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Everything posted by 4144

  1. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    yes now impossible unpack for usage any new ragexe clients from kro main and zero. for private servers left only new ragexeRE but i still show information about patches for ragexe and collecting packets for them.
  2. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    it can be difficult to bring back old emblems features. because partially old code was removed from client. but in future will be don't need web server. i working on hercules for new features, but was slow down because 4th jobs and new game guard in kro..
  3. it say what your external settings file is wrong. probably you using this file from translation, but from translation projects it can works only with some clients try test only of official data and then try add some translation files only.
  4. search in google how to use screen or tmux. this is terminal multiplexers.
  5. if you not using screen or tmux, your server probably closed if you close terminal. for look is your server processes running, you can try use ps or top or htop. also for check is servers running and listening on configured ports, you can run from root or sudo this command: netstat -lnp|grep -E "login|char|map"
  6. probably you using wrong word "patch". i not saw any patcher on your screenshots. you cant connect with client to server. this issue can be by different reasons. wrong server configuration, closed ports etc.
  7. @Zero Human this 3 lines from client. server may send rates for 3 different types, but hercules using only one line of them. In default scripts look like ModExp and ModDrop not used.
  8. sadly look like no. new zero clients cant be used anymore, atleast not for now. Usable future clients for now only RagexeRE aka sakray. Rathena follow different ro official and private servers, but hercules follow only kro. I mean clients with version after 2020-07-15 ragexe from kro main and from zero cant be used by private servers anymore. Left only ragexeRE
  9. drop effects controlled in item_db.conf but effect not depend on random options
  10. look like you using old hercules? or packet version older than 2012? for old hercules i not remember how disable it. but if you using up to date hercules, change option display_rate_messages in conf/map/battle/client.conf
  11. try this patch, may be it can help you http://nemo.herc.ws/patches/IncreaseViewID/
  12. yes, id bigger than 65535 cant be used for equipment with visible sprites. all bigger ids will be invisible. this is client limitation. for equipment use id smaller than 65535. for other ranges, may be some builtin limits too, but this limits can be avoided, probably with patches
  13. you have syntax error in src/plugins/Makefile.in and make said about it. See how other plugins added in other way you can not change make file, but use separate make command. for example: make plugin.@afk
  14. SDE very outdated and for now not works with any emulator
  15. this is because you messed with permissions you should clone/build/run hercules from normal user. but look like you cloned as root and want build as user, here will be errors yes.
  16. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    then probably country block still works. this mean not from all countries kro files can be accesed. for updates it works for any countries, because mostly used unofficial mirrors. but for full clients exists only official servers. try use any other countries proxy or vpns
  17. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    full client downloads: http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/#downloadable-full-clients
  18. this assertion mean you have some where in item use script wrong constant in call for function bonus. probably you using outdated code from hercules or other emulators.
  19. clients exe you can get here: http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/#2012 full clients except exe, try search on this forum
  20. error show what you probably using packet version older than 2010. you really need it?
  21. file: npc/re/warps/cities/izlude.txt npc name: noviship#izlude
  22. try disable some of them and see is error still present
  23. what kind of plugins you using? i cant find this strings in hercules
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