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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. change Upper: 58 into Upper: 7 and test
  2. percentage chance doesn't need to be changed into mediumint since we are changing only itemIDs, not their drop chance also there is no need to manually edit the HPM hooks since they will be updated automatically once it goes into main src
  3. make a backup, reset, test, if not fixed, re-import the backup
  4. eh ? i have make the svn up. should i do manually ? yes, if you do update by command and have custom src modifications there will be conflicts and it will not change some files and your src you become a mess
  5. changing message color is possible because client already supports it thats why
  6. looks like you didn't updated your source files :/
  7. no, i didn't edit any source. i have make clean, make sql and make then what else i missing ? paste your packets.h on upaste.me and put the link here so I can check it
  8. evilpuncker


    well, anyone can use this command (from lvl 0 to lvl 99) if you really want so that gms of lvl 40 or more don't use it, then add back: if ( getgroupid() >= 40 ) end;
  9. what is your battle conf setting "quest_skill_learn"?
  10. I'm sorry to disappoint you but this is specially client sided (the source part work is minimal (check variable and send packet?)) and you will not find anybody whiling to do the client part for free since I've been in RO scene for a time already and until now I can't recall that anyone messed up with name colors, even with people always wanting it, but good luck
  11. I disagree with the hex to rgb thing, hex is so fucking easy lol, just use any tool to get the color code, even photoshop itself can do it btw latest version is I suggest you to follow the link file here in hercules board
  12. seems like you didn't followed the instructions of the new groups file and added the commands improperly
  13. post your whole groups.conf here (using upaste.me) and have you restarted your server?
  14. maybe you did something wrong, have you recompiled after the changes? look this
  15. evilpuncker


    what do you means sir ? remove the if ( getgroupid() > 40 ) end; ???????? this
  16. You have 17 fields and 16 ?. You need one more '?'. where to fix it please tell me .. account_sql.c I guess
  17. I didn't got it, but maybe just add a sleep with the time that pass after cloaking wears off and then activate the bonus
  18. [*]Please don't edit your posts to remove your question when your problem has been solved.
  19. evilpuncker

    freebies npc

    I didn't understood your request, but seems like you want it character based and not account based, if so: http://upaste.me/f63711874fe169632
  20. Where do I put it in my script? I am trying to learn how to do this without my dear husbands help put it anywhere outside of the script
  21. You have 17 fields and 16 ?. You need one more '?'.
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