character "+.@name$+" is already present in this map with your IP. Kicking....";				sleep2 2000;	atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);				end;			}		}	}	// Passed check.	end;}

    set mapflags with loadevent on the maps you want.

    either below the


     setmapflag "arena", mf_loadevent; 

    just change arena, and put other entries.

    or set mapflag via mapflag command, at very end(after the last } ) by


    also edit this line


    if (strcharinfo(3) != "arena") end;



    if (strcharinfo(3) != "arena" || strcharinfo(3) != "othermapname") end; 

    and so on.

  6. add moc_mem.gat on pre-re map cache database and save it. (i use pre-renewal mode) 

    what you meant by this?


    maybe, just make sure GRF includes that moc_mem map files.

    If its there, then idk , what can have cause problems, because i just follow the same steps as you shown, and I have my custom maps, in my map_cache.


    i am trying to add old morocc map,


    what i have done:






    map: moc_mem




    map: moc_mem


    add moc_mem.gat on pre-re map cache database and save it. (i use pre-renewal mode)


    i still got this error on executing map cache:




    grfio_reads: .....

    map 'moc_mem' not found!


    i also have added my grf path on grf-files.txt



    can somebody help me?


    thanks :o

    in your post , you said map_index entry is

    map: moc_mem

    but it should be


    There should be no MAP:

  8. I've try to convery my item_db from hercules format using the online tool. However, it seems that none of the line in the item_db.conf could be read. May I ask how could I trace the source of the error or could anyone provide a solution for me? Thanks

    Any error?

  9. can you help me on this error!?



    Update your Auraset, Seems like you are using old version of auraset.. (since from error, it seems, source is calling clif->sendauras, while we have clif_sendauras in the source)


    Line 252:

    	if (sd && (effect1<0 || effect2<0 || effect3<0) && (type == SC_HIDING || type == SC_CLOAKING || type == SC_CHASEWALK || sd->sc.option==OPTION_INVISIBLE || type==SC_CHASEWALK || type==SC_CHASEWALK2 || type==SC_CAMOUFLAGE)){		effect1 *= -1; effect2 *= -1; effect3 *= -1;		clif_sendauras(sd, AREA_WOS);	}	return 1;}/* run when server starts */

    So, Please update your Auraset File.

  10. @karazu

    To have more competition between the players. And it's a nice ideia to have M.Reset...

    Actually,its good idea, i would maybe implement this in few hours.


    Edit: Uploaded the new version, will be able to download when Mod approve it. you have to execute this query to the database:

    ALTER TABLE `rebirth_system` ADD  `master_rebirth` mediumint(6) NOT NULL default '0';



    Thanks for reporting.

    Fixed @r100 (https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/commit/2ac4b80a9100e6a50b2fff8cd79c447b2f9d9d79)


    (Don't know why, but korean have words for (Hundred Million)... its strange for me to use Hundred Million word)


    how about n what is the use of it. it would be nice if we put spaces.

    100000000# ^ff0000%d ^0000ffHundred Million#10000000# ^ff0000%d ^0000ffMillion#^0000ff Zeny^000000. Is the Amount Correct?#

    kRO has n, So i didn't feel good to remove that n

    ^0000ffZeny 이상^000000입니다.n입력금액이 맞습니까?#

  12. @Dastgir Pojee

    No for now roBrowser doesn't read luafiles514 folder (what the hell is this name ?)

    But to be honest, I have some doubts about lua support and I think about dropping it from roBrowser and instead playing with javascript file stored in DB (I don't have a good enough lua/lub loader).



    Just change the page meta charset (from api.html if you are using the api to run roBrowser) would be enough.

    its named luafiles514 because it is compiled with (lua 5.1.4)

    What if we have customs and want to use it with roBrowser, we would need to edit other files for roBrowser?

  13. Maybe check if its string or number??(if you are trying to use kRO data, since some custom items of pServer may have numbers as name)

    if (isstring($name_or_id) == true){$sql = "SELECT -x-x-x-x-x WHERE `name_english` LIKE -x-x-x-x"}else{$sql = "SELECT -x-x-x-x-x WHERE `id` LIKE -x-x-x-x"}

  14. sir why i got this error?.



    I don't think its related to this KO Job Change.

    since Quest(7117) is of Novice Training Ground. and class 0,4 is not even in this KO Job Change Quest..

    Whereas, I recommend to update your Hercules, since Hercules had Quest 7117 on db/quest_db.txt from more than 1 year(maybe 1 and half years).

  15. Good script...


    You could add somethings more...like "Master Reset" = after you get 500 resets, you can make a Master Rebirth, losing all your 500 resets to get 1 Master Reset. (Like Mu Online Reset  System).


    What do you think?

    and what will be the benefit of doing master reset?



    It would be good, For custom item

    , Can you at least make a diff file for this ??

    if you really need it fast :P just take it here:


    haha, I thought theres no post like this..


    and , changing card field to smallint 11 is not good(signed smallint limits to 32k), maybe using

    unsigned smallint(5)



  17. Yes, I don't have 3rd classes. Now there's no more erros. The npc is working, but I still have some questions...


    I'm using a Champion and I didin't come back to novice after I rebirth, and just my level went back to 1 (my job is still max level), is that right?

    set .reset_opt,3;				//(1=Reset Base and JobLevel to 1(0 skill points and all stats to 1),2=Reset Base and JobLevel to 1(SkillPoint=0, While Skills and stats are not affected),3=Reset BaseLevel to 1, 4=Reset Job Level to 1)

    its 3, that is, only BaseLevel is set to 1.

    Comment gives more description on values...

  18. You've forgotten the line 25. I fixed this line, now the map-server is showing another kind of error (at least I can talk with the NPC now).


    Screen: http://s30.postimg.org/xixa09oip/error3.jpg


    PS.: Thank you very much for helping me.

    OMG, you have eathena....(that means you don't have 3rd job)

    So just change

    set .job_rebirth,EAJL_THIRD;


    set .job_rebirth,EAJL_2;

    So 2nd job can rebirth..


    Again P.S: You should really consider updating emulator, since it have much bug fixes,stability and many scripts compatible to new script commands and plugin system of hercules. and memory improvement like http://herc.ws/board/topic/928-memory-slasher-may-30-patch/

  19. @Dastgir Pojee

    I don't think it's related to the image. Even if roBrowser can't run a resource it continue to run (except if it's a RSW, GND or GAT file, but in this cas it show an error window).

    So your best luck here is to open your web browser development console to check for errors.

    But, PacketClient = 20130807 , So Shoundn't it read luafiles514 folder?
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