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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. red one and blue one are weird but the rest is fine
  2. any item/monster/etc missing its sprite
  3. se vc estiver usando hercules inter-server.conf // Level range for sharing within a party party_share_level: 15
  4. evilpuncker

    Market Watch

    they use bots for that xD btw have you ever seem that one? http://herc.ws/board/topic/2112-critical-updateweb-vending-database-standalone-and-fluxcp-addon/
  5. Kakashi susano'o woul be cool for ninja classes, since its have shuriken on both hands yeah but we still don't know which color is it xD
  6. isn't easier to bind the atcommand to a script?
  7. do it accept -1 for infinite duration?
  8. if I recall correctly, rAthena already supports color parameter in the default dispbottom script command
  9. http://herc.ws/board/topic/3977-odin-server-side-manner/ this one have reg exp support =D
  10. antes de postar lá veja se esse não é o comportamento oficial da skill
  11. nice can we know if there will be upgrade to mob_db (txt to conf) any time soon?
  12. since you pushed a pr at github, this can be closed/moved to rejected
  13. indeed he is just looking around xD
  14. I missed you since the first day you left *convicted stalker*
  15. you may want to add this: http://herc.ws/board/topic/4830-noitem-mapflag/
  16. you don't need to convert, just change the extension
  17. it is possible with: ---------------------------------------@addperm {<permission name>}@rmvperm {<permission name>}Changes the permissions of a character (lasts until relog).If no permission is given, a list of available permissions will be returned.--------------------------------------- so yeah what about on script is there a way to change permission or just by atcommand @perm? you can use atcommand in scripts =)
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