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  1. Hello! Can i ask a little help with this Party vs. Party Script please? i wanted to add an announce on it. After the match, i wanted the npc to announce that the match has ended, congratulate the winner then the npc is open for match registration again. Thanks in advance and godbless! - script init -1,{ OnInit: //== CONFIG START ==// set $@charsymbol$,"#"; // Set the symbol of your char command ex. # set $@npcname$,"^009966War Organizer^000000"; // Set NPC name set $@party_mem,7; // Set minimum members per party, if a party has 6 members below including the leader, leader can't register his/her party set $@arena_map$,"guild_vs3"; // Set where you want the players to battle set $@team1_arena_mapX,15; // Set the starting X position of Team 1 set $@team1_arena_mapY,49; // Set the starting Y position of Team 1 set $@team2_arena_mapX,85; // Set the starting X position of Team 2 set $@team2_arena_mapY,49; // Set the starting Y position of Team 2 set $@starting_map$,"quiz_02"; // Set where you want the players to be warped after the player was killed. set $@starting_mapX,350; set $@starting_mapY,379; //== Set Winning Party Rewards ==// set $@reward_winitem_qnty,0; // Important, set to how many reward items you set below for the winning party setarray $@win_itemid[0],0; // Set the item id of the reward item setarray $@win_itemname$[0],"Red Potion", // Set the name of the reward item "Orange Potion", "Yellow Potion", "White Potion", "Blue Potion"; setarray $@win_itemnum[0],0; // Set the quantity of the reward //== Set Losing Party Rewards ==// set $@reward_loseitem_qnty,0; // Important, set to how many reward items you set below for losing party setarray $@lse_itemid[0],0; // Set the item id of the reward item setarray $@lse_itemname$[0],"Red Potion", // Set the name of the reward item "Orange Potion"; setarray $@lse_itemnum[0],0; // Set the quantity of the reward //== Set Draw Rewards ==// set $@reward_drawitem_qnty,0; // Important, set to how many reward items you set below for draw result setarray $@drw_itemid[0],0; // Set the item id of the reward item setarray $@drw_itemname$[0],"Yellow Potion", // Set the name of the reward item "White Potion"; setarray $@drw_itemnum[0],0; // Set the quantity of the reward //== CONFIG END ==// // Do not change configs below, this will reset in case the server unexpectedly shuts down set $@Battle_Start,0; set $@party_team,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; // RWC 3 enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; // Now let's check if the event is on going or not (checks current server's time) // if the event is on going, Enable NPC and sends a message to the player upon logging in for(set .@q,0; .@q<=22; set .@q,.@q+2) { set .@count,.@count+1; if(gettime(3)>.@q && gettime(3)<=.@count) { set $@evt_start,1; enablenpc "PartyReg"; } set .@count,.@count+1; } end; } // Party Registration NPC quiz_02,350,389,3 script Party Registration::PartyReg 89,{ mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; if(($@Battle_Start && getcharid(1)==$@party_team1) || ($@Battle_Start && getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) ) { mes "Hmm... Too bad for you, you didn't make it to win for your party. Cheer them up instead."; close; } if($@Battle_Start || $@party_team>=2) { mes "Battle is currently on"; mes "going. Party registration is"; mes "close during this time."; next; if(select("> Check current battle info.:> Leave") == 2){ mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; mes "Come back to me and register your party after the battle between "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" and "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" has ended."; close; } mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; if(!$@Battle_Start) { mes "The Battle already ended."; close; } set @standing_mem1,$@party_mem-$team2_mem; set @standing_mem2,$@party_mem-$team1_mem; mes "Battle Information"; mes "---"; mes "- " + getpartyname($@party_team1) + " Party : "; mes "Standing Members Left : " + @standing_mem1; mes "---"; mes "- " + getpartyname($@party_team2) + " Party : "; mes "Standing Members Left : " + @standing_mem2; next; mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; if($team1_mem>$team2_mem) { mes "Current leading party is "+getpartyname($@party_team1); close; } else if($team1_mem<$team2_mem) { mes "Current leading party is "+getpartyname($@party_team2); close; } else { mes "Both Party has the same number of members that are still alive."; close; } } if(getcharid(1)==0) goto L_ContinueMain; if(getcharid(1)==$@party_team1 || getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) { mes getpartyleader(getcharid(1)) + ", your party leader already registered your party, please wait for the other team to register."; close; } L_ContinueMain: mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "I am the War Arena Organizer"; next; switch(select("> Register")) { case 1: callsub R_Party; } R_Party: mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; if ( callfunc("party_has_duplicate_job") ) { mes "It seems that someone in the party has the same class than another member. Please check again the requirements..."; close; } if ( $@partymembercount != 7 ) { mes "You have to be 7 on the team."; close; } if(getcharid(1)==0) { mes "I see that you have no party yet. Please form your party first before registering."; close; } mes "Party Name : "+strcharinfo(1); if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)==getcharid(0)) { mes "Party Leader : You"; } else { mes "Party Leader : "+getpartyleader(getcharid(1)); } mes "-"; getpartymember(getcharid(1)); set @partymembercount,$@partymembercount; copyarray @partymembername$[0],$@partymembername$[0],@partymembercount; set @countmem,0; L_DisplayMem: if(@countmem == @partymembercount) goto L_Continue; set @countmem,@countmem+1; goto L_DisplayMem; L_Continue: mes "Party Members ("+(@countmem)+"/"+$@party_mem+")"; set @count,0; L_DisplayMember: if(@count == @partymembercount) goto L_Continue2; mes (@count + 1) + ". ^0000FF" + @partymembername$[@count] + "^000000"; set @count,@count+1; goto L_DisplayMember; L_Continue2: if($@Battle_Start || $@party_team>=2) { next; mes "Sorry but party registration is now close. Please re-register after the current battle progress has ended."; close; } if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)!=getcharid(0)) { next; mes strcharinfo(0)+", If you have time, please find your Party Leader "+getpartyleader(getcharid(1))+" and let him/her register your party"; close; } if(@countmem>$@party_mem) { next; mes "This event requires you to form a party with only "+$@party_mem+" members including you. I'm sorry to say but you need to expel ^FF0000"+(@countmem-$@party_mem)+"^000000 more member(s)."; close; } if(@countmem<$@party_mem) { next; mes "This event requires you to form a party with "+$@party_mem+" members including you. You still need to recruit ^FF0000"+($@party_mem-@countmem)+"^000000 more member(s)."; close; } set $@party_team,$@party_team+1; if($@party_team==1) { set $@party_team1,getcharid(1); setarray $@mem_name1$[0],@partymembername$[0],@partymembername$[1],@partymembername$[2],@partymembername$[3],@partymembername$[4]; announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" registered on Team "+$@party_team+".",bc_all; goto L_Continue3; } if($@party_team==2) { set $@party_team2,getcharid(1); announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" registered on Team "+$@party_team+".",bc_all; setarray $@mem_name2$[0],@partymembername$[0],@partymembername$[1],@partymembername$[2],@partymembername$[3],@partymembername$[4]; goto L_Continue3; } L_Continue3: close2; if($@party_team==2) donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnStart"; end; OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if($@Battle_Start && @map$==$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team1) { set $team2_mem,$team2_mem+1; warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; if($team2_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam2Win2"; } end; } if($@Battle_Start && @map$==$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) { set $team1_mem,$team1_mem+1; warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; if($team1_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam1Win2"; } end; } OnPCLogoutEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if($@Battle_Start && @map$==$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team1) { warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; set $team2_mem,$team2_mem+1; mapannounce $@arena_map$,"User "+strcharinfo(0)+" of "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" Team logged out of the game.",bc_all; if($team2_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam2Win2"; } end; } if($@Battle_Start && @map$==$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) { warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; set $team1_mem,$team1_mem+1; mapannounce $@arena_map$,"User "+strcharinfo(0)+" of "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" Team logged out of the game.",bc_all; if($team1_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam1Win2"; } end; } OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if($@Battle_Start && @map$!=$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team1) { warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; set $team2_mem,$team2_mem+1; mapannounce $@arena_map$,""+strcharinfo(0)+" of "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" party warped out of the battle arena.",bc_blue; if($team2_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam2Win2"; } end; } if($@Battle_Start && @map$!=$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) { warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; set $team1_mem,$team1_mem+1; mapannounce $@arena_map$,""+strcharinfo(0)+" of "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party warped out of the battle arena.",bc_blue; if($team1_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam1Win2"; } end; } } // Script where all functions are stored - script PvP_Func -1,{ OnStart: initnpctimer; set $@Battle_Start,1; setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; announce "The Battle between "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" and "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" Party has engaged. Registered Party along with its members will be automatically warped to the arena after 10 seconds.",bc_all; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setnpctimer 0; startnpctimer; end; OnTimer5000: warpparty $@arena_map$,$@team1_arena_mapX,$@team1_arena_mapY,$@party_team1; warpparty $@arena_map$,$@team2_arena_mapX,$@team1_arena_mapY,$@party_team2; end; OnTimer30000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"Players, you only have 30 seconds left to prepare for the Battle.",bc_all; end; OnTimer50000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 5 seconds.",bc_all; end; OnTimer51000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 4 seconds.",bc_all; end; OnTimer52000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 3 seconds.",bc_all; end; OnTimer53000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 2 seconds.",bc_all; end; OnTimer54000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 1 second.",bc_all; end; OnTimer55000: gvgon $@arena_map$; setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; disablenpc "WALL#41"; disablenpc "WALL#42"; disablenpc "WALL#43"; disablenpc "WALL#44"; disablenpc "WALL#45"; disablenpc "WALL#46"; disablenpc "WALL#47"; disablenpc "WALL#48"; disablenpc "WALL#49"; disablenpc "WALL#50"; disablenpc "WALL#51"; disablenpc "WALL#52"; disablenpc "WALL#53"; disablenpc "WALL#54"; disablenpc "WALL#55"; disablenpc "WALL#56"; disablenpc "WALL#57"; disablenpc "WALL#58"; disablenpc "WALL#59"; disablenpc "WALL#60"; disablenpc "WALL#61"; disablenpc "WALL#62"; disablenpc "WALL#63"; disablenpc "WALL#64"; announce "The team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" vs "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" battle has begun!",bc_all; mapannounce $@arena_map$,"You only have 5 minutes to eliminate all opponent's party members. Be quick!!!",bc_all; end; // After 5 Minutes, system will check the party who has the most number of member and will declare that party as a winner. // All variables will be resetted. OnTimer420000: if($team2_mem<$team1_mem) { donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam1Win"; } else if ($team2_mem<$team1_mem) { donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam2Win"; } else if ($team2_mem==$team1_mem || $team1_mem==$team2_mem) { donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnDraw"; } else { donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnNoWin"; } end; // This label will be called after the event has ended without registered parties OnNoWin: announce "The Battle has ended.",bc_all; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnEndNoWin: announce "The Battle has ended.",bc_all; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnDraw: announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" and Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" has the same number of members standing in the arena, the battle result is a draw.",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_drawitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@drw_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@drw_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_drawitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@drw_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@drw_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } stopnpctimer; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnEndDraw: announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" and Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" has the same number of members standing in the arena, the battle result is a draw.",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_drawitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@drw_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@drw_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_drawitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@drw_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@drw_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } stopnpctimer; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnTeam1Win: announce "After 5 minutes of battle, "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" party member survives more than "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party member and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnEndTeam1Win: announce "After 5 minutes of battle, "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" party member survives more than "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party member and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnTeam2Win: announce "After 5 minutes of battle, "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party member survives more than "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" party member and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnEndTeam2Win: announce "After 5 minutes of battle, "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party member survives more than "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+"'s Party member and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; disablenpc "PartyReg"; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnTeam1Win2: announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" smashed all the member of Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnTeam2Win2: announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" smashed all the member of Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+"and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; } function script StartEvent { enablenpc "PartyReg"; set $@evt_start,1; announce "The Battle has begun.",bc_all; return; } function script EndEvent { if (!$@Battle_Start && $@party_team<2) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndNoWin"; } else if ($team2_mem<$team1_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndTeam1Win"; } else if ($team2_mem<$team1_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndTeam2Win"; } else if ($team2_mem==$team1_mem || $team1_mem==$team2_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndDraw"; } else { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndNoWin"; } end; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////RWC 3/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// guild_vs3,19,55,0 script WALL#41 1905,{ } guild_vs3,19,54,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#42 1905 guild_vs3,19,53,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#43 1905 guild_vs3,19,52,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#44 1905 guild_vs3,19,51,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#45 1905 guild_vs3,19,50,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#46 1905 guild_vs3,19,49,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#47 1905 guild_vs3,19,48,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#48 1905 guild_vs3,19,47,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#49 1905 guild_vs3,19,46,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#50 1905 guild_vs3,19,45,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#51 1905 guild_vs3,19,44,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#52 1905 guild_vs3,80,55,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#53 1905 guild_vs3,80,54,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#54 1905 guild_vs3,80,53,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#55 1905 guild_vs3,80,52,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#56 1905 guild_vs3,80,51,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#57 1905 guild_vs3,80,50,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#58 1905 guild_vs3,80,49,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#59 1905 guild_vs3,80,48,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#60 1905 guild_vs3,80,47,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#61 1905 guild_vs3,80,46,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#62 1905 guild_vs3,80,45,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#63 1905 guild_vs3,80,44,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#64 1905 function script party_has_duplicate_job { set .@party_id, getarg( 0, getcharid(1) ); // Need to have a party. if ( !.@party_id ) { return -1; } // Loading party members variables getpartymember .@party_id, 1; getpartymember .@party_id, 2; // Keep rid attached. set .@rid, playerattached(); // Check all members for ( set .@i,0; .@i<$@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { // Online user if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i]) ) { // Attach the member to access "Class" attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ); if ( compare( .@tmp_class$ + "|", "|" + Class + "|" ) ) { if ( .@rid ) attachrid(.@rid); else detachrid; return 1; } set .@tmp_class$, .@tmp_class$ + "|" + Class; } // Offline user (use sql) else { set .@sql$, .@sql$ + ( .@sql_i ? "OR " : "" ) + "`char_id`='" + $@partymembercid[.@i] + "' "; set .@sql_i, .@sql_i + 1; } } // SQL for offline users if ( getstrlen(.@sql$) ) { // get class from offline members set .@count, query_sql("SELECT `class` FROM `char` WHERE " + .@sql$, .@class ); // Check the class. for ( set .@i, 0; .@i<.@count; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { if ( compare( .@tmp_class$ + "|", "|" + .@class[.@i] + "|" ) ) { if ( .@rid ) attachrid(.@rid); else detachrid; return 1; } set .@tmp_class$, .@tmp_class$ + "|" + .@class[.@i]; } } // Restore RID. if ( .@rid ) attachrid(.@rid); else detachrid; return 0; } - script RWC -1,{ // Settings // GM LVL Allowed set .gmlvl,99; OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() <= .gmlvl) goto N_Authority; switch(select("Reset:")) { case 1: stopnpctimer; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; dispbottom "Reset OK."; close; N_Authority: dispbottom "You cannot use this commands anymore."; close; } }
  2. Hi guys. just wondering how can i enable this npc all the time? so i won't have to manually enable it and players can use it anytime. thanks in advance! // -----------------------------// // ------- Free For All --------// // -------- By : Butch ---------// // A simple Free for all script // // -----------------------------// guild_vs5,48,51,6 script FFA Master 999,{ if(getmapusers("guild_vs5") != 1) { mes "[^FF0000FFA Master^000000]"; mes "Current players - ^FF0000"+ getmapusers("guild_vs5") +"^000000."; close; } else if(getmapusers("guild_vs5") == 1) { dispbottom "You are a winner of Event Free for all. Congratz!"; donpcevent "Free For All::OnStopEvent"; announce "Free for all winner : "+ strcharinfo(0) +"", bc_all, "0xFFCE00"; getitem 25002,1; // Reward warp "prontera", 156,149; end; } } // ------ FFA Warper -------// prontera,147,149,6 script Free For All 999,{ if (.start != 1) { mes "[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"; mes "Free for all is not available at the moment"; close; } mes "[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"; mes "What do you want?"; switch(select("Free for all")) { case 1: if( getcharid(1) ) { mes "Please leave your party."; close; } if( getcharid(2) ) { mes "Please leave your guild."; close; } else switch(rand(3)) { case 0: .@x = 18; .@y = 50; break; case 1: .@x = 50; .@y = 77; break; case 2: .@x = 81; .@y = 49; break; case 3: .@x = 49; .@y = 22; break; } warp "guild_vs5", .@x,.@y; break; } close; OnStartEvent: OnClock1245: OnClock1645: OnClock2045: OnClock0045: OnClock0445: OnClock0845: .start = 1; disablenpc "FFA Master"; announce "Free for all will start in 5 minutes.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 120000; announce "Free for all will start in 3 minutes.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 120000; announce "Free for all will start in 1 minute.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 60000; announce "Free for all has started!", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; .start = 2; enablenpc "FFA Master"; sleep 2000; if ( !getmapusers("guild_vs5") ) goto OnStopEvent; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 5", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 4", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 3", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 2", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 1", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "GO! Kill all!", bc_map; setmapflag "guild_vs5", mf_gvg; removemapflag "guild_vs5", mf_noskill; end; OnStopEvent: .start = 0; disablenpc "FFA Master"; removemapflag "guild_vs5", mf_gvg; setmapflag "guild_vs5", mf_noskill; end; OnInit: bindatcmd("startevent",strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnStartEvent",60,99); waitingroom "[Free For All]",0; end; } guild_vs5 mapflag partylock guild_vs5 mapflag guildlock guild_vs5 mapflag notrade guild_vs5 mapflag nodrop
  3. Hi guys! Just wondering how can i remove the timer and make it usable all the time? Thanks in advance! // ============================= /* Free for All: http://herc.ws/board/topic/13863-rlast-man-standing-pvp-with-prize/ ---------------------------- by: Legend compatible w/: Hercules ---------------------------- special thanks to: * Annieruru ---------------------------- Description: * Free for all event like last man standing * Can be activated through command "@ffa" * Also can be activated every hour * You can set your own number of winners * Configurable settings (npc name, maps, minimum level to participate, maximum recognized winners, rewards, restricted jobs.) * Significant mapflags were set */ // ============================= prontera,156,157,4 script Request#2 4_CAT_DOWN,{ doevent "Request#2::OnMenu"; end; OnActivate: // activated by the GM if (agitcheck()) || (agitcheck2()){ mes .npc$; mes "WoE is in progress."; close; } if (.checkffa > 0) { mes .npc$; mes "Event is in progress."; close; } OnMinute00: // activated every hour if (agitcheck()) || (agitcheck2()) end; if (.checkffa > 0) end; .checkffa = 1; announce .npc$+": Registration for the event is now open for 3 minutes!",bc_all; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer150000: announce .npc$+": 30 seconds left before the registration will be closed.",bc_all; end; OnTimer180000: .checkffa = 2; if ( .psize <= .maxwin) { announce .npc$+": The Event has been cancelled! Not enough participants.",bc_all; callsub Reset_evt_stats; end; } announce .npc$+": Registration is now closed!",bc_all; end; OnTimer185000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": The Event will occur in a few moments!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer187000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": Get ready in 3!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer188000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": 2!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer189000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": 1!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer190000: stopnpctimer; mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": Good luck everyone!",bc_blue; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_pvp_noguild; removemapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpon .pvpmap$; end; OnMenu: mes .npc$; mes "Good day "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "How may I help you?"; next; switch(select("Information:Join")){ case 1: mes .npc$; mes "Minimum Base Level: ^FF0000"+.minblvl+"^000000"; mes "Restricted Jobs:"; for( .@z = 0; .@z < .rjsize; .@z++ ) { mes ( .@z +1 ) +". ^FF0000"+jobname (.resjob[.@z])+"^000000"; } close; case 2: if (!.checkffa) { mes .npc$; mes "Event isn't activated, come back later."; close; } if (.checkffa == 2) { mes .npc$; mes "Event is in progress, come back later."; close; } if (BaseLevel < .minblvl) { mes .npc$; mes "You need to"; mes "have ^FF0000"+.minblvl+"^000000 Base level or more than"; mes "before you can participate."; close; } for( .@z = 0; .@z < .rjsize; .@z++ ) { if (Class == .resjob[.@z] ){ mes .npc$; mes "Your job is restricted to join this event."; close; } } sc_end SC_ALL; percentheal 100,100; warp .pvpmap$,0,0; .regaid[.psize] = getcharid(3); .psize++; end; } OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) != .pvpmap$) end; while (.regaid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .psize) .@i++; deletearray .regaid[.@i],1; .psize--; if (.psize > .maxwin) end; if (.checkffa > 0) { announce .npc$+": The Event is now over! We already have our winners!",bc_all; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .psize; ++.@i){ getitem .ritem,.rcount,.regaid[.@i]; } } callsub Reset_evt_stats; end; Reset_evt_stats: removemapflag .pvpmap$, mf_pvp_noguild; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpoff .pvpmap$; .checkffa = 0; deletearray .regaid; .psize = 0; mapwarp .pvpmap$,.extmap$,.extx,.exty,0; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "ffa",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnActivate",99,99; // CONFIGURATION .npc$ = "[ Free for All ]"; // NPC name .pvpmap$ = "pvp_n_1-5"; // Set your FFA Map .minblvl = 99; // Set minimum base level who can enter .maxwin = 2; // Set the maximum winners .ritem = 7227; // Set the item id of the reward .rcount = 5; // Set reward amount .extmap$ = "prontera"; // Set exit map .extx = 150; // Exit map "x" coordinate .exty = 150; // Exit map "y" coordinate setarray .resjob[0], 0,4001; // This list serves as the restricted jobs .rjsize = getarraysize (.resjob); // DO NOT TOUCH THIS // MAPFLAGS setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpoff .pvpmap$; //--- setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nocommand; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nowarp; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nosave; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noteleport; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nomemo; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_novending; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nobranch; end; }
  4. I am currently working on creating a NPC which allows you to craft Eye Patches in exchange of 1 Rusty Bandages and 1 White Potion. Easy enough right? But there is more, I am using the shop and "OnSellItem:" to craft as many Eye Patches based on the items in the sell box. So in essence, if I have 10 Rusty Bandages and 10 White Potions, I would get 10 Eye Patches. Whereas if I have 9 Rusty Bandages and 10 White Potions, I would get 9 Eye Patches etc. I am however stuck on how to check if an item and it's quantity matches the Eye Patch requirement from the sell box. I am quite a beginner in scripting, so it be very helpful EDIT Fixed it myself.
  5. need help with this one please. the npc wont show up. i already changed the<spaces> with <tabs> but still the same. need help pls. prontera,159,183,4 script Quest Room Warper 856,{ mes "[ Quest Room Warper ]"; mes "Hi!.. Would you like to enter the Quest Room?"; switch(select("Yes:Cancel")) { case 1: warp "jupe_ele_r",49,92; close; } case 2: mes "[ Quest Room Warper ]"; mes "Owh...."; mes "Nevermind..since it is your decision."; mes "It is all up to you."; mes "Come back to me if you changed your mind."; else { mes "Okay Bye.."; close; }
  6. Example: I want the variable L_CanTalk to be placed on the character Test Character. by using a script. E.g. an NPC GMs can use to set the variable to a character of their choice. Is this possible?
  7. Olá pessoal, Estou querendo diminuir meu numero de "Npcs de Shop" em meu mercado para algo mais simples e organizado. Já vi em alguns servidores, npcs de shop desse forma porém não tenho nenhum script para usar como base. NPC menu: prontera.gat,164,193,3 script Chico, O vendedor 880,{ set @npc$,"[^FF0000 Chico, O vendedor ^000000]"; mes @npc$; mes "Olá, ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!";} mes "Bem Vindo ao Mercado Negro!"; next; mes @npc$; mes "O que deseja comprar?"; menu "=> Armas",armas, "=> Armaduras",armaduras, "=> Nada, obrigado.",m_exit; armas: next; mes @npc$; mes "Ok, Boas compras."; //??????? close; armaduras: next; mes @npc$; mes "Ok, Boas compras."; //??????? close; m_exit: next; mes @npc$; mes "Ok, Volte sempre."; close; } NPC shop: prt_in,178,105,3 shop Weapons_1 4_F_07,6258:-1 prt_in,178,103,3 shop Armor_1 4_F_07,6258:-1 Agradeço a ajuda.
  8. regarding this http://herc.ws/board/topic/10701-link-item-system/?p=63280 when we take a look on console using script e.g. - script catch FAKE_NPC,{ OnAtcommand: debugmes .@atcmd_parameters$[0]; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "catch",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; } let's start to type @catch<space> following shit+left click on beret so and chat command shown : @catch <beret> and the result on console like: [Debug]: script debug : 2000000 110022388 : <ITEM>0004811lq'00'00'00'00</ITEM> let's try on +20 beret @catch <+20 beret> and the result on console like: [Debug]: script debug : 2000000 110022388 : <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> how does it work? yes that's base converted from 10 to 64 i have not enought knowledge on C so i tried to encode it using vb like this Public Function ConvertBase10$(ByVal d#) Dim S$, t#, i%, l%, bl%, bs$ bs= "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" bl = Len(bs) Do While Val(d) <> 0 t = d i = 0 Do While t >= bl i = i + 1 t = t / bl Loop If i <> l - 1 And l <> 0 Then S = S & String(l - i - 1, Left(bs, 1)) t = Int(t) S = S + Mid(bs, t + 1, 1) d = d - t * (bl ^ i) l = i Loop ConvertBase10 = S End Function what's that mean? <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> vv Equipment Location -> ConvertBase10(256) = 48 <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> vvv Equipment ID -> ConvertBase10(5712) = 1lq <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> vv Refine Level -> ConvertBase10(20) = 0k <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> vv Card on Slot 1 <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> vv Card on Slot 2 <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> vv Card on Slot 3 <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> vv Card on Slot 4 <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> v dunno about '1' after equipment location. but i think it's alwasy be 1. we not need to decode, because we just need to send string thar initialized by client to result as item link. i also tried using : dispbotom "You got 1x <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM>"; result is shown "You got <+20 Beret>" clickable in client. also work on announce "S got 1x <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM>" bc_all; we can also try copy this <ITEM>0004811lq%0k'00'00'00'00</ITEM> and paste on client Of course we can make a script and use callfunc but if there any buildin script like this *getitemlinkedmsg <item_id>,<refine>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>; it would be helpfull.
  9. Bom, temos um meno no npc de presença que faz a troca de pontos por itens, no entanto, é definido a quantidade de itens pelo próprio menu, por exemplo, troca 1 ponto de presença por 100 ygg, gostaria de saber como faço pra adicionar um menu nesse npc pro player escolher quantos pontos ele deseja trocar, ficando assim: 1 ponto = 100 ygg Digite a quantidade de pontos que você deseja trocar: Se o jogador não tiver obviamente que vai retornar uma opção inválida, se alguém puder ajudar ficarei grato, segue abaixo o npc: Obs: O npc não é meu, não foi eu quem fiz, nem tenho nenhum crédito sobre o npc, apenas editei. @edit Pode fechar o tópico, dúvida sanada !
  10. Hi, I am struggling to get my script to force an emotion from an NPC from another script. Bit of info: - Both NPCs are on the same map. - Player cannot see both NPCs at the same time on their screen (too far apart). - NPC 1 (who you are talking to) warps you in front of NPC 2, who talks a bit then responds with emotions. What is wrong with this? Thank you in advance for any help. prontera,100,100,5 script NPC1 53,{ mes "[NPC1]"; mes "I am now warping you to NPC2"; next; warp "prontera",150,150,0; mes "[NPC1]; mes "This is NPC2. Say hello to the player, NPC2."; set .@emote, e_paper; next; donpcevent "NPC2::OnEmote"; //Conversation 'mes' continues from here //At the bottom of NPC1's script (but still inside it) OnEmote: emotion .@emote; end; }
  11. //== Usable Items ========================================== { Id: 600 AegisName: "Cash_Coin" Name: "Cash Coin" Type: 2 Buy: 60 Weight: 1 BuyingStore: true Script: <" ......................... ; "> }, I'm newbie, I need script Cash_coin, when used random add 1-10 cash points!! (sorry for my English)
  12. Fish Fish Fishing Well, Lately i went back on Scripting and testing ideas around ragnarok, and decided to develop a series of professions, but as i'ma well known lazy ass so i'll be releasing the "raw" script as soon as possible as it is probably full of bugs and memory problems. Starting with Fishing! here is a sneak peak of the progress so far. ;D -I'm also using .tga shadows, and custom damage font. Right now it works as follow: - First runs a loop with percentage of breaking it so the fish bites de bait. - Then a "mini-game" starts, where you need to choose the right random placed option, an bait animation ocours, and that minigame start over, guider by a random number rand(2,4) in the video. -Fish/Item Catched! Loot Animation, start over. TODO: -Random placement on water cells (also control on how much you can "fish" from one node, till it unspawn or warp away) -General Configuration for easy using (If item needed, how many minigames tries, loot selection(i hear that there are good functions scripts that base drop % in arrays.) -And so on. Hope you guys enjoy it. Want to hear some thoughts on other profession! and feed back about that one as Well! (already thinking about a lumberjack minigame where you will need to time the hit)
  13. Hello, Is there any one that can help me create a script. I would like to have a script that gives me a random reward if i complete a quest or trade for points.
  14. In need of help with having this script to work. I've been trying to create a template for "walking" NPCs to create more difficult quests (using sprites with walking animation, of course). The NPC exists when enabled, it just doesn't do anything. **The default location (rwc03,49,49,4) can be changed, it's an area I use to test NPCs on, especially this one, since it walks and it's a small map. rwc03,49,49,4 script Shy Eclipse ECLIPSE,{ function offset_select; function step_rand; OnInit: while(1){ offset_select; npcspeed 100; npcwalkto .@npc_x,.@npc_y; .@interval = rand(3,5); // randomized idle duration sleep .@interval*1000; // 1000 millisec = 1 sec } function offset_select{ do{ getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,1); // gets npc's current location step_rand; .@npc_x = .@x+rand(-.@step_a,.@step_; // randomized offset x-coord .@npc_y = .@y+rand(-.@step_a,.@step_; // randomized offset y-coord }while( !checkcell(.@map$,.@npc_x,.@npc_y,cell_chkpass) ); // checks if selected coords is accessible } function step_rand{ .@step_a = rand(1,10); // randomized offset init range .@step_b = rand(1,10); // randomized offset end range do{ // addresses possible rand() range error .@step_a = rand(1,10); .@step_b = rand(1,10); }while( .@step_a >= .@step_b ); } mes "[Eclipse]"; mes "!! Squik..!"; emotion e_panic; next; if( select("Pet it.:Scare it away.") == 1 ){ mes "[Eclipse]"; mes "**Squik~**"; emotion e_lv; } else { mes "[Eclipse]"; mes "SQUIK!"; emotion e_omg; } close;}
  15. Can someone post any method how to delete cashpoint using sql or script? By the way, how to check player cashpoint in sql database?
  16. Hello, since it's my vacation time, trying to refresh myself with scripting. Here are some of my recent work, will add more probably in the next coming days. Level Up Event Race Event Floating Rates Bind @go command Healer/Buffer/Identifier/Repair NPC in one Have a good day!
  17. Hi all. May I know why the monster not spawn ? I also have some warning which is: [Warning]: script_get_val: cannot access player variable 'mf_nogo', defaulting to 0 How to fix ? prontera,164,172,5 script Farm Zone 4_F_JPN2,{function RandomizeItem;while( 1 ){mes "How can i help you ?";switch( select( "Information:Farm Items" )){case 1: mes "This is a Farm Zone."; mes "You are able to Hunt Monster inside this Room."; mes "Every Monster will award you random items."; next; mes "But there is some Condition.."; mes "You can only go in ^FF0000once every "+.RoomCleanMin+" minutes for 1 times.^000000"; mes "And Maximum of ^FF0000"+.MaxPlayers+" Players per "+.RoomCleanMin+" Minutes.^000000"; mes "Maximum Hunting Limit ^FF0000"+.MaxItemLimit+"^000000"; next; mes "There will be a ^FF0000Room Cleaning^000000 from time to time..."; mes "All players will be kicked out, it is your bad luck if you meet this."; mes "Delay will still apply even though you just go in for 1 Seconds.."; next; break;case 2: if( #HuntRoomDelay > gettimetick(2) ){ set .last,#HuntRoomDelay - gettimetick(2); set .@min, .last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 / (60); mes "Wait for ^FF0000"+.@min+" Minutes^000000."; close; }else if( getarraysize( .Hunter ) >= .MaxPlayers ){ mes "Currently the Room is Full. Please try again later."; close; }else{ warp .Map$,0,0; set .Hunter[getarraysize( .Hunter )],strcharinfo(0); set #HuntRoomDelay,gettimetick(2) + ( .DelayMin * 60 ); set #FarmHunt,0; end; } }}OnInit:// Maximum Player can join per X Minutes.set .MaxPlayers,2;// Adding X Minutes of Delay before can go in again.set .DelayMin,1;// Maximum Hunt Limit per round inside the Zone.set .MaxItemLimit,10;// Map that will be used in thos Zone.set .Map$,"guild_vs5";// Clear Map Every X Minutes.set .RoomCleanMin,15;// Mapflag Initialization//setmapflag .Map$,mf_nogo;setmapflag .Map$,mf_nomobloot;setmapflag .Map$,mf_nomvploot;setmapflag .Map$,mf_nowarpto;setmapflag .Map$,mf_nochat;setmapflag .Map$,mf_novending;setmapflag .Map$,mf_nocommand,60;setmapflag .Map$,mf_nogo;setmapflag .Map$,mf_nojobexp;setmapflag .Map$,mf_nobaseexp;while( 1 ){ killmonster .Map$,"All"; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,181; monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Resident",-1,80,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Guardian",-3,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill"; deletearray .Hunter,getarraysize( .Hunter ); announce "[ Farm Zone ] : Farming Zone has been Cleaned up, another 5 Players may go in now.",bc_blue; sleep ( .RoomCleanMin * 60000 ); mapannounce .Map$,"[ Farm Zone ] : Room Clean Up now...All Users will be warped Out.",0; killmonster .Map$,"All"; sleep 3000; }end;OnNormalKill:RandomizeItem( 0,rand(1,5) );monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-1,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill";end;OnBossKill:RandomizeItem( 1,rand(1,3) );monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill";end;// Function that used to Generate Random Itemsfunction RandomizeItem {set #FarmHunt,#FarmHunt + getarg(1);// Normal Monster in Zone Drops Listsif( getarg(0) == 0 ) setarray .ItemList[0],13989,14232,13517,7139,12033,12016,14534;// Normal Boss in Zone Drops Listsif( getarg(0) == 1 ) setarray .ItemList[0],14536,12912,12267,12266,14601,13830,13831,13832,13833;for( set .@i,1; .@i <= getarg(1); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getitem .ItemList[ rand( getarraysize( .ItemList ) ) ],1; }deletearray .ItemList,getarraysize( .ItemList );dispbottom "[ Farm Zone ] : Farmed "+#FarmHunt+" / "+.MaxItemLimit+" Items";if( #FarmHunt >= .MaxItemLimit ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Limit Reach , you may join again later."; sleep2 2000; warp "prontera",155,181; }return;} }
  18. Hi all. I want to req a simple script on item database. When click the item, increase the pet intimacy for 100. So, if player click 10x times of Item, the pet intimacy will increase to 1000 and pet become friendly. Besides that, a disbottom message show, Your pet intimacy is now 100, then the value increase depends on how many times player click the item.
  19. Hello !! thank you for clicking on the link and reading my request.... May i request for an NPC which can actually fetch the credits data from the flux cp and would be a shop which would sell items in exchange of the credits in flux panel db. I m requesting u because i m getting too much of item duper complaints and i guess setting global variables or using the predefined db like cp_credits would actually help in secure way of dealing with items. Hoping for a positive response Regards...
  20. Hi everyone, I've been away from Ragnarok Online for a very long time, I have recently picked it up and I have started NPC Scripting again. I am working on a daily reward script that uses function and I am getting this error: invisible/not on a map error I have managed to re-produce the error with this test script: // Main Script- script L_Test -1,{ // When script starts OnInit: // Configuration set .npc$,"[ Test NPC ] : "; end; // When player logins into game OnPCLoginEvent: dispbottom(.npc$ + callfunc(L_SayHello, strcharinfo(0))); end; }function script L_SayHello { set .playerName$,getarg(0); return "Hello "+ .playerName$;} This script structure is identical to my real script. So when I start the server and login, I get the following error in map server: [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string.[Debug]: Data: variable name='L_SayHello' index=0[Debug]: Function: callfunc[Debug]: Source (NPC): L_Test (invisible/not on a map)[Error]: script:callfunc: function not found! [0][Debug]: Source (NPC): L_Test (invisible/not on a map) Any idea what this error is about?
  21. Hello all! I am request the scriptwriters and devs here for a script which can refine, tell you refine success change percentage, gives you option to like upgrade your chance of success by giving some specific item or so. I tried to find out at my places but couldn't Also, it would be really sweet if it can refine on the number you input, let say I gave 10 as refine input and 7 is the safe limit for the particular item, then it would prompt the safe alert and a choice to continue with each refine with a next button. P.S I would be really great if somebody can actually make it and archive this
  22. Evento Guerra do Empério NPC de evento, Não-Oficial, criado por mim, com base na História do Ragnarok. Toda vez que a WOE começar, existe uma chance de esse evento começar, e o NPC íris vai ser ativado, quem falar com o NPC enquanto o evento estiver ativo poderá fazer a quest primeiro para poder participar do evento, que é trazer 100 mantos e estar usando um manto sagrado. O Objetivo é matar 100 players (por padrão) na WOE para ganhar o prêmio que é uma Coroa do Deus-Sol. Enquanto o jogador estiver no evento, há uma chance de ele ser bufado e ganhar porção branca.O NPC vai dar prêmio somente para 1 jogador, ou seja, o primeiro a matar 100 players. DOWNLOAD https://xp-dev.com/svn/tecnocronus_scripts/scripts/PT/Woe%20Event.txt CHANGELOG http://trac.xp-dev.com/TC_Scripts/log/scripts/PT/Woe Event.txt
  23. Hello, all right? so I'm creating a skin for my Thor Patcher and would like this skin appeared the staus of my server "ON or OFF" would also appear that the amount of players logged into the server, how can I do this?
  24. Aeromesi

    Script error

    Anyone able to help me on this script? //Weekend Events (Friday, saturday, and sunday//Script developed by Aeromesi prontera,150,150,4 script Noah 89,{ set .noa$, "^FF0000[Noah]^000000"; if (.frifin$ == 1 && (gettime(4)==3)) { mes .noa$; mes "You already completed Fridays quest."; close;} else { goto startquest; }if (.satfin$ == 1 && (gettime(4)==4)) { mes .noa$; mes "You already completed Saturdays quest."; close;} else { goto startquest; }if (.sunfin$ == 1 && (gettime(4)==5)) { mes .noa$; mes "You already completed Sundays quest."; close;} else { goto startquest; }if (gettime(4)==6) mes .noa$; mes "You can't do any quests until Friday, Saturday, and Sunday."; close;startquest: set .frifin$, 0; set .satfin$, 0; set .sunfin$, 0; mes .noa$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "It's the weekend, have you had a busy week?"; mes "Gotta pay bills and can't afford to donate?";next; mes .noa$; mes "Well I offer quests throughout the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) so you can have 500 cash points."; mes "You may only do each quest ^FF0000ONCE^000000 per day out of the 3 days."; mes "Then the next weekend, it resets.";next; mes .noa$; mes "So, wanna do a quest?";next; menu "Yes sir!",yess,"No thanks.",nothx; yess:// Quest for Friday if ( gettime(4)==3) { mes .noa$; mes "Today is Fridays Quest!"; mes "You will need to gather 1000 Red Potions and 10m Zeny."; mes "Alright, I'll be waiting until you come back with 1000 Potions and 10m Zeny."; mes "Now, let me check if you already have the required amount of Zeny and Red Potions.";next;if(countitem(501)) >= 1000 && Zeny >= 10000000 { mes "You have the required amount of Red potions and Zeny, so for that, here is your cash points."; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS+500; set Zeny, Zeny-10000000; delitem 501,1000; set .fritalk$, 1; close;}} else { mes .noa$; mes "You don't have 1000 Red Potions or 10m Zeny yet."; close;} nothx: mes .noa$; mes "Alright, well come back if you decided you changed your mind!"; close;}/*- script weekend##00 -1,{ if (gettime(4)== 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 ) { set .fritalk$, 0; set .sattalk$, 0; set .suntalk$, 0;}}*/ The error I get when clicking on the NPC is: [Error]: script:op_2: invalid data for operator C_EQ[Debug]: Data: string value="" [Debug]: Data: number value=1 Debug source npc at prontera,150,150 etc...
  25. i Requests..if you kill 10lunatic 10pubric 10poring you have additional exp rate drop rate. if rate of server 5k 5k you additional rate 3k 3k.if you dead or logout you reset.
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