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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. you can use any launcher (AFAIK) to get a program mac address, and harmony is a launcher too (I mean, it runs before opening the client)
  2. alternative: http://herc.ws/board/topic/4643-mac-ip-address/
  3. you need to create the egg by using the @makeegg command and not @item
  4. close patcher, delete this file and open patcher again
  5. acho q isso está "hardcoded" no client, então só editando os valores com algum editor hexadecimal ou esperando o NEMO ter suporte pra isso
  6. pode ignorar esse erro, o importante é q o map, char, login e mapcache foram compilados com sucesso, esse erro já foi reportado e eles vão corrigi-lo em breve but this error can not create future problems? não vai criar não ^^ e pode falar português pois eu sou brasileiro tbm kkkkkk
  7. pode ignorar esse erro, o importante é q o map, char, login e mapcache foram compilados com sucesso, esse erro já foi reportado e eles vão corrigi-lo em breve
  8. desabilita as skills apenas, adicione // na frente delas no skill_db.txt e quanto a aura, configure ela no clienf.conf
  9. show the result of the query in php
  10. Currently it is at feature freeze. New feature would be possible starting next major release, which is bit overdue now. Hopefully I have some time next 2 months. I hope everything is going fine to you =) this is still the best patcher ever xD I find myself working on this project every now and then. Time and laziness kills. glad to hear that hope to see some news soon
  11. dude, seriously, if you are in ragnarok just for money, at least try to spend some of your own hiring a scripter instead of begging for help lol
  12. hello could you tell me where u put if ( pc_get_group_level(sd) < 99 )? int buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc(struct map_session_data* sd, va_list ap){ int16 m=va_arg(ap,int); int g_id=va_arg(ap,int); int flag=va_arg(ap,int); if(!sd || sd->bl.m != m) return 0; if(pc_get_group_level(sd) == 99) return 0; if( (sd->status.guild_id == g_id && flag&1) //Warp out owners || (sd->status.guild_id != g_id && flag&2) //Warp out outsiders || (sd->status.guild_id == 0) // Warp out players not in guild [Valaris] ) pc->setpos(sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); return 1;}
  13. script checker is for npc scripts, not for item_db, to solve your problem just move re/item_db.conf to pre-re/item_db.conf
  14. o nome foi mudado para "cashmount" https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/3be853cff81fbdc590fc5538b60951f0179945f8
  15. seems you have the wpefree disabled, set it to 2 thanks yommy <3 maybe yommy has it? :3
  16. we don't want to sound mean when asking which emulator you use, we ask it because there are different ways to solve the same problem depending on the emulator you use, I'm glad you got it solved
  17. maybe you did the source changes but didn't recompiled the server, here it is working fine
  18. maby a list of patches that fail could help some are much easier than others to fix, and they can get done quick lol, seems like none of them are broken btw the character creation is fine, but when I try to login it gives: [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x5b27 (0x5b27), 19 b ytes received), disconnecting session #3.
  19. any ETA on when will you work on broken patches? xD PS: and what about the paletts bugs? =P sorry for being so anoying rofl but I'm having problems getting them to work since 2010 lol
  20. Hi, do you have a 2014-10-22ragexe unpacked version client? Could you please tell me where to download it? http://herc.ws/board/topic/7573-20141022b/#entry45660
  21. switch(select("Yes.:No.")) { case 1: mes "[Woman]"; mes "What a nice guy you are!"; close; case 2: mes "[Woman]"; mes "Ugh... Bye then."; close; } easy thing xD I came here expecting something complex
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